Town records of 1850

April 1st, 1850.

Page 387.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed, to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Town house in said Westport, on Monday the first day of April next at ten o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles. The viz..

1st. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon.

4th. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same period in

5th. To determine the manner of repairing the highways. Town ways and bridges the year ensuing.

6th. To bring in their votes for County treasurer .

7th. To bring in their votes for three County commissioners being Inhabitants of different Town in the County and two special commissioners all on one ballot.

8th. To see if the Town will order the removal of an old shop now on the landing belonging to Jonathan P. Gifford.

9th. To see if the Town will set off Weston G. Sabins from school district No. 13 to school district No. 15. New

10th. To see if the Town will order the highways taxes, of Harry and Deborah Kirby, to be worked on the pathway, passing over Isaac snell’s and said Kirby’s land.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town ten days at least, before the time for holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

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Given under our hands this 19th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

Signed Perry Davis, Frederick Brownell, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Westport April 1st, 1850. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time and for the purposes within mentioned by causing copies of this warrant to be posted one at the point and one at the townhouse and one at the head of Westport River, 10 days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, held at the townhouse in said Town, on Monday the first day of April A.D. 1850-agreeable to the foregoing warrant, and for the purposes therein expressed, the following named persons were chosen and votes passed-viz..

For Moderator. Benjamin B. Sisson.

For Town Clerk. George H. Gifford.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham.

George H. Gifford was sworn to the fateful discharge of his duty Town Clerk by the moderator in open Town meeting.

For Selectmen Frederick Brownell sworn, George H. Gifford sworn, Perry Davis sworn.

Voted. That the Selectmen be overseers of the Poor and Assessors and they were sworn to discharge the duties of said offices by the moderator in Town meeting.

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For General School Committee.

Giles E. Brownell, Peleg C. Gifford, Ezra P. Brownell.

Voted. That each school district choose their own Prudential Committee.

Voted. That George H. Gifford be treasurer and collector for the year ensuing and that his compensation should be the same that Peleg W. Peckham had last year for like services, and sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of said offices.

Choose for Constables.

Jonathan Records, William W. Handy,S Jireh Brownell, Philip T. Chase, S Nathan Wood,S Jonathan Pierce Jr., Russell Gifford second,S Isaac Francis, Anthony Shearman.

And Jonathan hears agreed to do all the towns business as constable the year ensuing for six dollars and 50 cents.

Isaac Francis was chosen scaler of weights and measures sworn.

S for poundkeeper Lyman Snell sworn.

For field drivers.

Willard Reed, George R. Pierce, Jonathan Pierce Jr., Gershom Wordell, Gideon B. Sabins,S Jacob Cornell,S George B. Brownell.

For fence viewers.

Adam Gifford,S Perry Davis, Nathan C. Brownell,S Lemuel Brownell

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Surveyors of highways.

Joseph Wood, S. David Lawton, S. Alexander K. Howland, S. James Reed, S. John M. Tripp, S. Elcanah Wordell, S. Isaac Francis, S. Daniel Wing, Pardon Shearman, S. David Sanford, S. Nathan Wood, Ivory C. Albert, S. Joseph Briggs, S. William P. Howland, S. Willard breed, S. Joshua Wordell, S. Stephen Howland, S. John R. Baker, Moses Snell, S. Perry Davis, S. Abraham Manchester, Moses Macomber, S. William H. Gifford, S. Edmund Tripp, S. Stephen P. Kirby, S. Russell Gifford second, S. Henry Brightman, Nathaniel Kirby, S. Mathias E. Gammons, S. Thomas Sanford, S. Peleg Brownell, S. Lemuel Gifford, S. Steven Allen, S. George Lawton, S. George F. Wood, S. Thomas B. Gifford.

Surveyors of Lumber and Measurers of Wood and Bark.

S. David Sanford, Jeremiah T. Thompson, S. Perry Davis, John Allen, S. David Lawton, Frederick Brownell, Russell Gifford second, Varnum Macomber, S. George H. Gifford.

