Town records of 1842

1842 page 187.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town qualified by law to vote for Town Officers and in other Town affairs to meet at the Town house in said Town on Monday the fourteenth day of April next at ten of the clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To bring in their votes for a County Treasurer.

4th. To determine the sum to be expended in repairs of Highways and the manner it shall be appropriated.

5th. To choose a Committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against the town and to settle with the Treasurer.

6th. To raise a sum of money for the support of Schools and determine the mode of Appropriation.

7th. To raise a sum of money for the support of the Poor and other incidental expenses.

8th. To see if the Town will appoint their Treasurer Collector of taxes-determine the rates of abatement for prompt pay-at what time the collection shall be completed-and the amount to be allowed the Collector for his services.

9th. To see if the Town will discontinue a part of the highway recently laid out from Samuel Dyers to the Sea Shore viz.:-from the north East corner of Charles W. Howland’s meadow to the Sea.

10th. To know the town’s mind in regard to building a bridge over the stream by the Forge.

11th. To know the town’s mind in regard to repairing the highway from Peleg Dennis’ westerly to Elihu Borden’s.

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12 th. To choose such other committees or agents as may be thought expedient.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this 18th day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty two..

Signed Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis John A. Gifford Selectmen.

Pursuant to to the foregoing warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport by posting up notifications-one at the head of the East River one at the Town house one at the.and one at the store of

Frederick Brownell to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

Westport March 25, 1842 signed Jireh Brownell constable of Westport.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified agreeable to law-held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the 4th day of April A.D. 1842-for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant-the following Officers were chosen and votes past viz.:

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. Moderator

Frederick Brownell Town clerk-sworn.

Frederick Brownell, Obadiah Lawton, Edward S. Gifford, Selectmen and sworn.

Peleg W. Peckham, James H. Handy, Azel P. Ladd, Committee on accounts.

End of page 188.

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Prudential Committees.

no.1. Philip Grinnell, no.2. Jeptha Gifford, no.3. Mathias E Gammons,no. 4. Henry Wilbur,no.5. Gideon Davis Jr., no.6. William A. Davis, no.7. Justice Sherman, No. 8 Elihu Allen, No. 9. Nathan C. Brownell, No. 10. Frederick Brownell, No. 11. Edmund Tripp, No. 12.Eli Tripp, No. 13. Robert Lawton, No. 14. Stephen Holland, No. 15. Holder Earl, No. 16. Gideon Gifford, No. 17. Perry Davis, No. 18. Jared Chase, No. 19. John A. Cornell, No. 20. Abner Kirby.

General School Committee.

Azel P. Ladd, Edward S. Gifford, George F. S. White, Daniel B. Anthony, William G. Slade.

Voted. That voting for County Treasurer be postponed for the present.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the last Monday in this month at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.


John A. Gifford, Abraham White sworn, John Sanford sworn, were chosen at the foregoing meeting.

Attest Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

End of page 189.

1842 page 190.

Monday April 43, 1842. Agreeable to adjournment from the first Monday in said month the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met accordingly and passed the following votes.

Voted-that Daniel B. Anthony be excused from serving as General School Committee and Stephen A. Gifford chosen.

Voted that Capt. Gideon Davis be excused and David S. Bradley chosen Prudential Committee for district No. 5.

Voted-that Edmund Tripp be excused and Obadiah Lawton chosen for district No. 11.

Voted that the General School Committee cause the number of each School District to be placed on the School House by having the number painted on a tin plate if it can be done at an expense

not exceeding $3.00 for the whole.

Votes for County Treasurer were.

For Forster Hooper of Fall River ninety two 92.

For Horatio L. Danforth of Taunton six 6.

For surveyors of highways the following persons, chosen.

Thomas W. Wood, Gersham Wodell, David Lawton, Jonathan Devol, Mathias E. Gammons, John R. Baker sworn, Lemuel Reed, Samuel . G. Allen sworn, John Lawton, Gideon Gifford, Williamson Tripp sworn, Abraham Manchester, Richard S. Gifford, Peleg W. Peckham sworn, Isaac Francis, Jeptha Gifford sworn, Daniel Wing sworn, Jacob Allen, Isaac Hicks, George Wood, Elihu Borden sworn, Osborne Tilton, Stephen J. Howland John Sanford, Carmi Tripp sworn, Samuel Dyer sworn, Benjamin Seabury,

Andrew Hicks, Benjamin Tripp, Godfrey Cornell, Jonathan Pearse for and Jr. sworn, Jared Chase sworn, and Levi Gifford.

