Town records of 1823
Posted on July 23, 2003 by Greg Stone
AT A LEGAL MEETING [held at Brownell store March 2,1824] Isaac Cory, Jr., was drawn grand juror and George W. Davis and Daniel Brownell traverse jurors for C.C.Pleas
AT A LEGAL MEETING [held at Brownell store April 3, 18241 Emmanuel Devol was drawn grand juror and Henry Wilcox and Nathaniel Tripp, Jr., traverse jurors for SJC
[all recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk]
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AT A LEGAL MEETING [pursuant to foregoing warrant] Votes for the following persons were
TO NICHOLAS LITTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING. [warrant to meet April 7,1823 to elect state officials]
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given in, sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the constitution is directed, viz.
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For Governor: Harrison Gray Otis had ‘ 175 votes; William Eustis had 44 votes
For Lt. Gov: Daniel Noble had 174 votes; Levi Lincoln had 45 votes
For Senators: Oliver Starkweather had 174 votes; Thomas Rotch had 168 votes; Joseph E. Reed had 172 votes; James L. Hodges had 43 votes; Stephen Merrihew had 43 votes; John Mason had 43 votes.
AT A LEGAL MEETING [held at F. Brownell’s house on May 29, 18241 Jonathan Sowle and Jeremiah Devol, Jr., drawn as traverse jurors for C.C.Pleas
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TO NICHOLAS LITTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for annual town meeting, to be held on April 7, 1823; usual articles; article # 9: ” to know the Town’s mind in regard to repairing the Public Landing at the Head of the River and removing all incumbrances that shall be considered nuisances.”
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PURSUANT to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified as therin expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by posting said notifications at the Town House, at F. Brownell’s store and at Isaac Cory’s store & at Peckham & Howland’s on this day. March 20, 1823, N. Little, Constable
AT A LEGAL MEETING [on April 7,1823, pursuant to foregoing warrant]
Nathan C. Brownell chosen moderator
Frederick Brownell chosen Town Clerk & Town Treasurer
Selectmen: Isaac Howland, Daniel Wing, Frederick Brownell
Committee on Accounts: Barney Hicks, William White, Jr., Thomas Richmond
Surveyors of Highways: Edmund Mosher, Stephen Borden, Gardner White, Stephen Cornell, Jr., Ebenezer Baker, Peleg Chase, Levi Gifford, Jeremiah Davol, Sr.,
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Pardon Gifford, Joseph Davis, Jonathan Records, Sylvester Brownell, George C. Brownell, David Sanford, Abraham Manchester, George Gifford, Wanton Case, Jr., Adam Gifford, Ezekiel Brownell, Nathan Wood, Nicholas Gifford, John Potter, Major Allen, Samuel Allen, Obadiah Lawton, John Brightman, Weston Potter
$1000. VOTED that the sum of one thousand dollars be raised for repairing highways & town ways …. that seventy five cents be allowed for a day’s work of a man or one yoke of oxen …. that snow be trodden down or removed ….
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Samuel Crocker had 107 votes for County Treasurer
VOTED that a committee be chosen to ascertain the situation and boundaries of the landing at the Head of the East River and report to the adjournment of this meeting what measures in their opinion is necessary for the Town to adopt relative thereo. William White, Jr., Nathan C. Brownell and Ebenezer Baker were chosen.
VOTED that the Selectmen be a committee to take particular care of the land & see that there is no more buildings put on, that there is none of the soil dup up and carried away, and that it is not obstructed unnecessarily.
VOTED to adjourn this meeting to monday the twelfth day of May next….
AT A LEGAL MEETING [held at the house of Frederick Brownell on September 3, 18241 Levi Gifford and Restcome Potter were drawn traverse jurors to serve at C.C.Pleas
Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk
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MAY 12, 1823: AGREEABLE TO ADJOURNMENT from April 7, 1823, the inhabitants of Westport met accordingly and the following votes were taken, viz.