Voted. To raise the sum of one thousand dollars for the repairs of roads and bridges the ensuing year and to be expended the same as last year.

(Those marked thus S. have been sworn).


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Voted. To raise the sum of fifteen hundred dollars by the way of tax for support of schools. And also the interest on the money now loaned the County of Bristol. And all the money for schools to be distributed amongst the several districts the same as last year.

Voted. That the Selectmen take an account of all the books and property delivered to the present Town Clerk by P. W. Peckham the former Town Clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

County of Bristol.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters being Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, and in said Town on Monday the first day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty the qualified voters aforesaid gave in their votes for Treasurer for the County of Bristol.The whole number of votes given in were sorted and counted in open Town meeting by the Moderator and Town Clerk and were for the following persons.

For Samuel Breck Esquire of Berkley twenty one votes.

For A.M. Ide Jr. of Attleborough thirty eight votes.

For James P. Ellis of Taunton thirty three votes.

Attest George H. Gifford, Town cap clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

County of Bristol.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters

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Being Inhabitants of the Town of Westport in said County, and in said Town on the first day of April in the year eighteen hundred and fifty the qualified voters aforesaid gave in their ballots and votes for County commissioners

and for special commissioners for said County and the ballots and votes so given in were in open Town meeting sorted and counted and public declaration of the results thereof made and were for the following persons.

For County commissioners the whole number of ballots were one hundred and sixteen.

For James B. Thompson of New Bedford Daniel Wilbur of Somerset and John Crane of Norton each fifty two votes.

John Bailies of New Bedford James W. Crossman of Taunton and Lemuel Perry of Norton each thirty three votes.

George B. Packwood of Taunton and Martin Wilde of Easton each of thirty one votes.

Christopher P. Church of Westport thirty votes.

For special commissioners the whole number of ballots were one hundred and sixteen.

For Ephriam Atwood of Freetown Joseph W. Capron of Attleborough each fifty two votes.

John Rogers of Mansfield Joseph Marble of Somerset each thirty one votes.

Joseph E. Reed of Fall River Wooster Carpenter of Seekonk each thirty three votes.

Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, George H. Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

Attest George H. Gifford, Town Clerk.


Page 393.

Voted. To adjourn to Saturday that twenty seventh instant at 1 o’clock p.m..

Attest George H. Gifford Town Clerk.

Also voted. Before they adjourned to set off Weston G. Sabins from school district No. 13 to school district number 15.

Saturday April 27, 1850. Agreeable to adjournment from the first instant the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met and transacted the following business.

Voted. To accept the Selectmen’s report and that a copy of it be filed in the Town clerk’s office.

Voted. That the Selectmen settle with the Treasurer and report and have their report printed and circulated the same as last year.

The report of the commissioners on public and Town landing was read by the chairman of the commission.

Voted. To accept the report of the landing commissioners.

Voted. That Frederick Brownell Abraham Macomber William P. Howland and Varnum Macomber be the commissioners of the Public and Town Landings with the Town Treasurer and Treasurer was sworn for duties of that office.

Voted. That it is the pleasure of the Town that J. P. Gifford remove his buildings from the landings forthwith unless he will take a lease of the same of the commissioners.

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Voted. That the commissioners on public landings be requested to make complaint to the grand jury as soon as practicable of all trespassers on the public landings in said Town whose cases are not the subject of legal compromise and will not lease and pay rent for the same as required by the commissioners.

Voted. That Harvey W. Kirby and Deborah Kirby be allowed to work their proportion of the highway tax for the year ensuing on the way that leads from one road to another said way passes near the dwelling house of said Harvey W. Kirby.

Voted. To accept the report of the school committee and that it be placed on file in the Town clerk’s office.

Frederick Brownell and George H. Gifford were sworn agreeable to an act past in the year 1850 concerning taking valuation this year.

Voted. That the Selectmen do what they think it best for the Town concerning a salamander safe for the use of the Town.

Recorded by me.

George H. Gifford Town Clerk.