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Ruben Simmons chosen Pound Keeper.

The following persons were chosen Field Drivers.

John R. Whalon , Charles White, Willard Reed, Jonathan Chase, Jared Chase, Jonathan Pearse Jr. sworn, Charles Gifford, Joseph Wood, James Cornell, Elkanah Wodell,.

Fence viewers.

Nathan C. Brownell, Peleg Manchester, John Potter, Humphrey A. Slocum, Adam Gifford, Jonathan Davis, Major Allen, Nathan Wood, and Lemuel Brownell.

Surveyors of Lumber and Measurers of Wood.

Abner B. Gifford, Freeman Lawrence, Russell Gifford second, David Sanford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Jeremiah T. Thompson, Varnum Macomber, and Perry Davis.

Overseers of the landings.

Frederick Brownell, Obadiah Lawton, and Edward S. Gifford.

Christopher T. Church-Treasurer and Collector, to have 1 percent Commissions on what he collects and pays into the Treasury-

Voted that the Assessors when they deliver the tax bills to the Collector shall given notice thereof by posting up notices at six publick places in the Town-that those who voluntarily paid their tax within sixty days from the date of said notice shall be entitled to an abatement of five percent from their tax-after sixty and within one hundred and twenty three percent and that the Collector shall meet the Inhabitants for the purpose of receiving taxes at the Point-and at the head of the West River at some convenient time which shall be named on the assessors notices-and within

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The sixty days-and also within the one hundred and twenty days, and on a other days at his store.

Jared Brownell chosen Constable sworn, to have $5.00 from the Treasury for his services.

$1000. Voted. That one thousand dollars be raised by tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town-for repairing the highways the year ensuing. And the Assessors are directed to assess said sum as soon as may be and deliver lists thereof with the persons names and the sums they are assessed to each surveyor with his limits according to law. That one dollar be allowed for nine hours labor of a man or yoke of oxen-33 cents for a Plow and 25 cents for a cart and in that proportion for less or more time-and that said sum be expended agreeable to law.

$1334. Voted. That the sum of thirteen hundred and thirty four dollars be raised by tax in addition to what may be received from the state school fund for the support of schools the year ensuing-that five dollars per month be paid for Schools thought five months previous to the first day of November next and in that proportion for less time-and the ballance divided among the Districts that shall have schools taught therein four months or less between the first day of November and to the fiftheenth day of March next in proportion to the time the school is taught. Provided that where male teachers are employed in the summer they shall receive eight dollars per month. And where female teachers are employed in the winter

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They shall receive six dollars per month and the balance divided among the male Teachers employed in

the winter who comply with the law. And the Selectmen on receiving Certificates of the time the Schools have been taught for the Summer by the first day of November and for the winter by the fifteenth day of March are directed to draw orders on the Treasurer in favor of the teachers accordingly.

The Committee on accounts made a report in writing that they had attended to the duly assigned them and found due to the several persons named in the list presented by them the sums set against their names respectively amounting to $2789.51.

It was thereupon voted to accept said report and direct the Treasurer a to pay the sums found due by the Committee to the several persons therein named and charge the same to the town.

The Committee also reported that agreeable to their appointment they had examined the Treasurer’s account and found and that he had for the town the year past received $2883.61.

And has paid out $2883.61.

The committee further report

that the town is now indebted $862.18 .

Westport April 23,1842 signed P.W. Peckham, James H. Handy, A. P. Ladd.

End of page 193.

1842 page 194.

$1500. Voted. That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be raised by way of tax on the polls and estates of the inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town of Westport, for the support of Paupers and other incidental expenses to be assessed, collected and paid into the Treasury by the first day of March next-and the Assessors are directed to assess said sum in the way and manner provided by law and deliver lists thereof to the Collector as soon as may be.

Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee to examine the bridge over the Stream by the Forge (so-called) and report to the next meeting their opinion of the necessity of building a new bridge and the probable expense.

Voted. That the same committee view the road mentioned in the eleventh article in the warrant and report to the next meeting. Their opinion of the necessity of repairing the same and the probable expense of making the same passable with carriages.

Voted that the Selectmen act as agents for the Town the year ensuing.

Voted that this meeting stand adjourned to the last Saturday in may next at 2 oclock in the afternoon.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

End of page 194.

1842 page 195.

Saturday may 28, 1842. Agreeable to adjournment from the last Monday in April last the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met accordingly and passed the following votes viz.:

Voted. That the Bridge at the Forge be covered with Stone, provided, the owners of the Dam buildup the piers and abutments suitable to lay the covering on.

