Town records of 1855
Posted on September 5, 2003 by Greg Stone
Page 510.
Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the town of Westport in said County. Greeting.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify a the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet at the town house in said town on Monday the 2d day of April next at ten o’clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles:
!st. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.
2d. To choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing.
3rd. To hear the report of the Selectmen and act thereon.
4th. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the support of schools and to defray other town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same.
5th. To determine the manner of repairing highways town ways and bridges the year ensuing.
6th. To bring in their votes for a County Treasurer.
7th. To see if the town will purchase a wood lot now owned by Thomas J. Allen.
8th. To see if the town will accept a list of Jurors as prepared by the Selectmen.
9th. to see if the town will take any measures in regard to one or more public burying lots.
10th. To know the towns mind in regard to an action commenced against the town of Dartmouth.
11th. To discontinue the old Sodom road so-called if thought advisable.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at three or more public places within the town fourteen
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Days at least before the time for holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.
Given under our hands this twelfh day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five.
Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Joshua Wordell. Selectmen of Westport.
Bristol S. S.. Westport March 14th, 1855. By virtue of the within warrant I have posted attested copies thereof at three public places in said town.
Eli P. Lawton constable of Westport.
Service 90 cents
three copies 72 cents
travail five miles 20 cents
On the second day of April 1855 the inhabitants of the town of Westport met agreeable to the foregoing warrant and the following named officers were chosen and votes passed.
For Moderator.
B. B. Sisson.
For town clerk George H. Gifford and sworn.
For Selectmen George H. Gifford, Russell Gifford and Israel Allen was chosen and sworn.
For Assessors George H. Gifford chosen and sworn
Thomas J. Allen chosen and sworn
Daniel B. Pettey chosen and sworn
Russell Gifford chosen and sworn
Isaac Francis chosen.
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Voted. That the Selectmen be Overseers of the Poor.
Voted. That the Treasurer be Collector.
Voted. That whoever gets the vote shall do it for the lowest bid.
Voted. To receive bids for Collector and Treasurer.
William T. Brownell bid 3 percent.
George H. Gifford bid 2 percent.
Eli he P. Lawton bid 1 1/2 percent.
Edwin B. Gifford bid 1 1/2 percent.
George H. Gifford was then chosen and sworn. As Treasurer and Collector. It was then voted that the Treasurer and Collector have one and one half percent for his services.
Voted. That the same discount be made on taxes as last year.
For Constables. Constables Nathan Wood and Edwin B. Gifford were chosen and sworn.
For Sealer of Weights and Measures Isaac Francis was chosen.
For General School Committee Giles E. Brownell Jr., B. Parris and John G. Wady were chosen.
For Pound Keeper John T. Pettey was chosen.
Voted. That the persons be field drivers as was chosen last year and Canaan Dyer was sworn.
For Surveyors of Lumber and Measurers of Wood and Bark. Voted. To have the same that was chosen last year.
Voted. That each school district choose their own Prudential Committee.
Voted. To raise the sum of one thousand dollars for the purpose of repairing the highways and to have it assessed in with the other taxes and to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen.
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Voted. To choose the same number of Highway Surveyors as last year and the following named persons was chosen Surveyors of Highways viz.
Edmund Kirby chosen.
David Lawton chosen and sworn in the meeting
Charles Little chosen
Barney Hicks chosen and sworn in the meeting.
Benjamin F. Tripp chosen sworn April 11,1855
James F. Tripp chosen sworn April 10,1855
Levi Gifford chosen sworn April 4, 1855
Lemuel M. Gifford chosen sworn April 24, 1855
Samuel G. Allen chosen sworn April 21, 1855
George J. Allen chosen sworn April 5, 1855
Elkanah Wordell chosen and sworn in the meeting.
Henry Brightman chosen and sworn in the meeting
Stephen K. Howland chosen and sworn in the meeting
Elisha C. Peckham chosen and sworn in the meeting
Daniel H. Allen chosen sworn April 5, 1855.
Stephen P. Kirby chosen
Charles E. Brownell chosen
George White chosen
Abraham Macomber chosen and sworn in the meeting.
James Reed chosen sworn April 24,1855.
Thomas Gifford first chosen sworn April 21, 1855
Daniel Wing chosen sworn April 21, 1855
Peleg S. Sanford chosen and sworn in the meeting.
Robert Potter chosen and sworn in the meeting.
Perry Davis chosen sworn may 12, 1855
Thomas B. Gifford chosen and sworn in the meeting
Joshua Wordell chosen and sworn in the meeting
Stephen R. Howland chosen
Pierce Tompkins chosen
Nathaniel Kirby chosen and sworn in the meeting.
