When families step through the 18th-century door of Westport’s historic Handy House, they often don’t know what to expect. The extraordinary architectural features that make the house interesting to adults do not always engage their children. But an innovative family program offered this summer takes a different approach. The Handy House Family Reunion, a free […]

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The Curious Case of the Concealed Shoes

Have you ever found old shoes hidden in odd locations in your house? If so, your discovery may be evidence of a mysterious worldwide superstitious practice.  A recent donation of a collection of ancient shoes focused our attention on this strange practice of concealing shoes in buildings. This collection of shoes was discovered in a […]

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Photo album of cyanotypes

A wonderful recent donation of a photo album with cyanotypes, mostly of Horseneck and other Westport areas. This album belonged to Ella Hargraves Lawton, maternal grandmother of Janet Rodgers. Brother: Robert Elkanah Lawton. They were brought up on a farm in Westport.

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Westport’s Shipbuilding Challenges

Westport’s Unique Shipbuilding Challenges In the early years, launching boats and conducting business on the Noquochoke (East Branch of the Westport River) was relatively straightforward. Boats were generally of the smaller variety, and the unique locations of launching points and river crossings did little to impact the boatbuilding business. With the advent of the whaling […]

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Shipbuilding in Westport Overview

It doesn’t take long for one to realize that Buzzard’s Bay coastal communities are a special place; pristine, tranquil places filled with charm and nostalgia. The sun-bleached capes and manicured captain’s homes that rim these country lanes remind us of a time when the sea was our connection to the World, and our forefather’s fortitude […]

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Hi-Way Casino

Hi-Way Casino, Route 6 Westport, one of Westport’s more glamorous nightclubs of the 1930s-50s. Located between Fall River and New Bedford. Largest night club in new England. Seating 1200 people with private banquet hall. Known for fine floor shows. Owned and operated by Henry O. Gaudreau. Among the many popular jazz bands that played the […]

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How Westport Became a Town (1787)

By Tony Connors Most sources describing Westport’s split from Dartmouth say something like: “In 1787 Westport separated from Dartmouth and was incorporated as an independent town.” That’s it! But we know that it must have been more difficult than that. Separations are always contentious, involving negotiations, accusations, winners and losers. While this makes the story […]

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