Voted. That the Selectmen cause the road from Peleg Dennis’ westerly-to be repaired as they may think proper at the expense of the Town.

Voted that the Treasurer of pay George Kirby three dollars for damage done his window by blasting rocks on the highway.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk.

End of page 195.

1842 page 196.

To the Town Clerk of Westport-the following is a list of the names of Persons liable to be enrolled in the Militia-viz.

Frederick Allen, Israel Allen, Elihu Allen William G. Allen, Thomas Allen Jr., Samuel L. Allen, Timothy Allen, James Allen, John Allen, Humphrey B. Allen, George S. Allen, Daniel B. Anthony, John L. Anthony, Alexander Brownell, Frederick W. Brownell, Edwin Brownell, George Brownell, David Brownell, Samuel Brightman Jr., David S. Bradley,

John H. Brightman, Elias P. Brightman, Leander Brightman, Andrew Brownell, Ephraim Briggs, Gideon Brightman, Ezra P. Brownell, Frederick A.Brownell, Andrew P. Brownell, Sanford Brightman, Abraham Brownell, Richard B. Bedon, Elihu Borden, John R. Baker, Thomas Brownell, Jeremiah S. Brownell, Salisbury Brown, Thomas Briggs, George breaks, James Brownell, Sanford Brightman 2nd, Oliver Bailey, Henry Brightman, Isaac L. Brightman, Wanton Brightman, Charles Brightman, Peleg Brownell, Willard Besse, Peter S. Besse, Pardon Cornell, William A. Cornell, Peleg Cory, Alexander Cory, William W. Cornell, Godfrey Cornell, Stephen H. Cornell, Stephen Cornell, Job Cornell, Peleg Cornell, John A.Cornell, Jonathan Chase, Jonathan Crossman, George D. Crapo, Frederick Chace, Horace Collamore, Simeon Craw, Weston Cornell, George Chadwick, Pardon Davis, William Dyer, Thomas W. Davis, Benjamin Devol, William A. Davis, George L. Dyer, Warren Dyer, Allen Davis, Edmonton Davis, John Devol, David Devol 2nd, Philip H. Devol, Perry Davis, Jonathan Devol, John S. Dennis, David Davis, Charles Dand, Holder Earl, Benjamin Fuller, George Harnum, Paul Fisher, Clarck Freelove, George Freelove, Christopher R. Gifford, George Gifford, John Gifford, Henry Gifford, Elijah Gifford 2nd, Richard S. Gifford, Christopher Gifford, Anthony A. Gifford, Russell Gifford, Canaan Gifford, Philip Grinnell, William Gifford 3d, Asa Grinnell, Alexander Gifford, Peter H. Gifford, Gideon Gifford, John Gifford 2nd, Elihu B. Gifford, Jonathan P. Gifford, George H. Gifford,

end of page 196.

1842 page 197.

Weston Gifford, Charles Gifford, Philip Gifford, Mase S. Gifford, Charles Gifford 2nd, Nathaniel Gifford, Thomas B. Gifford, Joshua W. Gifford, Barney Hicks, Ruben Hicks, Alexander Hicks, Andrew Hicks, Isaac Hicks, William Hicks, Oliver T. hazard, David E. Hilliard, Gilbert Howard, Edward B. Hazard,Loeth Howland, Stephen K. Howland, Alexander Howland, George W. Howland, Charles Howland, David S. Howland, Thomas Hart, William W. Handy, Daniel E. Hicks, Hiram Handy, Charles B. Haydn, Gideon Jennings, Benjamin F. Joseph, Perry Kirby, Nicolas N. Kirby, Alfred King, Nathaniel Kirby, Tilinghast Kirby, Edmund Kirby, Stephen P. Kirby, Harvey W. Kirby, Abner Kirby, Ephraim S. King, Abraham Lawton, John Lawton, Isaac Lawton, David Lawton, Edwin Lawton, Robert Lawton, Gideon Lawton, Azel P.Ladd, George Lawton, George Beatty Lawton, Lorenzo D. Mosher, Elijah Macomber, Henry Macomber, Abraham Manchester, Barton D.Manchester, Beriah Manchester, Wilbour Manchester, Borden Manchester, Alexander Macomber, Simeon Macomber. Jr., Henry Macomber, Israel Macomber, John Macomber, Alexander Macomber 2nd, Restiome Macomber, William G. Manchester, Wanton Manchester, Luthon Mosher, Daniel Mosher, Obadiah Mosher, John Mosher, Robert Mosher, Ezra Macomber, Ellery Macomber, Pardon Macomber, Weston Macomber, Andrew Macomber,

