Class of 1943
Posted on December 15, 2015 by Jenny ONeill

The class of 1943 graduated in the midst of the Second World War. Their yearbook tackled themes such as “The Home Front”, rationing, and the farm labor emergency. The Westport Historical Society is fortunate to have a collection of mimeographed letters written to their teacher Catherine Doyle from her advisees of the class of 1943. The letters were compiled and re-sent out to the group by her. Accession #2015.004.001
Students included: Elizabeth Peckham, Anna Sherman, Cukie Macomber, Carolyn Columbia, Carolyn Christopher, Calvin Hopkinson, Vilena White, Jean Medeiors, Alice Costa, Virginia Smith, Marjorie Brightman, Alice Francis, Edith Manchester, Mary Medeiros, Belle Oliver, Lillian Perry, Lillian DeAndrade, June Hartnett, Ida Saulnier, Ruth Haskell, Gloria Tripp, Eunice Sanford, Roland Beaulieu, Ralph Montigny, Walter Chelluk, John Mieczkowski, Kenneth Sanford, Kenneth Borden, Norman Roylance, Walter Wood.
We have transcribed the letters, presented in full here:
Here is our first attempt at our little plan. Mrs. Fabiano, (Miss Smith to you) is having it done for you. She’s the same person you know, looks like a high school youngster along with the rest of the students.
In sending them out, I am going to send them each time only to those who write because I presume those who don’t aren’t interested.
Albert Kirby was in yesterday. He’s in the Coast Guard.
Clayton Emery is to finish within a few weeks at Pensacola and will be a full-fledged Flying Ensign. He really has done well, and I’m proud of him. Grouse will follow along the same path, too, and Eddie will do the same in the Army.
Miss Lussier is stationed in Boston. Her mailing address is 909 Beacon Street.
If you have any suggestions for improvement, pass them along and we’ll try to comply.
My very best wishes for your safety, happiness, and success in your endeavors.
J.H. Andrews O/2c
USNTS (Radio)
Northwestern University
Evanston, Ill.
Batt. 17, Div. I
I’m doing great, Miss Doyle, and I have high hopes of going to sea this fall with a “crow” on my left arm. All my marks are above 3.8, and I’m getting 13 words a minute in code, boy that’s really coming into your earphones. This week I got three 4.0’s, and a 3.0. The top Navy grade is 4.0, so you see I’m not doing so very bad after all. It’s a tough course, and they say that you’re pretty good if you pass it. Somehow I think I can make it if I keep on studying hard. It would have been great if I had been at graduation, but I guess Uncle Sam comes first.
I don’t have very much time to myself because the little time after school we have off is used up washing these “whites” that get so dirty so easy, and also studying for the weekly exams we have.
That was a swell break for M-ski and Walt to be going to college. There’s a branch of V-12’s and Marines here now, also lots more Radiomen than there used to be. It’s still swell here.
I am working at Horseneck Beach as I told you I might. For the last few weeks I have not had a day off. My hours are from 1 o’clock to 10, so you can see I don’t feel like writing at night.
I have seen several of my classmates at the restaurant. Among them are Gloria, Christina, Ida, and June; and Sunday I saw Walter Chelluk with his brother. Neither are in the service yet. Do you know if our boys have left yet?
One thing I miss, Miss Doyle, is the discussions we used to carry on in Problems Class about the war. I read the headlines as usual but somehow it still seems hard to form one’s own opinion.
June is working in the Goodyear plant in New Bedford on the Housewife’s shift from 8-12 in the morning. I saw in the paper where Vilena has accepted a good job.
It is 11:30 at night, and I think I had better close for this time, hoping to hear from you when you have time,
Elizabeth Peckham
In response to the class’s wishes, I shall be very happy to write this letter. At present I am employed by the Anchor Color & Gun works in Dighton. This company is a subsidiary plant of the Arnold Hoffman Co. Inc. I am doing stenography. It’s so different to be actually working at practically the same things I took up in school. Everyone is real nice to me, and I think I could have come in contact with very few other people who I would enjoy working with more.