John Sanford chosen and sworn in the meeting
Wanton B. Sherman chosen and sworn in the meeting
Daniel B. Snell chosen sworn April 10, 1855
George H. Gifford chosen and declined serving.
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For Landing Commissioners Abraham Macomber, Frederick Brownell, Varnum Macomber and Benjamin F. Tripp was chosen and sworn.
Voted. That there be the same amount of money raised for schools and in the same manner as last year and that it be divided among the districts the same ($2000.).
Voted. To raise the same amount for incidental expenses as last year ($3500.)
Voted. To purchase the wood lot of Thomas J. Allen.
Voted. To purchase the six acre lot adjoining the wood lot of Thomas J. Allen for a public burying Brown.
Voted. That Abraham R. Gifford be a superintendent of the public burying ground subject always to the discretion, authority and control of the Selectmen.
Voted. To continue the case now pending between the towns of Westport and Dartmouth.
For County Treasurer.
George M. Woodward of Taunton had thirty two votes that being the whole number cast.
Voted. To discontinue the old Sodom Road.
Voted. That the same persons be fence viewers that was chosen last year.
Voted. That there be five hundred copies of the report of the financial concerns of the town printed and circulated before the annual town meeting next April.
Voted. That Frederick Brownell, Joshua Wordell and Eli P.Lawton be an auditing committee.
Voted. That the Treasurer loan the money and give his note in behalf of the town for the
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Purpose of paying for the wood lot and public Burying Ground.
Voted. To raise the sum of two hundred dolars to be appropriated on the burying ground under the direction of the Superintendent and Selectmen.
Voted. To accept the report of the Selectmen and Landing Commissioners and also the list of Jurors as made out by the Selectmen.
A true record. Attest George H. Gifford. Town clerk.
The following is a list of Jurors that was accepted by the town. April 2d, 1855.
Thomas Sanford, Rufus W. Brightman, Joshua Wordell, George H. Gifford, Stephen P. Kirby, Justus Sherman, Jeremiah Devoll, Henry B. Gifford, Edwin Lawton, Peleg H. Gifford, William G. Allen, Restcome Macomber, Frederick W. Brownell, Eli P. Lawton, Perry Davis, Thomas Records, Isaac Howland, Abiel Davis, Gershom Wordell, Wilson Sherman, Alexander B. Gifford, Paul Fisher, Benjamin Davis 1st, Weston M. Cornell, Stephen K. Howland, Henry T. Gifford, Russell Gifford, John Gifford, Henry Smith, Joshua W. Gifford, Daniel B. Aikins, Edwin B. Gifford, Darius Davis, James Allen, Daniel K. Brown, Andrew Davis, George F. Wood, Willard Reed, Holder White, Thomas B. Carr, Gideon B. Peckham, Thomas Allen Jr., Abraham Macomber, David Lawton, Luther M. Dayton, Giles E. Brownell.
Attest George H. Gifford. Town clerk
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Bristol S. S.. April 9, 1855. Then personally appeared Jonathan Pierce and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duly as field driver, Perry Davis to the faithful discharge of his duty as Surveyor of Lumber and measurer of Wood and Bark and Holder Wordell as fence viewer.
Before me George H. Gifford. Town clerk.
Bristol S. S.. April 10, 1855. Personally appeared David Lawton and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as Surveyor of Lumber and measurer of Wood and Bark.
Before me George H. Gifford. Town clerk.
Bristol S. S.. May 23, 1855. Then personally appeared Leonard Brightman and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duly as field driver the ensuing year.
To either of the constables of the town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the town house in said Westport on Wednesday the twenty third day of may eighteen hundred and fifty five it being the fourth Wednesday of said month at one o’clock in the afternoon To bring in their votes to the Selectmen for or against each of the articles of amendments of the Constitution as agreed to
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By the last and present General Court all on one ballot.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at four or more public places in said town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.
Given under our hands this tenth day of may in the year one thoudand eight hundred and fifty five.
Signed George H. Gifford, Israel Allen, Russell Gifford. Selectmen of Westport.
Bristol S. S.. Westport may the 23, 1855.
I have posted up notices as within directed one at the store of Alexander H. Cory and company one do? at Ezra T. Brownell and company, one do? At Christopher H. Church and company, and at Davises corner.
Nathan Wood. Constable
Westport made 23, 1855. Then the inhabitants of Westport agreeable to the foregoing warrant and gave in their votes as follows viz
on article number one four yes and seven know.
