Westport Matters Antique Houses, Arts and Crafts

Ancient Art of Spinning

These ancient skills are nearly vanished in our society. The patience, research and study required to maintain this art is analogous to the pursuit of college professions.

The Art of building walls

Brian Guimond and co. talk about and demonstrate the art and work of building stone walls.

Holder White Homestead

Holder White Homestead at the Head of Westport is explored in depth with the last family owner prior to the sale of the property.

Roger and Gina Chandanais

Roger and Gina discuss the construction and use garage modifications to build a studio for Gina’s Dance lesson classes.

Antique Shingle Mill 2

Country Cottage, Curios and Gifts Store

Details of a thriving small business.

Ray Reykert WW2 Veteran

Ray Reykert recounts life story and war experiences and memorabilia collection.

Westport Point Store

Historic Westport Point Store has evolved over the centuries and continues to provide valuable services in modern times.

So. Ea. Shellfish Association

Volunteers dedicated to improving Westport’s shellfish harvest. Shows the dedication of a self funded experimental “Shellfish Shack” to initiate a shellfish breeding program.

Long Existing Westport Women’s Club

Discussion with members of the Westport Women’s Club about their goals, benefits and contributions to the community.

Painting of Westport Artist Mary Hicks Brown

Detailed look at the paintings of Mary Hicks Brown.

Mr C. Rocking Horses

White Ledoux Forest Improvement and Woodcutting Westport Matters

Small scale woodcutting and forest improvement practice, combining; sustainable forest, wildlife habitat and use of wood by-products for lumber and heat.
Wood is carbon neutral and does not add to the carbon footprint.

Antique Structures, with Ann ‘Pete’Baker

Pete Baker narrates the details, materials and techniques involved in construction of historic structures; Houses and other buildings. Westport Matters No. 252, 1-16-2004.

Culinary Arts Schooling

Chef Paul Amaral describes the teaching of Culinary Arts and food management at New Bedford MA VOKE School.


Descriptive details of shoeing a horse are explained and demonstrated by a farrier at “Country View” a Westport MA Stable.