Assessors: Isaac Howland, Daniel Wing, Frederick Brownell
Pound Keeper: Nathan C. Brownell
Surveyors of Lumber & Measurers of Wood: Abner B. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Perry R. Macomber, John Anthony, David M. Brownell, Micah Dean, Jethro Howland, Perry Wilcox
Tythingmen: Tillinghast Almy, Micah Dean, Cornelius White, Wing Howland, Benjamin Sowle, John Gifford, Thomas Winslow, Ephraim Tompson, William Brownell, Zacheus Gifford, Peleg Gifford, George Gifford, David Sanford, Francis Tripp, Gilbert Macomber
Fence Viewers: Abraham Cornell, Sylvester Brownell, Nathan C. Brownell, Wilbur Gifford, Adam Gifford, George Gifford, Jonathan Davis, John Potter, Edmund Tripp, Jonathan Records
Cullers of Hoops & Staves: Jethro Howland, Micah Dean, John Howland, Jr., Jonathan Tripp
Cullers of Fish: Jethro Howland, Gideon Davis
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Field Drivers: Stephen Cornell, Jr., Wilbur Gifford, George Kirby, Russell Gifford, John Milk, Abner Lawton, Pardon Gifford, Charles Little, Elijah Blossom, Nathaniel Tripp, Jr., Silas Pettey, Charles Manchester, Jireh Brownell, Simeon Craw, William G. Sowle
Hog Reeves: Ephraim Macomber, Wilbour Gifford, Jonathan Taber, Phillip Davis~ Elijah Blossom, Samuel Wilcox, David M. Brownell, Pardon Gifford, Charles Baker, Jonathan Gifford, Wanton Macomber, Barney Hicks, Gideon Davis, Abner Wilcox, Durfee Tripp, Arnold Wood
Overseers of Fishery: Gideon Davis, Pardon Allen, Perry Brightman, Daniel Wing, Perry Hazard
VOTED to accept the report of the committee which was chosen at the annual meeting & ascertain the situation and boundaries of the landing at the Head of the River & that the same be recorded on the Town book.
$200. VOTED that the sum of two hundred dollars be raised by way of tax for the support of school, and that if the Town should be complained of within the year for not having
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schools agreeable to law, that the expence if there should be any made against the Town be paid out of the two hundred dollars.
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$1500. VOTED that fifteen hundred dollars be raised by way of taxes … for the support of the poor and other incidental charges….
The Conu-nittee on Accounts made a report …. allowing charges against the Town of $1864.94. VOTED to accept the report and to direct the Treasurer to pay the charges….
Committee also reported they had settled with the Treasurer who had received for the Town the sum of $1741.52 during the past year and had paid out $1708.99, making a ballance in favour of the Town of $32.53.
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The Committee further report that there was by the report of the Committee the last year a ballance in favour of the Town between the sums assessed on the Town and the accounts that had been allowed the amount of $146.76, and that there had been assessed on the inhabitants the year past as by report this day presented $1553.91, leaving a ballance against the Town the sum of $164.27. And which is respectfully submitted. William White, Jr., Barney Hicks, Thomas Richmond: Committee on Accounts. May 12,1823.
VOTED that this meeting be adjourned to next Saturday, May 17….
TO NICHOLAS LITTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING. [warrant for meeting May 12,1823 to select representatives for the General Court]
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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of Westport held at the Town House on Monday the twelfth day of May A.D. 1823 agreeable to the foregoing warrant, the inhabitants were called upon to know whether they would send any representative, and there was no person that voted. Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk
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TO NICHOLAS LnTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING. [warrant for special town meeting to be held May 12,1823]
1 – to choose moderator; 2. to know the Town’s mind in regard to taking sand from the Horseneck Point (so called) and to take such measures as may be though proper and expedient; 3. to know the Town’s mind in regard to setting off Pardon Petty, Benjamin Pettey, and Stephen Pettey, from the School District they now belong to and annexing them to some other district.