On article number two ten yes
On article number three nine yes
On article number four nine yes
on article number five ten yes
on article number six nine yes and one no.
A true record. Attest George H. Gifford. Town clerk
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Bristol S. S.. June 15, 1855. Then personally appeared Jireh Brownell and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duly as fence viewer for the ensuing year.
Before me George H. Gifford. Town clerk
(note : the Pages of the records have resumed numbering and those numbers will be referred to hereafter.)
Page 1.
The following is a list of the persons names that are enrolled in the militia in the town of Westport for the year 1855.
Allen Frederic, Allen William G., Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Samuel G., Allen James, Allen John, Allen Charles, Anthony John L., Allen Gideon A., Allen Ruben H., Allen James P., Allen Cornelius T., Allen Abner, Allen Daniel H., Anthony Isaac A., Adams John R., Allen Israel, Anthony Nicolas B., Aikins Daniel B., Allen Eli G., Allen Pardon S., Aikins Benjamin R., Andrews Samuel,
Borden Pardon S., Brownell Philip H., Brightman John, Brightman Sanford 2d, Butts George W., Brownell Alexander, Bradley David S., Brightman John H., Brightman Elias P., Brightman Leander, Brightman Elihu, Brownell Andrew W., Brownell Ezra P., Brownell Isaac S., Brownell James H., Briggs John A., Bessee Peter S., Bassett G. Joseph S., Brightman Leonard, Brownell Giles E., Brownell George A., Borden Thomas 2d, Borden John, Baker Charles W., Baker Edward M., Brightman Rufus W., Brownell George R., Briggs Christopher, Briggs Joseph Jr., Briggs Jeremiah, Borden Peleg S., Brownell Alanson P., Briggs Elias T., Brownell Frederick W., Brownell David E., Bessee Aaron, Brightman Gideon, Brownell Uriah, Briggs Ephraim Jr., Brown Daniel K., Baker John H., Blanchard Isaac F., Benson William F., Brightman Elihu S., Brightman John 2d, Borden Charles,
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Chace Thomas J., Chace William W., Cornell William A., Cornell James W., Cornell Stephen K., Crapo George B., Cornell Weston M., Caroll Charles, Chedell Timothy B,, Cornell Joshua H., Craw Charles N., Crapo Daniel, Chace Gideon R., Coggshall Stephen, Chace Jonathan, Craw Henry B., Charles Chace, Carr Thomas B., Cornell Daniel H., Cornell Pardon, Chace Elbridge G., Church Christopher A., Cornell John Allen, Cummings William H., Cornell James, Clark Henry, Cornell John, Cornell Thomas W., Cory Alexander H., Carter Richard W., Cornell Stephen B.,
Dyer Abraham, Davis Thomas W., Davis Walter S., Dyer Warren, Davis?, Davis Edmund, Dean John T., Davis Peter, Devoll George F., Davis Abiel, Davis Perry, Devoll James P., Davis Alfred C., Davis Benjamin, Davis Benjamin 2d, Davis Charles R., Dyer Canaan G., Davis Adrian, Devoll Edward S., Dring Thomas, Davis Job Jr., Davis Darius, Devoll Samuel, Durfee Job, Draper Chester, Davis George, Devoll Edwin Lee., Dunham Anderson S., Davis Christopher ,
Earl Isaac B.,
Freelove Clark Jr., Freelove Joseph, Francis Hiram, Fisher Charles
Gifford Eli, Gifford George B., Gifford?
That it the the it up the H. the it the of the it the of of him is of the the 5
Page 3.
Gifford Charles, Gifford Benjamin, Gifford Henry H., Gifford Henry T., Gammons John, George Gifford B., Gifford Giles R., Grinnell Eben S., Grinnell Oliver, Grinnell John, Grinnell Asa, Gifford Lysander W., Grinnell William, Gifford Christopher R., Gifford Richard S., Gifford Alexander B., Gifford Peleg H., Gifford Edwin B., Gifford Elihu B., Gifford Weston, Gifford Philip H., Gifford Thomas B., Gifford Charles F., Gifford Alfred, Gifford Albert A., Gifford Samuel F., Gifford Abraham R., Gifford Samuel, Gifford Thomas W., Gifford William H., Gifford William H. 2d, Gifford Nathaniel, Gifford Benjamin F., Gifford Frederic W., Gifford Samuel S., Gifford Humphrey A. Jr., Gifford Peleg C., Gifford Ephraim, Gifford Stephen,
Howland Loeth, Howland William P., Howland Stephen R., Howland Stephen K., Howland Isaac, Howland Alexander K., Howland William, Howland David S., Hunter John, Hicks Barney, Hicks Reuben C., Hix George A., Handy William W., Hedge Mortimer, Hathaway Albert, Hitt Humphrey, Hitt Charles, Howland Henry B., Haskel Leonidas, Haskel Isaac,
Kirby Perry, Kirby Nathaniel, Kirby Tillinghast, Kirby Edmund, Kirby Stephen P., Kirby Harvey W., Kirby George W., Kirby Uriah, King Alfred, King Asa S., King Leander C.,
Levere Arnold B., Lawton Perry G., Lawton David,
Page 4.
