Town Records for 1791

Page 52 AT A LEGAL TOWN MEETING held at the town house on Friday the twenty sixth day of November 1790 in the Town of Westport the inhabitants of said town gave in their votes for Walter Spooner Esq 13 in number and for the purpose set forth above and written and written by said […]

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Town Records for 1790

Page 42 IN COMPLIANCE WITH A VENIRE FACIAS, issued from the Clerk of the Session of the County of Bristol, viz, Samuel Fales, Clerk, requiring the Constable of the Town of Westport to assemble the inhabitants of said Town to meet for the purpose of choosing one man for a Grand juror for the year […]

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Town Records for 1789

1789 13 Gifford, Constable in said Town. Assembled on said day and place and proceeded agreeable to the direction in said writ. 1. Abner Brownell was chosen Moderator for said meeting for the purpose of chosing a grand juror. 2. Wesson Sowle was chosen Grand juror for the year ensuing. 3. Peleg Cornell Jr. was […]

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Town Records for 1788

1788 5 Page 9 THE INHABITANTS of said Town of Westport who are qualified by law to vote being legally notified and warned to meet on Monday, February 25, 1788 at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford, Innkeeper, at one of the clock P.M. by Wesson Tripp one of the Constables of this Town. Assembled […]

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Town Records for 1787

1787 1 IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from Benjamin Russel Esq. directing William Almy to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Westport to meet together at some suitable place in said Town to choose all such town officers as towns are required to choose at their annual town meetings in the […]

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