Town records of 1838

1838 page 137.

March A. D. 1838. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the male inhabitants of said Town of Westport-by posting up notifications-one at the Town house-one at the store of Howland and Church one at the store of F. W. Mayhew and one at the store of Frederick Brownell-to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

Signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified according to law-held in the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of April A. D. 1838, for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant-. The following Officers were chosen and votes passed viz..

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. Moderator.

Frederick Brownell Town Clerk and sworn.

Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis and Daniel Gifford Selectmen and sworn.

Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Assessors and sworn.

Peleg W. Peckham, John Macomber, Freeman Lawrence, Committee on Accounts.

Surveyors of highways.

Jireh Brownell sworn ,Howland Tripp sworn ,William White sworn, Lemuel Reed jr. sworn John Howland sworn, Gideon W. Tripp sworn, Paul Fisher, Adam Gifford sworn, Daniel Wing sworn, Christopher Palmer sworn, David Sanford sworn, Joseph H. Tripp sworn, Joshua Woodell sworn, Ellery Macomber sworn, John R. Baker sworn, Joseph Brightman sworn, Isaac Gifford sworn, Peleg Manchester sworn, William G. Sowle sworn, John Gifford sworn, John Macomber sworn, George Wood, David U. Brownell sworn, John Sanford sworn,

end of page 137.

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Surveyors of highways.

Carmi Tripp sworn, Peter Devol, Benjamin Tripp sworn, Orrin Macomber sworn, Levi Gifford sworn, Thomas records, John Potter sworn, William Gifford Jr. sworn, Jared Chase sworn, William Tripp.

Prudential committees.

1. Thomas Records, 2 .Nicolas V. Kirby, 3 .Sanford Brightman, 4. Stephen Tripp, 5. Pardon Davis, 6. John A. Potter, 7. Justees Sherman, 8. William Allen, 9. Thomas W. Wood, 10. Green Allen, 11. Jacob Allen, 12. Edmund Tripp, 13. Abraham Macomber, 14. Stephen Howland, 15. John Sanford, 16. Orrin Macomber, 17. John R. Wodell, 18. Jared Chase, 19.C. A. church, 20. Joseph H. Tripp.

$1400. Voted. That the sum of fourteen hundred dollars be raised by a way of tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town of Westport for repairing

the highways the year ensuing. And the assessors are hereby directed to assess the same as soon as may be and deliver a list of the persons names and of the sums they are assessed to each surveyor with his limits according to law. That one dollar be allowed by the surveyor for nine hours work of a man or yoke of oxen, 33 cents for a plow and 25 cents for a cart-and in that proportion for parts of days. And that said sum be expended agreeable to law.

Horatio L. Danforth had 85 votes for County Treasurer. Nathan Wood one vote.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the second Monday in may next at one o’clock p.m..

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

End of page 138.

1838 page 139.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth. To notify and warn the male Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote in elections and in other Town affairs, to meet at the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of April next at one o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To choose a Moderator for said meeting.

2nd. To bring in their votes for three County Commissioners and two Special Commissioners being inhabitants of different Towns in said County.

3rd. To take such measures as may be been expedient in regards to an order of the Legislature of said Commonwealth on the petition of Andrew Robeson and others respecting a railroad from New Bedford to Fall River.

Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk on or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this twenty second day of March A. D. 1838.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Daniel Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

March A. D. 1838. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of said Town of Westport by posting up notifications-one at the Town house one at the store of Thomas W. Mayhew and one at the store of Frederick Brownell. To meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

Signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

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At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified agreeable to law holden at the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of April A. D. 1838 for the purposes expressed in

the foregoing warrant,votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by law is directed.

For County Commissioners.

Elkanah Briggs Esq. of Attleborough, one hundred and four votes 104.

Joseph Gifford Esq. of Dartmouth, one hundred and two votes 102.

John W. Seabury of Taunton one hundred and four votes 104.

Thomas A. Green of New Bedford ninety four votes 94.

Elkanah Bates of Mansfield ninety four votes 94.

William Seaver of Taunton ninety four votes 94.

For Special commissioners.

General William Peck of Dighton one hundred and four votes 104.

Cyrus E. Clark of Fairhaven one hundred and four votes 104.

Lemuel May of Attleborough ninety four votes 94.

Adoniram Crane of Berkley ninety four votes 94.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk

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Monday may 14, 1838. Agreeable to ajournment from the second day of April last the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met accordingly and passed the following votes viz..

Jonathan Tripp chosen Pound Keeper sworn.

Russell Gifford 2nd., Varnum Macomber, Abner B. Gifford, Stephen Howland, David Thompson, Frederick Brownell, David Sanford, and Freeman Lawrence, were chosen Surveyors of Wood and lumber.

Stephen Howland, Jeremiah T. Thompson and Abner B. Gifford Overseers of the landing head of East River.

John Potter, Allen Davis and Simeon Macomber Jr. Overseers of landing at the Point.

John Howland and Isaac L. Brightman Cullers of hoops and staves.

Peleg Manchester, Nathan C. Brownell sworn, Adam Gifford, Jonathan Davis, John Potter, Major Allen, Humphrey A. Slocum, Nathan Wood and Lemuel Brownell, Fence Viewers.

