Westport Harbor September 21st 1938

The close knit community of Westport Harbor had enjoyed another typical summer of sailing, golfing, tennis and dancing and despite it being late September many Harborites were still in residence. The day had began clear and sunny, but some noticed how strong the sea was running. By 3PM, residents were facing gale force winds, and […]

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Anonymous account of 1938 Hurricane

Horseneck Beach 9/21/1938 The first warning I had of the storm was about 2 P.M. while driving down the Horseneck Road. Half way between Waldo’s place and the Island View Farm, I heard, so I thought, a truck roaring down the hill behind me and I swerved quickly to the right and slowed to allow […]

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Acoaxet Secession, 1926

In 1926 summer residents of Westport Harbor petitioned the State to secede from Westport; they felt that they paid much in taxes but received few services and could not vote (because non-residents) on the Town budget. The Legislature kicked the matter back to the Town, and at a Town Meeting of January, 1926, the proposal […]

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About a century ago there were a number of hunting and fishing camps at various waterside locations in town. One such was subsequently converted into a dwelling. The names of the buildings at the camp may prove of interest. The camp itself was called “Gun-a-bit,” the main house was called “Grin-a-bit,” the kitchen was called […]

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Howe to Roosevelt

Howe was a friend, confidante and adviser of FDR, and FDR in fact did visit Howe at his summer cottage on Horseneck Beach. Howe was early convinced that Roosevelt would be President one day, hence the salutation. FDR did come to Westport and visit Howe. (www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/eleanor/peopleevents/pande04.html) We are indebted to Russ Hart for a copy […]

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