The following is the annual return of the names of all the persons enrolled in the Militia in the town of Westport for the year 1850 . The whole number enrolled being 428


Page 395.

Aikins Daniel B., Allen Frederick, Allen William G., Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Samuel G., Allen Timothy G., Allen James, Allen John, Allen Charles, Anthony John L., Allen Cornelius T., Allen Abner, Allen Thomas J., Allen Daniel, Anthony Isaac A., Adams John R., Allen Israel, Allen Gideon, Allen,

Briggs John, Brownell Philip H., Brightman John, Brightman Sanford, Bennett Adoniram, butts George W., Brownell Alexander, Bradley David S., Brightman John H., Brightman Elias P., Brightman Leander, Brightman Elihu, Brownell Andrew W., Brownell Ezra P., Brownell Isaac S., Brightman John second, Brownell James H., Brower Oliver, Brownell Daniel, Brownell George H. B., Brownell James, Bailey Oliver, Brownell Uriah, Booth Isaac, Booth Square, Briggs George, Bessee Peter S., Bassett Joseph S., Brightman Restcome, Brightman Leonard, Borden Holder, Brownell Giles CE, Briggs Peleg T., Brownell George A., Brownell George F., Bradley William, Borden Thomas, Borden John, Bliss J. N., Baker Charles, Baker Edward W., Baker John R., Brightman Rufus, Brownell George R.,

Chace William, Cornell William A., Cornell James, Cornell Stephen K., Cornell Job, Cornell George L., Crapo George E., Cornell Weston M., Carroll Charles,Chedell Timothy B.,

page 396.

Cornell Joshua A., Cornell Jacob, Crossman Frederick, Craw Charles M., Crapo Daniel, Chace Gideon R., Coggshall Stephen, Chace Jonathan, Chace Jonathan L., Chace Charles, Carr Thomas, Chace William W., Cornell Solomon,

Dyer Henry, Dyer Abraham, Davis Thomas W., Davis Walter, Dyer Warren, Davis Allen, Davis Edmund, Devoll John, Devoll David second, Devoll Philip H., Dean John, Davis Peter, Devoll George, Davis Abiel, Devoll James P., Davis Abner L., Davis Alfred C., Davis Benjamin, Davis Charles R., Dyer Canaan, Davis Adrian, Devoll Edward,Dring Thomas, Devoll Alexander, Dana Charles,

Fisher Charles, Freelove Clarck, Fuller Benjamin, Francis Hiram, Farnum George, Frelove Barney, Frelove Joseph,

Gifford Jason, Gifford Charles, Gifford Benjamin, Gifford George B., Gifford Charles R., Grinnell Eben, Gifford George H., Gifford Christopher K., Gifford Richard S., the Grinnell William, Gifford Alexander B., Gifford Peleg T., Gifford Edwin B., Gifford Elihu B., Gifford Jonathan P., Gifford Weston, Gifford Philip, Gifford Thomas B., Gifford Charles F., Gifford Joshua W., Gifford Alfred, Gifford Albert A., Gifford Benjamin R., Gifford Frederick, Gifford Philander, Gifford Elija Jr.,

page 397.

Gifford Samuel F., Gifford Abraham Park, Gifford Stephen B., Gifford Samuel , Gifford Lysander, Gifford Christopher C., Gifford Thomas W., Gifford William H., Gifford William H. second, Gifford John Tasker, Gifford Henry H., Gifford Henry T., Gammons Mathias, Gifford Andrew, Gifford Nathaniel, Gidley Frederick, Gifford Humphrey A., Gifford George second, Grinnell John, Grinnell Asa, Gifford Edward S., Gifford John A., Gifford Lemuel, Gifford Peleg C., Gifford Stephen,

Hicks Alexander, Howland Zoeth, Hicks Barney, Howland William P., Howland Stephen K., Howland Alexander K., Howland Benjamin, Handy William W., Hathaway Charles H., Howland Isaac, Howland Stephen K., Holt William H.,Hedge Mortimer, Hathaway Albert, Howland William, Howland David S., Hazard Edward B., Hammond William,Hett Humphrey, Howland Solomon, Hopkins William,

Kirby Perry, Kirby Nathaniel, Kirby Tillinghast, Kirby Edmund, Kirby Stephen P., Kirby Harvey W., Kirby Abner, King Alfred, Kirby George W., Kirby Uriah, King Ephriam S., Keith Adna P.,

Levere Arnold B., Lawton Abraham, Lawton Perry, Lawton David, Lawton Edwin, Lawton Robert, Lawton Gideon, Lawton Eli P., Lawton Uriah, Little Preserved,

page 398.