George Macomber,Zebedee S.Macomber, Orin Macomber, Richard Macomber, Caleb Macomber, Christopher Palmer, Perry Pike, Charles Potter, Nathaniel Potter Jr., Simeon Potter, Potter Pettey, John T. Pettey, Isaac Pettey, Abner T. Pettey, Warren Potter, Pardon C. Potter, Holder T. Pettey, Jonathan Pearse, Thomas Records, Otis Macomber, Thurston Macomber, James Macomber, Edwin L. Mayhew, Benjamin Mayhew, Allen Reed, Ellery W. Reed, Caleb S. Reed, Warren Reed, Israel Sowle, Gideon Sowle, Edward G. Sowle, Harry Shearman, Justus Sherman, Benjamin Sowle, Peleg Sherman, Frederick Slade, Andrew Slocum, Oliver Sowle,


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David E. Slocum, Russell Sowle,Urial Sisson, William Sowle, Charles Sisson, Isaac Snell, Peleg Snell, Humphrey W. Snell, Wilson Sherman, Pardon Sowle, Daniel H. Sisson, David Sanford Jr., Peleg Sanford, John Sanford, William Sabins Jr., Gideon B. Sabins, George Sowle, Kempton Sherman, George W. Simmons, Lemuel Sowle, Philip Sanford, Caleb Sherman, Anthony Sherman, Peter Sherman, Thomas Shearman,Miner F. Swan, Daniel Tripp, Abner Tripp, Clark Tripp, Carmi Tripp, Gilbert Tripp, Benjamin F. Tripp, Wilkinson Tripp, James H. Taber, Nathaniel Tripp, Osborn Tilton, Jotham Tripp, Isaac Tripp Jr., Samuel Tripp, Edmund Tripp, Benjamin P. Tripp, Nathaniel Tripp 2nd, Frederick A. Tripp, Holder Tripp, David Tripp, Admiral Tripp, Lyman Tripp, Ivory Tripp, Stephen Tripp Jr., Daniel Tripp 2nd, Stephen Tripp, William Taber, Ellery Taber, Howland Tripp, David trip 2nd, Francis Tripp Jr.,Lott Tripp Jr., Abner D. Tripp, John B. Tripp, Jeremiah D. Tripp, Joseph H. Tripp Jr.,Uriah Tripp, William R. Tripp, Joseph Thompson, David Thompson, Jeremiah T. Thompson, Joseph Taber, Alexander Tripp, David Tripp 3rd, Alden Tripp, Howard H. Tripp,Otis Tripp Jr., Andrew N. Tripp, Ephraim K. Wade, Jeptha Wilkey, Charles White, Abraham C. White, George H. S. White, Jeremiah Wilcox, Thomas B. Wilcox, Henry Wilcox, Frederick A. Wing, Paris Wing, Joseph Wood, George W. Wing, John White, Henry Wait, George B. White, James White, George F. Wood, John Wing, Alexander Wood, Weston Wood, Thomas W. Wood, Lawton Wood, Henry Wilbur, Solomon Wilbur, Joshua Wodell., Peleg T. Wodell, Bradford Wodell, Gershom Wodell, Taber Wodell, Samuel Wodell, Allen Wodell, Elkanah Wodell., John R. Whalon, James N. Whalon,.Godfrey King,Godfrey B. King, Levi Macomber, Jeremiah Mayhew, Charles Sowle,

Westport may 1842 signed Abraham C. White , John Sanford, Assessors.

Recorded by a Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

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1842 page 199.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell Constable of the town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in Town Affairs. To meet at the Town house in said Town on Saturday the twenty eight day of September instant at two o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz..

1st. To choose a Moderator for said meeting.

2nd. To know the town’s mind in regards to altering or discontinuing a part of the Highway recently laid out over the land of Charles W. Howland.

3rd. To see if the town will approve a list of Jurors prepared by the Selectmen.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this eight day September 1842.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Obadiah Lawton, Edwin S. Gifford, Selectmen.

Bristol S. S.. September 17,1842. I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by posting up one notice on the Town house, one at the Point, and one at the store of Frederick Brownell.

Signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

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At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport held on the Twenty fourth day of

September A.D. 1842 for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant.

Chosen moderator.