Lawton Edwin, Lawton Robert, Lawton Gideon, Lawton Eli P., Lawton Uriah, Lawton George B., Lawton John, Lawton James R., Lawton Russell S., Little Charles, Levere William,
Macomber Leonard, Macomber Israel, Macomber Alexander, Macomber Restcome, Macomber Otis, Macomber Isaac W., Macomber Andrew S., Macomber Richard, Macomber Daniel, Macomber John C., Macomber Alexander H., Macomber Andrew, Macomber George B., Mosher Charles, Mosher George M., Mosher Israel, Mosher Lorenzo B., Mosher John, Mosher Joseph Jr., Mosher Frederick P., Mosher Benjamin F., Mosher William A., Manchester Abraham E., Manchester Wilbour P., Manchester Borden, Manchester George L., Manchester James W., Manchester William W., Manchester Charles Jr., Mosher Frederick S., Mosher Ruben H., Mosher Charles, Willard Ebenezer, Macomber Charles H., Willard David H., Mosher Edward P., Mayhew Thomas H.,
Nooning William B., Nooning Jonathan, Nye Joseph,
Palmer Henry, Palmer James, Potter Charles, Potter Frederick P., Potter Abner S., Potter Pardon C., Potter Isaac S., Pettey Potter, Pettey John T., Pettey Abner P., Pettey holder P., Pettey Pardon 2d, Pierce Jonathan, Pierce George R. Jr., Peckham Edward, Pettey George, Parris John B., Pettey Edward,
Page 5.
Pettey David B., Pettey David, Pettey James H., Pettey John, Pettey Thomas J., Palmer Abner, Peckham Elisha C., Peckham Benjamin, Perry Joseph, Pettey Ray Green,
Reed Willard, Reynolds Malachi, Records Philander, Reed Charles H.,
Slocum Willard W., Sherman Daniel, Sherman Wilson, Sherman Thomas B., Sherman Kempton, Sherman Abner, Sherman Wanton B., Sampson John, Snell Henry, Snell Humphrey W., Snell Moses, Snell Alexander, Snell Rodolphus, Smith Henry, Smith John A., Sowle Charles P., Sowle Benjamin, Sowle Russell, Sowle John, Sowle James, Sowle Robert, Sowle Loeth H., Snow James L., Sowle Henry Jr., Sowle Pardon M., Sanford Silas B., Sanford Caleb P., Sanford David Jr., Sanford Peleg S., Sanford Thomas, Sanford Barnabas B., Sanford David, Sisson Charles, Sisson Alden P., Sisson George F., Sisson Daniel H., Sisson Stephen P., Sisson Jonathan F., Sabins William H., Sabins Gideon B., Sabins Philander G., Sabins Weston G., Sabins Job, Simmons Eben, Simmons Benjamin, Simmons George W., Shaw Benjamin P., Seabury Albert, Sanford John W., Stevens William R., Sowle Abner, Snell David B., Seabury Humphrey W., Sherman Jireh S., Simons William, Stearns John,
Page 6.
Tripp Charles H., Tripp Holder, Tripp Daniel H., Tripp George A., Tripp Luthon B., Tripp Stephen, Tripp Francis, Tripp John G., Tripp Jeremiah B., Tripp Uriah B., Tripp Edmund Jr., Tripp Ellis, Tripp Jonathan, Tripp William H., Tripp Charles H. 2d, Tripp Weston S., Tripp James F., Tripp Alexander A., Tripp Humphrey, Tripp Algerene, Tripp Solomon C., Tripp Alonzo B., Tripp John A., Tripp Stephen R., Tallman Jethro,
White Peleg S., Winchester Nathaniel W., White Holder, Wing George W., Wing Frederick A., Wing Perry G., Wing Charles, Wing Lewis, Wing Benjamin Franklin, Wood George F., Wood Alexander, Wood Nathan W., Wood Lawton, Wordell Elkanah, Wordell Holder, Wordell Christopher, Wordell Richard, Wordell Humphrey H., Wordell Joshua , Wordell Gershom A., Waite Ruben, Waite Daniel H., Whalon Henry, Whalon Gideon, Whalon John R., Whalon David S., Weston John W., Wilcox Hodijah B., Wilcox Jedediah, Wady John G., Wood Charles H., Wilcox Bradford.