Perry Albert, Howard P. Tripp, Lemuel Reed ,Willard Reed, Elkanah Wodell, and Lawton H. Cory and George R. Pearse, sworn, Field drivers.

Adam Gifford Town Agent.

John Avery Gifford, John Avery Potter and Edward L. Gifford, General School Committee.

Jireh Brownell, Constable sworn. To have five dollars for his services doing Town’s business.

Voted. That the Prudential Committee of each school district be authorized to select and contract with school teachers for his own district.

Voted that the 10 months school provided for by law be dispensed with.

Voted that the sum of one thousand dollars be raised by way of tax for support of schools the year ensuing. That $3.50 per month be paid to the teachers employed in the several school districts five months or less previous to the first day of November next. That the remainder with the addition of $87.31 received from the State School Fund

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Be apportioned to the Teachers employed in the several districts four months or less between said first day of November and fifteenth day of March next. Provided that in any district where a female teacher

shall be employed in the winter they shall be allowed $3.50 per month and the balance apportioned among the male teachers. In each case the teachers to be furnished with such certificates as the law requires. That the Selectmen apportioned the money by the time the school is taught, for summer work, by the first day of November, and for the winter, by the fifteenth day of March next, and draw orders on the treasurer in favor of the teachers that comply with the law. If the Prudential committee or any other Inhabitant of the district in which a school is taught make return of the time to the satisfaction of the Selectmen by said first day of November and fifteenth day of March.

The committee on accounts made a report in writing that they had attended to the duty assigned them and found due to the several persons named in the list presented by them the sums set against their names respectively amounting to 2540.11.

It was thereupon voted to accept said report and direct the Treasurer to pay the sums allowed by the committee to the several persons therein named and charged the same to the Town. The committee also made the report that agreeable to their appointment they had examined the accounts of the treasurer and found that he had received for the Town the year past. $2980.07.

And had paid out 3450.72

leaving a balance against the Town of $470.65

The committee further reported that the Town is now indebted for orders now allowed 146.15.

Amount of notes and interest 868.80.


Amount now in the hands of Collector 302.27.

Oakum left with James U. Staples 240.00.

Demand against L. W. Clifford amounting to 68.00 610.27.

Leaving a balance against the Town of $875.33.

Which is humbly submitted may 12, 1838 signed John Macomber, Freeman Lawrence, Peleg W. Peckham, Committee.

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1838 page 143.

$1400. Voted. That the sum of fourteen hunderd dollars be raised by way of tax on the polls and estates of the inhabitants and nonresident owners of the Town of Westport for the support of paupers and other incidental expenses. To be assessed, collected and paid into the Treasury by the first day of March next and the Assessors are hereby directed to assess the same in the way

and manner provided by law and deliver a list thereof to the Collector as soon as may be. Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bristol S. S To Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote in elections. To meet at the Town house in said Town on Monday the twelfth day of November next at eleven oclock in the forenoon to act on the following articles. Viz. give in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counsellors. determine the number of Representatives and to choose one or more to represent them in the general court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the first Wednesday in January next.

3rd. to give in their votes for one Representative who is an Inhabitant of congressional district number 10. To represent them in the Congress of the United States of America for the term of two years from the third day of March,1839.

And also to meet at two oclock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz.:

1st. to choose a Moderator.

2nd. to know the Town’s mind in regards to building a bridge at the head of the East River.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

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3rd. To see if the Town will accommodate George R. Pearse by altering the line between school districts No. 12 and 13 so as to include him in No. 13.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this twenty fifth day of October A. D. 1838

signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. October 29, 1838.

By virtue of the within warrant I have notified and warned the male Inhabitants of said Town of Westport to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by posting up notifications-one at the Town house, one at the store of Howland and church, one at the store of F. W. Mayhew, and one at the store of Frederick Brownell, signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the twelfth day of November 1838 being the second Monday in said month for the purposes named in the foregoing warrant. votes for the following persons were given in sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed.

For Governor ;

His excellency Edward Everett sixty one votes 61.

Honorable Marcus Morton one hundred and forty votes 140.

For Lieutenant Governor

honorable George Hull sixty one 61.

Honorable Theodore Sedgwick one hundred and forty votes 140.

For Senators

honorable Seth Whitmarsh one hundred and forty votes 140.

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Horatio Pratt one hundred and forty votes 140.

Sampson Perkins one hundred and forty votes 140.

Lemuel May sixty one votes 61.

John Eddy sixty one votes 61.

Ephraim Kempton sixty one votes 61.

For Representatives to General Court. Whole number of ballots one hundred and sevnty three 173.

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. one hundred and sixty eight votes 168

Gamaniel Church one hundred and nine votes 109.

Andrew Hicks fifty nine votes 59.

John W. Howland two votes 2.

Jonathan Davis three votes 3.

Freeman Lawrence one vote 1.

Varnum Macomber one vote 1.

For Representatives to Congress.

Honorable Henry Williams one hundred and eighteen votes 118.

Nathaniel B. Borden sixty votes 60.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

For the next meeting.

Jonathan Davis chosen Moderator.

Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee to view the bridge at the head of the East River and report at the next annual meeting which in their opinion will be for the interest of the Town to build a stone or wood bridge and the probable expence of each.

The third article postponed to next April meeting.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

End of page 145.