The group that went to Horseneck all enjoyed themselves and personally I had a swell time. We met at the head of Westport and from there preceded to the beach. We had our picnic, played ball and enjoyed swimming.
Both Alice and Jean are doing fine. Alice is still keeping the boys at the USO dances happy.
Better late than never. To tell the truth, I forgot all about writing until this noon.
I’ve been working at Firestone all summer making de-lousing bags (lovely occupation) and later, raincoats for the Army and Marines. It was interesting and fun, and I met a lot of different people, some of them very nice.
This week I am having a vacation, and Tuesday I start school at Bryant.
I think I’ll say so long now for as you can plainly see I’m not much of a letter writer.
Pvt. W.C. Wood, USMCR
205 New Hampshire Hall
Hanover, New Hampshire
Here is the letter I promised last week. I don’t really know what to tell you except I’m working like the devil and doing what I’m told.
Last night I went to the show and saw some third-rate picture. That’s all there is to do in Hanover. Today is rather cool, and winter is definitely on the way. The leaves are starting to turn.
Yesterday the football team had a good workout. They’re about ready for the opening game with Holy Cross late in September. I sure would like to be playing.
My little corporal was in a good mood yesterday and recommended us for neatness at inspection. There were only four in our platoon who be so honored.
I received a letter from Lillian De A. the other day. She is in high spirits about her engagement, etc. She also told me about some of our class. We’re really spread all over the map now.
What do you think of the war now? I suppose it’ll be all over by the time they get me trained. I’ll probably be in Tokyo guarding a bunch of Japs. I guess we still have a way to go yet, and I don’t think the war will be over for a while.
6 Ryder Street
No. Dartmouth
Aug. 16, 1943
The most important and exciting thing that’s happened since last I wrote is my real “honest-to-gosh” engagement. I need not tell you who the party of the second part is, you probably can guess. He sent me the ring for my birthday. Of course, I knew it was coming, he can’t keep a secret from me; but waiting so impatiently and not saying a word to any one about it made me feel as if I’d burst with excitement. At last it came; and it’s one of the most beautiful (to me anyway) I ever saw. Johnny is a grand boy, but I’d feel the same about him if he had not gone to all that expense.
Two other events have taken place, too. I don’t recall whether I told you about leaving my first job. I stayed two weeks. The next two weeks were spent helping my mother with the washing, painting, and other work that goes into moving. The following weeks, with the help of John’s brother-in-law, I got a job at the Kerr Thread mill in the packing room as a packer’s assistant. It’s a simple kind of work, with good hours, eight to five. I’ve been there about four weeks and have gained six pounds! So you see, it seems to agree with me.
To the dismay of many of my school chums, I’m now a resident of Dartmouth. We’ve been living here exactly one week today. Please explain to them, Miss Doyle, that Westport “will ever be first in my heart” and I have not really become a “traitor.” Also extend my invitation (and this goes to you, too) to stop in and visit with me whenever convenient. We can chat about school days.
I’ve met quite a few of the Class of ’43 since we “parted.” Walter has written me and Grouse promised he would when he got settled.
It looks as though I’ll have to close, although there’s so much more I had to say.
Pvt. J.J.Miseskowski, USM
Box 5104, Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
Things have settled down to a routine here.
There are two things I look forward to all week. The first is Saturday afternoon’s drill, the time interval being an hour and a half, this is the only time I feel like a Marine—and the second is Sunday when I can sleep till 8:30 and get breakfast at 9:00.
I’m passing all the subjects but not without difficulty. My best courses are history and algebra. In history, I am pulling down 90’s and A’s (nothing lower) with a minimum of study. So you see, I did study history at Westport High and I did listen to your interesting lectures. Now I am reaping the rewards.
I go to English class in ten minutes, so I shall close.
C.C. Hopkinson, S/2c
U.S. Naval Air Base
c/o Tartiacs Platoon 2
Vero Beach, Fla.