Lawrence Andrew, Little Charles, Lawton George B., Lawton John, Lawton James, Lawton Russell,

Macomber Pardon, Macomber Leonard, Mosher Charles, Mosher George M., Mosher Israel, Mosher Lorenzo D., Manchester Abraham E., Manchester Barton B., Manchester William P., Manchester Borden, Macomber Simeon Jr., Macomber Israel, Macomber John second, Macomber John B., Macomber Alexander, Macomber Restcome,

Manchester Wanton, Mosher Luthon, Manchester George L., Manchester James W., Manchester William W., Macomber Otis, Mosher Daniel, Mosher John, Mosher Robert, Macomber Ezra, Macomber Andrew, Macomber Zebedee B., Macomber Richard, Macomber Ezra second, Macomber Moses, Mosher Joseph Jr., Manchester Charles second, Macomber George H., Macomber Richmond, Macomber John C., Macomber Abraham, Mosher Benjamin, Mosher William A., Macomber Alexander H., Mayhew Benjamin S., Macomber Andrew H., Macomber Thurston, Macomber George B., Manchester Restcome, Manchester George, Manchester William G.,

Nooning Jonathan, Negus John P.,

Potter Nathaniel, Potter Joshua Jr., Palmer Henry, Pike Perry, Potter Charles, Potter Frederick P., Potter Abner, Potter Pardon C., Potter Abner S., Pettey Potter, Pettey John T., Pettey Isaac, Pettey Abner T., Pettey Holder T., Pettey Pardon second, Pierce Jonathan Jr.,


P. 399.

Potter Isaac P., Pierce George, Peckham Edward, Pettey George,

Reed Willard, Reed Caleb, Reynolds Malachi,

Shaw Franklin, Slocum Willard, Slade Edwin, Shearman Daniel, Sampson John, Snell Henry, Smith Henry, Sabins Stephen, Sowle Oliver, Sowle Charles P., Sowle Benjamin, Shearman James H., Shearman Justus, Shearman Peleg,, Slocum Andrew, Slocum Stephen, Slocum David E., Sowle Russell, Sanford Silas B., Sanford Caleb T., Sisson Charles, Sisson Gideon, Sowle John H., Snell Humphrey W., Shearman Wilson, Shearman Thomas B., Sanford David Jr., Sanford Peleg S., Sanford Thomas, Sabins William H., Sabins Gideon B., Sabins Philander G., Slocum Benjamin, Shepherd John, Shearman Kempton, Simmons Rubin, Sabins j, G., Sisson Alden P., Sowle John, Sowle Henry Jr., Shaw Benjamin T., Seabury Albert, Snell David B., Sowle William, Sisson George, Sanford Philip, Simmons Eben, Seabury John, Sowle Abel Jr., Shearman Abner, Simmons George W., Snell Lyman, Simmons Benjamin, Sisson Daniel H., Sayles John A., Sowle James, Sowle Robert, Shearman William D., Shearman Philip, Snell Moses, Sisson Stephen P., Sowle Isaac, said old James L., Sowle Pardon,

p. 400.