Voted. That the highway from the corner of Charles W. Howland’s meadow southerly seventy eight rods to a corner be laid out by the Selectmen twenty feet wide and from thence to the Sea Shore 30 feet wide and that they make as good a bargain with the said Howland for damages as they can.

Voted. That the following list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen be accepted.

Richard Almy, Frederick Allen, John Allen, Henry Brightman, Holder S. Borden, Alexander Cory, Godfrey Cornell, Christopher A. Church, Jeremiah Devol, Samuel L. Dyer, Allen Davis, Perry Davis, Capt. Job Davis, Joseph R.Dunham, John Gifford, Elijah Gifford 2nd, Russell Gifford 2nd, Levi Gifford, George H. Gifford, Andrew Hicks, Charles W. Howland, George Kirby, Edmund Kirby, Stephen P. Kirby, Freeman Lawrence, George Lawton, Leonard Macomber, Restiome Macomber, Abraham Manchester, Ellery Macomber, Justus Sherman, Peleg Sherman, Frederick Slade, William G. Slade, John Sanford, Harvey Sherman, Nathaniel Tripp, Jeremiah T. Thompson, Abraham C. White, Henry Wilcox, Henry Wilbur, Gershom Wodell, Elkanah Wodell, Holder white Jr., Benjamin H. Tripp.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

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1842 page 201.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell Constable of the town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth-to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified by law to vote in Elections. To meet at the Townhouse in said town on Monday the fourteenth day of November next being the second Monday in said month at 10 o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz.:

1st. To bring in their votes for a Governor and Lieutenant Governor of said Commonwealth and for three Senators for Bristol District all on one ballot.

2nd. To bring in their votes for one Representative an inhabitants of Congressional District No. 9 to represent them in the Congress of the United States of America for the term of two years from the third day of March A.D. 1843.

3rd. To choose one Representative to represent them in the General Court to be convened and held at Boston on the first Wednesday in January next. A. B.The Poll will be opened for receiving votes for the above named officers at eleven o’clock in the forenoon.

4th. To know the minds of the town in regard to the Surplus Revenue now loaned to the Merchants Bank in New Bedford.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport the thirty first day of October A.D. 1842.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Obadiah Lawton, Edwin S. Gifford, Selectmen

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1842 page 202.

Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the town of Westport by posting up notifications one at the Town house-1 at the store of Thomas W. Mayhew and one at the store of Frederick Brownell-to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

Westport November 3, 1842 signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Westport held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the fourteenth day of November A.D. 1842 being the second Monday in said month for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant.

Votes. For the following named persons were given in, sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof

made as by the Constitution is directed.

For Governor.

Marcus Morton three hundred and twenty two 322.

John Davis ninety eight 98.

Samuel E. Sewall six 6.

For Lieutenant Governor.

Henry H. Childs three hundred and twenty two 322.

George Hull ninety nine 99.

William Jackson six 6.

For representative to Congress.

Henry Williams three hundred and eighteen 318.

Seth Sprague Jr. one hundred 100.

Hodges Reed seven 7.

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For Senators.

Sampson Perkins three hundred and twenty two 322

Johnson Gardner three hundred andywenty two 322.

Phinehas W. Leland three hundred and twenty two 322.

Joseph Grinnell ninety nine 99.

Seth Presbury ninety nine 99.

Samuel L. Bullock ninety nine 99.

Jonathan Pratt six 6

James Hathaway six 6

Curtis C. Nichols six. 6

Voted. That the Selectmen and Town Treasurer be authorized to remove the money now in the Merchants Bank New Bedford and loan it to the County of Bristol if they shall think it expedient.

For representative to General Court to.

Gamaliel Church had three hundred and one votes and was chosen 301.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

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1842 page 204.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town qualified by law to vote for Town Officers and in other Town affairs to meet and the Town house in said Town on Monday the third day of April next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To chose a Moderator to preside at said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To bring in their votes for a County Treasurer.

4th. To determine the sum to be expended in repairs of highways and the manner it shall be appropriated.

5th. To chose a Committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against the Town and to settle with the Treasurer .

6th. To raise a sum of money for the support of Schools and determine the manner of appropriation.

7th. To raise a sum of money for the support of the Poor and other incidental expenses.

8th. To see if the Town with appoint their Treasurer Collector of taxes-determine the rates of abatement for prompt pay-at what time the collection shall be completed-and the amount to be allowed to the Collector for his services.

9th. To know the town’s mind in regard to building a bridge over the stream near Stephen P. Kirby’s.

10th. To choose such other committees or agents as may be thought expedient.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at said time of meeting.

End of page 204.