I just finished polishing wax on the barracks deck. The fellows are down on their hands and knees and rub the deck with rags. Singing all kinds of songs and trying to outdo the top deck of the barracks. We’re one lower. We just finished washing clothes yesterday. Our Division Officer has made section leaders out of the crew and we go to pre-pre-cadet training next week. We have a field day every week and that means complete scrub down of the barracks. The topside is in competition with us on making points in all of our duties. The contest ends sometime in April and the winners dump the losers in the river. Our crews are made into companies. The topside is a mixture of Rebels and Bostonians. When we throw them in the river, we’ll tie their heads to a stone. We can have competitions in athletics and our studies. We have training in Boxing, softball, volleyball, man-to-man touch football, and basketball. Personally the rivalry is keen, and we hope for the best. We’ll fight to the bitter end.
When I get on the line duty for gassing planes, oiling them, and securing them, I’ll really know I’m in the Navy. Talking with the pilots and then seeing them smashed to bits by crashes makes every new job, every new bit of knowledge more keen and dear. I take every new step in my training with a pride and a keen desire to progress and become a Naval aviator.
A/S Edward S. Pettengill
27th C.T.D. (Air Crew)
Toledo University
Toledo, Ohio
Just got here last Friday. Good to get out of North Carolina and South. Swell school here and plenty of work. A lot harder than High School besides other work. I imagine you will look forward to going back to school this fall. Have to take history.
As usual, I imagine that I’m the last to write against the September first deadline. However, I do hope that everyone in the class finds time to write as I hear from very few. I did have a letter from Grouse last week which I was indeed glad to get. He likes it, according to what he says, and somehow I don’t think he has changed much. Need I say more.
I’m still working at Seal-Sac in Fall River but am getting awfully tired of climbing those four flights of stairs each day. I feel about sixty years old by the time I reach the fifth floor, believe me! I have been to the beach a few times and a number of dances, including the old stand-by, the U.S.O., but other than that, life in the old town is pretty quiet.
I had a letter from Miss Smith today, (pardon me, Mrs. Fabiano) and I don’t believe she cares for the south either. She says that she expects to be back in Westport soon, and I guess they need her with Mr. Hammond and Miss Lussier gone. Have you seen Miss Lussier lately? A girl in the office, Aramonde Vigeant, says that she sees her in church about every Sunday. I guess I’d love to see her in uniform.
Incidentally, I think Bob Boyles is in Panama, although I’m not sure. He hasn’t written to me yet, although he has written to others. I do hear regularly from Ruthie at St. Luke’s, and I’m as anxious as they to find out if they join the Cadet Nursing Corps. Those Montgomery berets that they wear are rather cute, don’t you think?
I have heard this from my Newfoundland girl friend since her arrival at home. It took her thirteen days to make the trip, the reason being she had to wait over four days in Canada, and four in Nfld for bags. It was a relief to hear she had landed safely. How will she go about getting back into the country, I wonder? I don’t think she is a citizen, yet plans to come back in a few months. I guess there is little to do and few opportunities in that small country.
I must close and get some sleep now. But I love it.
As ever,
How’s everything going in Fall River? Everything is fine here. I see that “Woodie” and Johnny are all set now. Good for them. I hope I’ll be in before long, too. I’ll write a letter pretty soon and say a little more.
I intended to write sooner, but have been quite busy.
On July 29, I enlisted in the USA Reserve Corps and expect to be called to active duty within a week as a candidate for the Army Specialized Training Program.
I have been working as an adjustor and assistant bookkeeper for my Uncle in addition to regular duties in the market and those concerned with ration stamps. So far we have handled nearly four hundred thousand of them!
Soon you will be preparing for the reopening of school with the appearance of many new faces who are taking the place of the Class of 1943.
Truly yours,
Kenneth Sanford
???????????????? (about five sentences gone because of the fold in the paper) ?????????????? will write soon. The C.G. certainly is swell. I am just coming off duty now. Lucky Grouse is in Florida (Navy).
I’ve been very busy all summer long, and I’m still in the thick of it. Just now we have been doing a lot of bean-picking. It’s a good thing I’m not going back to school this year or you would be looking for a girl and instead you’d probably see a string bean!