The foregoing is a list of the Militia in Westport.
June 4, 1854.
Signed George H. Gifford, Russell Gifford, David B. Pettey. Assessors of Westport.
Whole number 405.
A true record. Attest George H. Gifford. Town clerk
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Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Westport qualified to vote to in elections to meet at the Town House in Westport on Tuesday the sixth day of November next it being the Tuesday next after the first Monday of said month at ten of the clock in the forenoon to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer and Secretary of the Commonwealth and for three Senators, one County Commissioner and County Treasurer for Bristol County and also for a Register of Deeds for the southern district of said County for the ensuing year all on one ballot.
Also to choose one Representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next.
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested thereof at three or more public places in said Town twelve days at least it before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.
Given under our hands this twentyeth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five.
Signed George H. Gifford, Israel Allen. Selectmen of Westport
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Bristol S. S. Oct. 23, 1855.
I have served this warrant by posting up three attested copies as follows one at C. A. Church and Co. store at the head of Westport one at E. P. Brownell and Co. store and one at Restcome Macomber’s store 12 days before the time for holding said meeting.
Signed E. B. Gifford. Constable.
At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Westport in the County of Bristol held agreeable to the foregoing warrant and for the purposes named in said warrant votes for the following named persons were given in, sorted, counted and a legal declaration thereof made in open town meeting.
Charles N. Craw and Charles H. Wood were appointed and sworn as envelope distributors.
For Governor.
Julius Rockwell of Pittsfield had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Erasmas D. Beach of Springfield had had thirteen votes 13
Henry J. Gardner of Boston had sixty six votes 66
Samuel H. Walley of Roxbury had had seven votes 7
For Lieutenant Governor.
Simon Brown of Concord had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Page nine.
? ? ? votes 13.
Henry W. Benchley of Worcester had sixty seven votes 67
Moses Davenport of Newburyport had eight votes 8
For Attorney General.
E. Rockwood Hoar of Concord had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Nathaniel J. Lord of Salem had thirteen votes 13
Albert H. Nelson of Woburn had had sixty seven votes 67
Reuben A. Chapman of Springfield had seven votes 7
For Auditor
Stephen N. Gifford of Duxbury had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Giles E. Whitney of Winchendon had twelve votes 12
Joseph Mitchell of Boston had eight votes 8
Chandler B. Ransom of Roxbury had sixty seven votes 67
For State Treasurer.
Thomas J. Marsh of Waltham had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Stedman Buttrick of Concord had twelve votes 12
Page 10.
John Sargent of Cambridge had eight votes 8
Moses Pettey Jr. of Georgetown had sixty seven votes 67
For Secretary of State
George F. Williams of Boston had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Jonathan E. field of Stockbridge had twelve votes 12
Wendell T. Davis of Greenfield had eight votes 8
Francis De Witt of Ware had sixty seven votes 67
For Senators for Bristol County
Nathaniel B. Borden of Fall River had one hundred and forty five votes 145
George G. Gifford of New Bedford had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Oliver Ames Jr. of Easton had one hundred and forty five 145
Stephen L. White of Taunton had thirteen votes 13
William Ide of Seekonk had thirteen votes 13
Joseph E. Dawley of Fall River had ???
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David H. Bartlett of Dartmouth had sixty seven votes 67
John Rogers of Mansfield had sixty seven votes 67
For a County Commissioner.
Elbridge G. Morton of Fairhaven had one hundred and forty five votes 145
Frederic Brownell of Westport had Twelve votes 12
John Baylies of New Bedford had sixty eight votes 68
For County Treasurer
Samuel R. Townsend of Taunton had one hundred and forty five votes 145
George M. Woodward of Taunton had sixty seven votes 67
Thomas S. Bennett of Taunton had thirteen votes 13.
For Register of Deeds for the southern district of Bristol County.
Benjamin K. Sayer of New Bedford had one hundred and fifty eight votes 158
For Representative to General Court
Abiel Davis had one hundred and twenty nine votes and was chosen 129
Israel Allen had eighty seven votes 87
Canaan Dyer had one vote 1
A true record.
Attest George H. Gifford. Town clerk