Eleanor Tripp

Eleanor Tripp was interviewed by Mary Giles on October 13, 1976. She spoke about her and her husband’s work restoring the Handy House.     Eleanor, could you tell about the ‘Handy House’ and you.   Louis and his wife, Florence, were just riding around Westport and they had in mind buying a boat, and […]

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Borden C. Tripp

Borden C. Tripp was interviewed by Mary Giles on October 7, 1976. He spoke about his childhood and his opinion on political matters in Westport.   I was born in Fall River. I bought the farm I now live on and my father bought the next one to it when I was about 14, I […]

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Archer and Della Tripp

Archer and Della Tripp were interviewed by Mary Giles on October 5, 1976. They spoke about their childhoods and Archer’s many jobs. Archer – I was born here in 1911 on Drift Road. I lived there the first three years of my life, then we moved to Cornell Road. Well, I started school from Cornell, […]

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Allen G. Tripp

Allen G. “Bill” Tripp was interviewed by Mary Giles on October 12, 1976. He spoke about his work building boats.   We had what was just a boat shop at my father’s home, which is up on Main Road. I think it was started before 1903. He built boats up there.   I was born […]

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Audrey Tripp

Audrey Tripp was interviewed by Mary Giles in 1976. She spoke about her childhood in Westport, her career as a teacher, and her activities later in life.   I was born in Westport. I’m a native daughter. I was born on Pine Hill Road in a farmhouse, which is now the home of Julius T. […]

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John Swartz

John Swartz was interviewed by Mary Giles on September 19, 1976. He spoke about the Village Commons and his farm.   I was born in Dartmouth, just across the road from Westport at 79 Division Road.   Both of my parents were born in St. Johns, Azores. They weren’t married there; they were married here. […]

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Mary A. W. Sowle

Mary A. W. Sowle was interviewed by Mary Giles on December 4, 1975. She spoke about her life in Westport. Interview with Mary A. W. Sowle, one of Westport’s Mayflower descendants.   I was born on Cornell Road, and when I left there I was 22 months old. I went to live with my grandmother […]

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Julius T. Smith

Julius T. Smith was interviewed by Mary Giles on December 3, 1975. He spoke about his farm and his bird watching. I’m talking with Julius T. Smith, well known in Westport for his farming, newspaper columns and his leadership in the Paskamansett Bird Club.   At one time, Westport farmers were specializing particularly in chicken […]

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Eleanor Simmons

Eleanor Simmons was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 29, 1976. She spoke about the late Oscar Palmer, who had died earlier that same year. Oscar Palmer started to school at Macomber’s Corner.   There was a school there then, about one-quarter mile, right here, yes. He started in the first grade there and walked up […]

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Jones Shannon

Jones Shannon was interviewed by Mary Giles on December 2, 1976. He spoke about his work within the Episcopal Church.   Joe, I know a few things about your life here in Westport, and because you have contributed so much to our community, the Westport Bicentennial Committee is eager to have you tell us more […]

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