Have you seen many of the members of our class? I’ve seen quite a few of the girls at the USO dances, but I haven’t seen any of the boys. Miss Lussier sent me a card from Boston where she is now on duty. She told me she was watching a gang of “jitterbugs” dancing to the music of Tommy Tucker’s orchestra and that I should have been there. If only I could, I would certainly have been there.
Just think, I’m an aunt again! My sister Evelyn had a baby boy yesterday! We all wanted a little girl, but we have to take what comes.
Albertina is coming along fine, only a bit lonesome. She heard from her husband who is now in Sicily where he has been in action during the invasion. She sends you her best regards.
Well, I wish you the best of luck with your new pupils. They’re going to be pretty tough if they’re all like my sister Adelaide. I do believe you’ll find quite a difference in my sister compared to me.
There are so many things I had planned to say, but they can’t come to me now. At any rate, I made an attempt at a letter. I must close for this time, for I’ve a busy day ahead of me. Doing what? – beans, of course.
As ever,
It seems quite a while since closing the doors of our high school days. Yet again is seems a very short time.
Since we were all together, many of us have opened the doors to new adventures – to new lives.
When I left Westport High, I left some of my happiest days behind me, but in return I brought away many wonderful memories, a host of new friends, a most-welcomed education, and the knowledge that, now, I would be able to strive for a second ambition—that of becoming
a nurse.
Many of us know what we want to be when we reach a very early age. Some of us change our ambitions. However, I never really could, but not that I wasn’t discouraged by practically everyone I knew.
Most of the students here, myself included, are going to join the Nurses Cadet Corps. It will be a great help to al of us and maybe even greater help to our government in securing more nurses.
In my new life, the studies I have must be taken seriously. We not only have to learn and study various sciences, but we have to do practical work. We apply our knowledge while we learn, and we apply it on human beings. Thus it is of utmost importance that we learn and study thoroughly everything which will aid in the care of the sick. There are many new things we have to adjust ourselves to. It is not easy. It is hard. But it is interesting. There is a good we are all trying to achieve—to be truly well-trained, well-mannered, and to possess the ability and practical side of preventing sickness, caring for those who are ill and to be also a service not only to the individual, but to the family, the community, and to our country.
Nursing is a wonderful profession. May I reach my goal.
I should truly like to hear news of my classmates. It would be nice to know how they are coming along.
Ruth Haskell
September 1 has rolled around much faster than I thought it would. It seems such a short while ago that we were in the midst of the excitement that precedes graduation. But that’s over and now we go on to different things.
This summer I have done everything from painting and wallpapering to driving tractors and milking cows. I’ve attended USO dances and also I’m almost completing an advanced course in the Red Cross First Aid. Miss Cahoon is instructing, and we have our final exam in two weeks.
As I planned, I’m entering Allen’s Business School on September 7. The subjects are going to be rather difficult, but if I do my homework every night, I think I’ll probably survive the course.
I’ve seen quite a few of my classmates rather frequently. I was speaking to Anna Sherman on the telephone last night. She received a letter from “Grouse” but I suppose that he’s been writing to you. Virginia Smith is planning to go to Allen’s so it will almost seem like old times.
I’ll stop in at the high school this fall at my earliest opportunity, for I’ll be driving to and from school each day. I’ll never forget Westport High School for I made many friends there. Those three years were the happiest in my life, so far. It meant work, which I did to the best of my ability, but it also brought many good times. I’ll never regret going back to school.
My dad will be calling on me soon to do some sort of work. This ??????? had taken to Tiverton to hire some men. When I came back, I had to help him grease a cinder (that’s a machine that cuts corn and ties it in bundles.)
We’ve managed to have fun this summer, despite all the restrictions. Hay rides have been very popular and so far we’ve had two. There are still some boys left and it isn’t quite as bad as in the cities. But I’m afraid many of the boys of high school age won’t be coming back to school.
Mary Medeiros
I enrolled in the F. G. Allen School in July for a six-weeks summer course. By chance, Gloria had, too.