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AT A LEGAL MEETING [pursuant to foregoing warrant]
Nathan C. Brownell, Esq. chosen moderator
VOTED that the Selectmen prepare a petition and send it to the General Court requesting a law to be made to prohibit the taking sand from the Horseneck Point, in large quantities.
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VOTED that this meeting be adjourned to Saturday next the 17th day of this instant….
Abner Brownell, Esq. chosen moderator pro tem
Nicholas Little chosen Constable & Collector of Taxes for the year ensuing on conditions of producing sufficient bonds-and doing all the Town’s business as Constable gratis. To have 1.6 per cent on all the money he shall collect for the taxes of 1823…. ‘
VOTED that this meeting be adjourned to the last Saturday in August next….
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Abner Brownell chosen moderator pro tem
VOTED that Pardon Petty, Benjamin Pettey and Stephen Pettey with their property be set off from school district No. 13 and annexed to school district No. 12.
TO NICHOLAS LITTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for special town meeting for November 29, 1823 “to know the Town’s mind in regard to an indictment found by the Grand Jury against this Town for not keeping the publick highway in repair that leads from the widow Ruth Wordell’s house eastward to Dartmouth line, and also to choose an agent to attend to said indictment, if thought necessary and expedient …. -]
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AT A LEGAL MEETING [held November 29,1823, pursuant to foregoing warrant]
Daniel Wing chosen moderator
Nathan C. Brownell chosen agent in behalf of the Town to appear at the next Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Taunton on the second monday of December next to answer to an Indictment found by the Grand Jury against the inhabitants of this Town for not keeping the Highway in repair that leads from Ruth Wordell’s house eastward to Dartmouth line….
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The following is a list of the names of those persons who were proposed by the Selectmen as jurors and accepted by the Town and ordered to be placed in the jury box, viz.,
Weston Allen, Major Allen, George Allen, Green Allen, Job Allen, Jacob Allen, Joseph Brightman, Isaac W. Brownell, Nathan C. Brownell, Jireh Brownell, Daniel Brownell, George M. Brownell, David M. Brownell, George C. Brownell, Ezekiel Brownell, Elijah Blossom, Restcome Borden, Jabez Barker, Pardon Case, John Case, Isaac Cory, Jr., Restcome Case, Wanton Case, Jr., John Cornell, Jr., John Dyer, Jr., Anthony Davis, George W. Davis, Joseph Davis, William T. Davis, Emmanuel Devol, Peter Devol, Jonathan Davis, Allen Devol, Jeremiah Devol, Jr., Russell Gifford, Jonathan Gifford, John Gifford of E, Zaceus Gifford, Levi Gifford, John A. Gifford, Adam Gifford, Abner B. Gifford, Peleg Gifford, John W. Gifford, John B. Gifford, Easton Howland, Wing Howland, John W. Howland, Silas Kirby, Noah Kirby, Pardon Kirby, George Kirby, Isaiah Kirby, Obadiah Lawton, Nicholas Little, John Lawrence, John Macomber, John Milk, Simeon Macomber, Charles Macomber, Thomas W. Mayhew, Henry Palmer, Christopher Palmer, Restcome Potter, Weston Potter, John Potter, Jonathan Potter, Peleg W. Peckham, Joshua Potter, Phillip Potter, Jonathan Russell, Jonathan Records, Pardon Sherman, Slaid Shennan, Humphry Slocum, Samuel
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Slade, David Sisson, Jonathan Sowle, Capt. Peleg Sisson, Esq.,
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Edmund Tripp, Jr., Ezekiel Tripp, Nathaniel Tripp, carpenter, Benjamin Tripp, Jr., Rufus Tripp, Abner Wilcox of Silvanus, Luthan Wing, Daniel Wing, Henry Wilcox, Reuben Wait, George Wood, Luthan White, Wilson Wing, Nathan Wood, Thomas Winslow, Nicholas White.
TO NICHOLAS LITTLE, CONSTABLE, GREETING. [warrant for special town meeting for January ten, 1824 “to know the Town’s mind in regard to dividing school district No. 6 and making of the same two districts for the better accomodations of its inhabitants….]