Kay Earle
Posted on January 20, 2025 by Jenny ONeill
Katherine “Kay” Noyes Trafford Earle (1900 – 1957)
Community caretaker
11 Valentine Lane, and 143 Lower Drift Road, Westport Point
Kay Trafford Earle was born in 1900 in Worcester, Ma, daughter of Charles A. Trafford (in the insurance business and born in Fall River) and Emily C. Gifford (born in Westport.) She grew up playing mandolin and the piano. Kay graduated from Wheaton College, studying to become a school teacher. She was engaged to Lt. Forrest Sherman in 1921 but the marriage never took place because it was realized they were close relatives. In 1923 and 1924 she taught at the Westport High School where Milton Earle was Principal. Kay and Milton were married in 1925 in Dartmouth where Kay was living. Milton was the son of Edward M. Earle and Nelli A. Brightman, with a Ph.D. from Brown in mathematics. Milton soon after became superintendent of schools in Westport. Kay and Milton first lived on Highland Avenue in North Westport, then moved to 11 Valentine Lane at a home built by Thomas P. Earle, Milton’s ancestor. Katherine bought 1943 Drift Road in 1936 and she and Milton had built their home there by 1939. They had 4 sons: Edward T., William T, John W “Deacon” and Richard “Richie” B.
Milton was in the US Navy Reserve from 1917 to 1932 and attended the War College. Kay was very active in the American Legion Auxiliary for many years and a charter member and officer. When she died, she was honored by the Auxiliary by sending an Afghan to the Rutland VA hospital. She won prizes for her knitting and sewing in the town fairs. She was also active in the Westport Point Methodist Church, holding leadership positions. She was opposed to alcohol consumption and worked with the American Temperance Society to keep alcoholic drinks illegal. She died at a young age and was buried at Beech Grove Cemetery.