What happened to Washingtonian Hall?

What happened to Washingtonian Hall after the demise of the Washingtonian Society? Sometime before 1880 it became known as Riverside Hall.DutraHouse.jpg

In the late 19th century it was owned by George E. Gifford, who rented it out for dances. Later it was sold to a wheelwright who operated a shop for many years. From 1929 to 1935 it was owned by David Allen, who operated a tea room and ice cream parlor

Keeping in mind the building’s temperance heritage, it is noteworthy that its next owner, Arthur M. Reed, got approval from the Westport Selectmen in 1935 to open it as a tavern. However, the Landing Commission was opposed (the building was on town land), so Reed moved it a few hundred feet to the north. The tavern closed shortly thereafter because it was considered “too rowdy.” The original Washingtonian Hall is currently a private home, on the banks of the Westport River on Old County Road.