Town records 1801

Page 137 AT A TOWN MEETING [held April 6, 1801 to elect state officers] Caleb Strong had 91 votes and Elbridge Gerry had 10 votes, for Governor; Samuel Philips had 91 votes, and Edward Robbins had 10 votes, for Lt. Governor; Elisha May had 46 votes, Alden Spooner had 40 votes, for Counsellors & Senators. […]

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Town records 1800

AT A TOWN MEETING [held April 7, 1800 to select a grand juror for Jury of Trials and two persons for common pleas and general sessions] Jonathan White was drawn as Grand juror and Nicholas Underwood & Isaiah Burden as jurors for Jury of Trials of common pleas. Page 129 AT A MEETING [to select […]

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Town records 1799

Page 120 AT A MEETING [held January 17, 1799 to select congressional representative] Stephen Bullock had 8 votes, being the whole number given in 1799 57 AT A MEETING [held April 1, 1799 to select persons for Court of General Session and Common Pleas] Roger White drawn to be Grand juror at General Sessions; Abial […]

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Town records 1798

Page 112 WARRANT To Thomas Wodle, constable, greetings [injunction to call town meeting for Monday, April 2,1798, from select men Wesson Kirby, Roger White & Abner Brownell, issued Mar 13, 1798 to consider the following articles, viz.] 1. to choose town officers 2. to give in their votes for country treasurer 3. To receive returns […]

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Town records 1797

AT A MEETING [to elect congressional representative held Monday the 16th day of January 17971 votes for Elisha May Esq 12 Also at said meeting voted that the Select Men be and hereby are requested, to provide for the support of Elizabeth Devol, in the way they shall think for the interest of the town […]

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Town records for 1796

AGREEABLE TO A VENERE from the clerkof court of Common Peas, requiring one person drawn to serve as a grand Juror for the year ensuing and one person to serve as a petit juror the town met April 4, 1796 and Benjamin Brownell 2 was drawn as grand juror and Benet Cook was drawn as […]

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Town records for 1795

AT A MEETING of the inhabitants on 12 January, 1795 to elect a congressional representative, The Honorable George Leonard had 9 votes; the Honorable David Cobb had 1 vote; and declaration made thereof in Town meeting accordingly. Page 89 AT A MEETING of the inhabitants on 23 March, 1795 for the purpose of voting for […]

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Town records for 1794

AT A TOWN MEETING legally warned and held at the Town House in Westport on Saturday the 8th day of February A.D. 1794 for the purpose of choosing an agent to answer for the Town at the next court of general sessions of the peace to be holden at Taunton within and for the county […]

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Town records for 1793

AT A TOWN MEETING legally warned and held at the Town House on Monday, the 14th day of January A.D. 1793 for voting for a Representative to Congress: The Honorable James Warren Esq. had 17 votes The Honorable John Davis had 2 votes At a town meeting legally warned and held at the Town House […]

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Town records for 1792

IN COMPLIANCE WITH A VENIRE to John Gifford, Constable of the Town of Westport in due form directed, the inhabitants of said town were notified and assembled at the Town House in said Town of Westport on the 25th day of February 1792 and George Lawton was chosen Moderator of said meeting. Joseph Gifford was […]

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