Benjamin Baker

Benjamin Baker was interviewed by Mary Giles on December 6, 1976. He was thirteen at the time, and discussed school, sports, and travel. Ben, how do you like living out in the country in this beautiful old house, far away from neighbors? Your family has created a very beautiful place here, using parts of several […]

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Ann Baker

Ann Baker was interviewed by Mary Giles on November 15, 1976. She spoke in great length about her work as an architect and her fascination with history. LISTEN TO ANN BAKER PART 1 LISTEN TO ANN BAKER PART 2 Tell me Ann, why are you working as an architect on the building you are now […]

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William Almy, jr.

William Almy, jr. was interviewed by Mary Giles on October 25, 1975. He spoke to her in length about his family’s long history in Westport, along with his career in horse breeding. LISTEN TO PART I LISTEN TO PART 2 William Almy – “According to the early records of the Almy family here in Westport, […]

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Roger and Dorothy Acheson

The Achesons were interviewed in 1976 by Mary Giles for the Bicentennial Celebration. They had spent their time working on the family dairy farm for many years.   We came from New Bedford and raised vegetables for a long time. During the depression I worked for the government.   You like my paintings? I started […]

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Westport third grade visits the Point

Westport Historical Society Children’s Heritage Education Program gets underway! For many students, this was the first time that they had visited Westport Point!   Westport third-graders are the current focus of this program in order to help teachers fulfill the statewide Civics requirement from the Massachusetts Department of Education. Eventually the program will be open […]

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This research category encompasses a variety of resource types including taverns and guesthouses, recreational facilities, and summer home communities.  Broadly defined, these categories are tied together by their function within the Westport community as places where people traveled to and from, either for short periods of time, as would be the case with taverns and […]

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Religious Organizations

Westport’s earliest religious association is closely tied to the Society of Friends, as is that of neighboring Dartmouth.  Westport’s earliest settlers were included in the Apponagansett Meeting in Old Dartmouth.  As settlement expanded in present-day Westport, the Acoaxet Meeting was established as a separate entity in 1699.  Members met in local homes for several years, […]

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Overview of Mills

Westport contains waterpower sources in virtually every section of town.  As a result, the historic period development of commercial and industrial sites is closely tied to Westport’s mills.  Mills operated throughout the entire historic period, and ranged from simple short-term wheels along seasonal streams to extensive complexes of multiple mill types along major streams and […]

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Maritime Activities

Maritime activities in Westport were necessarily centered around the coastal region, although the deep reaches of the Westport River allowed shipbuilding and other activities to occur well into the central portion of the town.  This research category includes shipbuilding as well as offshore activities such as whaling, fishing, and coastal trade that relied on Westport […]

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Agricultural Activities

The development of early Westport included the creation of Euro-American farms on large tracts of fertile land in the southern section of town.  Following a pattern seen in other coastal New England towns, settlers likely chose lands that had been cleared and cultivated by Native Americans during the Woodland and Contact periods.  The reports of […]

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