Herbert G. Hadfield

Herbert G. Hadfield was interviewed by Mary Giles on March 21, 1977. He spoke about his job as Landing Commissioner and his hobby of painting.   I was born in Fall River, but I’ve always felt that I was a Westporter in my origin. Evidently, when I was born I was very sickly and weak; […]

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Dorothy Gifford

Dorothy Gifford was interviewed by Mary Giles on September 21, 1976. She spoke at length about her involvement with the Westport Art Group, of which she was a founding member and the president.   Interviewer – I’ve always wanted to tape you because you have been the spearhead of so much that we’ve done with […]

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Arlene Gifford

Arlene Gifford was interviewed by Mary Giles in the fall of 1976. She spoke at length about her childhood and her late husband.   This morning, in speaking with Arlene Gifford of the Head of Westport, I hope to learn all I can of her life here, her interests and her opinions about our town. […]

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Janice Lawton Field

Janice Lawton Field was interviewed by Mary Giles on October 4, 1976. She spoke about her ancestors and her role in forming the Historical Society.     My family has been here in Westport and this area for a long time. It was John Cook who was here first; he is one of my ancestors. […]

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Eugene Feio

Eugene Feio was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 19, 1976. He spoke about his role as both constable and (acting) postmaster.   This evening we are going to talk all around the subjects that interest us. Mr. Feio, you have just recently been made Postmaster haven’t you?   Actually, I’m not the Postmaster right […]

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Helen Ellis and Rosamond Peirce

Helen Ellis and Rosamond Peirce were interviewed by Mary Giles on September 15, 1975. They spoke about a house that Helen had remodeled and her talent for sculpture.   Helen Ellis I bought it about 1916. Some people say there’s something new going on all the time. As we live, we change the things to fit […]

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Richard Earle

Richard Earle was interviewed by Mary Giles on December 11, 1975. He spoke about his job on a lobster boat.   I’ve lived all my life at Westport Point, most of the time right behind the Methodist Church. I went to the public schools in Westport until part way through high school, and then I […]

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Alford Dyson

Alford Dyson was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 14, 1976. He spoke of his work as a weaver and his time on the Board of Selectmen.     Alford Dyson was born in Somerset, Massachusetts in 1912. He has done many interesting things and been associated with many important things, especially with labor unions. […]

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Charles Costa

Charles Costa was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 21, 1976. He spoke of Westport’s farms and of the difficulties he faced on the Board of Selectmen.     (Charles Costa, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, is thought by most Westport citizens to be remarkably even tempered and fair when other tempers are rising.) […]

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Everett Coggeshall

Everett Coggeshall was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 10, 1976. He spoke at length about his childhood, the changes taking place in Westport at the time, and his status as the oldest plumber in the U.S.A.     Mr. Coggeshall, I know that you have worked hard for many years and that several people […]

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