Shipbuilders, Allen and Sisson and the Kate Cory

In the shipyard behind the Cory store, Frank Sisson and Eli Allen built the Kate Cory in 1856. The specifications have been transcribed from the original document in the collection of the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Carpenter’s certificate for the Mermaid built for Andrew Hicks in 1855. [Courtesy New Bedford Whaling Museum] Kate Cory Specifications […]

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The Cory Dynasty

[Cory House – Photo by Jon Alden.] Three generations of the leading Westport Point merchant family, the Corys, made this house their home. Isaac Cory, Isaac Cory, Jr. and Alexander Hamilton Cory built ships, managed whaling and fishing voyages and served as general merchandisers of the area. They are best remembered for their ship, the […]

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‘No place in the world like Westport Point’

[Westport Point looking north from the collection of the WHS – Click for larger image.] Westport Point, offered one of the most protected harbors in the region and by 1855 it was home port to over 18 whaling vessels. It had gradually developed as a self-sufficient provisioning center for whaling voyages. Blacksmiths, coopers, ship carpenters, […]

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Logbook of the Harbinger

[Drawing of the Harbinger courtesy of the NBWM] This colorful drawing adorns the cover of a logbook of a voyage on the Harbinger. The same logbook records multiple desertions of the crew, a common occurrence, although not always to the extent shown here. Boredom, discomfort, cruelty and violence onboard or the temptations of paradise were […]

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The Union – first and nearly last

[Crew list for 1805 whaling voyage courtesy of NBWM] The first officially recorded whaling voyage from Westport Point is that of the sloop Union in 1775, Thomas Case master. This document lists the crew of the Union in 1805 making a 6 month voyage to the North Atlantic, Jonathan Mayhew master. One of the last […]

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The Whaling Empire of Andrew Hicks

Andrew Hicks became one of Westport’s most prominent and enduring entrepreneurs in the whaling industry, owning 9 vessels registered at Westport. He was born in Westport in 1799, the eldest son of Barney and Sarah Cook Hicks. In 1836 he fitted out his first vessel, the President and his success continued for the next 50 […]

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Owner: Thomas Mayhew

Thomas Mayhew was the principal owner of the Catherwood and Thomas Winslow in the 1840’s. Undoubtedly, the profits from these voyages funded the construction of this distinctive federal style house at 2018 Main Road, Westport Point, circa 1848. [Photograph courtesy Jon Alden]

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