A Westporter at the Panama Canal

From our intern Mark Allen The Panama Canal is one of the greatest achievements in American ingenuity, and serves as the perfect symbol of an entire era of our politics. Despite the moral quandaries one might have with how we procured the land (starting a revolution in a sovereign nation and all), the Panama Canal […]

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John S. Babcock Miniature Furniture Collection

I suspect that many Westporters have in their possession a piece of John Babcock’s miniature furniture. Such pieces may be considered dollhouse furniture, but the level of craftsmanship elevates his work to something more than just toys for child’s play. Fortunately, the Westport Historical Society has a representative sample of this miniature furniture. Made by […]

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The Macomber Family of Central Village

Westport Historical Society Collection 2000.205.001 The Macomber Family of Central Village Hand Written By Marianna Macomber Typed By Margaret (Macomber) Douglas in 1970 (Miss. Marianna Macomber Passed Away in the 1960’s) FACTS, HEARSAY AND MEMORIES It is quite possible that nobody will care to read what I am writing, but yet it may be of […]

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Westport in 1962

Penny and Alton Hadfield Collection WHS 2019.024 We recently received a collection of 178 photographs of Westport scenes taken in 1962. The collection was created by Penny Hadfield as part of a graduate course on urban/suburban growth and development in the Geography Department of Boston University. “I had to take the bus down from Boston […]

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The Powder House, Head of Westport

The powder house was built c. 1812 by a town military brigade called into existence by the War of 1812. It was probably used as a “magazine” rather than a powder house, housing “home guard” stores of shot. Its first site was on the lot where 51 Drift Road now sits. Later it moved behind […]

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