Tripp Luthon D., Tripp Andrew, Tompkins Isaac, Tripp Clark, Tripp Benjamin T., Tripp James F., Tripp Nathaniel, Tripp William R., Tripp Lyomi, Tripp Emerson, Tripp Oliver, Tripp Benjamin P., Tripp Nathaniel second, Tripp Charles, Tripp Pardon, Tripp Holder, Tripp David R., Tripp George, Tripp ivory, Tripp Stephen Jr., Tripp John and, Tripp Francis, Tripp Abner D., Tripp John G., Tripp Jeremiah D., Tripp Uriah B., Thomson Joseph, Thomson Jeremiah T., Tripp Alden, Tripp Edmund Jr., Tripp Jonathan, Tabor Joseph, Tripp Ellis, Tripp Daniel, Tripp William, Tripp Abner F., Tripp William H., Tripp Pardon, Tilton Francis W., Tripp Charles H., Tripp Weston J., Tripp James H., Tripp Alexander A., Tripp David K.,

Wilcox Preserved, Wordell Christopher, Wing John T., Wood Lorenzo D., White Peleg S., Wing George W., White George B., Wood George F., Wood Alexander, Wood Nathan W., Wood Lawton, Wordell Gershom, Wordell Elcanah, Whalon John R., Whalon James M., Waite Ruben,Waite Daniel H., White Holder Jr., Wing Ezra, Winchester Nathaniel W., Wordell Edmund, Wing Frederick A., Wilcox Bradford, Wordell John, Wordell Humphrey, Whalon Henry, Wing Charles,

Page 401.

The foregoing list recorded by me may 9,1850.-George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Westport August 19, 1850. Then personally appeared William H. Gifford and made oath to the faithful discharge of this Duty as surveyor of highways.

Before me, George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the townhouse on Monday the eleventh day of November next it being the second Monday of said month at ten o’clock in the forenoon to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for a Governor and lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth and for three Senators all on one ballot for the district of Bristol for the year ensuing.

And also to choose one Representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next.

And also to give in their votes for a representative in the Congress of the United States for the ninth district.

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On the same ballot with the Governor Lieutenant Governor and Senators.

And also at the same place and on the same day at two of the clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles:

1st. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. to see if the Town will accept and allow the several highways as resurveyed and laid out by the Selectmen.

3rd. To see if the Town will order the Selectmen to purchase a Salamander safe for the Town records.

4th. To know the minds of the Town in regard to resurveying the highways and putting up stone monuments.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof in four or more public places in said Town ten days at least before the time for holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of the meetings aforesaid.

Given in under our hands this twenty sixth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Selectmen of Westport


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Bristol S. S.. Westport November. 11, 1850.

Persuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mention by causing copies of this warrant to be posted up one at Westport Point at the town house one at the head of Westport River and one at Brownell’s corner so-called in said Westport ten days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce Jr. Constable of Westport.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Westport held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the eleventh day of November for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant, votes for the following named persons were given in sorted, counted record and declaration thereof made as required by the Constitution.

Whole number of ballots two hundred and nineteen 219

For Governor.

Stephen C. Philips fifty three 53.

George N. Briggs seventy eight 78.

George S. both well 85 8 5.

For Lieutenant Governor.

John Reed seventy eight 78

Amasa Walker seventy eight 78.

Henry W. Cushman eighty four 84.

For Senators

John Daggett of Attleboro had

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seventy eight votes 78.

William Tucker of Dartmouth had seventy four 74.

John Earle Esquire of Swansey had seventy eight votes 78.

Lyman W. Dean of Attleboro had one hundred and thirty eight votes 138.

George Austin of Swansey had on hundred and thirty eight 138.

William C. Taber of New Bedford had one hundred and thirty eight 138.

For Representative to Congress.

Orrin fowler of Fall River had one hundred and six votes 106.

George B. Atwood of Taunton had twenty two votes 22.

Edward P. Little of Marshfield had eighty four votes 84.

For Representative to General Court.

Frederick Brownell one hundred and twelve votes 112.

Stephen Howland sixty nine votes 69.

George H. Gifford thirty 30.

Christopher A. Church one 1.

Peleg H. Gifford one 1.

At the afternoon meeting called in the foregoing warrant.

Nathan Wood Was chosen moderator.

Voted. To accept the several highways as reported by the Selectmen.

(The said reports, recorded in book . B.)