Three weeks later, I applied for a position in the BMC Durfee Trust and was both surprised and pleased to hear I had obtained it. What pleased me more was I obtained it on my own and without the help of Allen’s. I have been working three weeks and a half. In fact, right this minute, I’m in McWhirr’s on my lunch hour (or it was an hour). I may not be able to finish it this time, but will in my next spare moments.
I’ve kept contact with a few of the classmates but would appreciate it if I heard from more of you, I know you fellows are pretty busy right now, and a line now and then would be nice.
Sgt. Sampson said in his recent letter to me that he wishes Miss Doyle and all my classmates the best of luck. He said thanks too to the many who wrote in the yearbook I gave him.
When he was in North Africa, he sent me for my graduation present a handmade purse and slippers. The purse was made entirely of leather, there wasn’t a thread in it. They both were wonderful presents, and you can just bet they were greatly appreciated. He’s a grand fellow, and I am proud of him.
Well, dear classmates, it seems like this is the finale of my first letter to you. Perhaps next time I shall be able to write on more interesting topics, but after reading your letter, I shall be able to carry on little individual “notepad chats.”
Someday perhaps we shall do our chatting in person. It’s something to look forward to anyway.
As ever,
Vilena, Jr.
This letter is being written only about a quarter of a mile from the high school. I’m on duty at the fire station until six o’clock tonight. I work in my father’s garage except when I come over here to help because of the manpower shortage.
I’ve been trying for two months to get into the C.G. full-time but my eyes were so bad they will not take me. I love the ocean and any thing that goes with it – you probably know that. I have one hope left – the C.B’s. I think I may be able to get in through the draft board. It isn’t a nice thing to say, but I don’t like the army, mostly because it’s a land force and would probably take me away from the sea and very exciting experiences. ??? Coast Guard Temporary Reserve has been very active all summer with some very exciting experiences. I am a coxswain now and Calvin was a ??? to the same before he went into the Navy. I really ????gather on my father’s boat, and now it’s ????????????
. ***
While I have the chance, I’d like to say hello to the class of 1943. I miss seeing you around school but have a new group of faces greeting me every morning.
You probably all know that I left for Louisiana right after school closed and was married down there. I was able to stay down there until September 9 when my husband came home with me on furlough.
I want to thank all of you for your cards and letters this summer. I found out how much service men really appreciate mail because I was away from home, too. We sat and waited for the mailman each day.
The best of luck to you all. Come and see us when you have a chance.
Mrs. Fabiano (Miss Smith)
I have read your letters with deep interest and believe that Miss Doyle and Mrs. Fabiano have an idea that will prove very popular with those of ’43 who are away from home. Perhaps they can include some of the “Villager” in the letters they send out.
Mr. Hammond, Mr. Dolan, and Mr. Gifford are on leaves of absence and that leaves Mr. Pierce, Mr. Wood, and myself to do what we can for the boys. We are planning football, as last year and have some ?????? and Dartmouth. We will ????? strong but full of fight, I assure you.
The best of luck to each and everyone of you.
Milton Earle
December Letter
Hello Everybody,
Paul Couture was home from Idaho in October. I was in Study Hall one morning when I saw a nose appear, then a whole face which I recognized as Paul’s. He looks well. He was in a mad rush to see George and had a call in for Albert Kirby who is in the C.G.’s offshore here abouts so I didn’t have much time to talk to him.
On October 19, Jim Tripp was in from California, He is in the ??? and is in a unit guarding a Japanese relocation camp there. He was good enough to tell the Civics class of some of his experiences and demonstrated some Judo in a restrained manner upon Edmie Bibeau who was supposedly taking a testy for me. Jim looks very fit and has gained over twenty pounds.
I had a letter from Tom Boyles who is in Africa. He said it is wonderful how two groups of people like the Arabs and Americans can understand each other despite the difficulty of language. What is wanted is finally agreed upon after a session of signs. He has seen some lovely examples of architectural design and mosaic in various types of stone.
Frank Souza was in and he told us he had volunteered for submarine duty. He wrote last week and said he was crazy about the work. He’s at the sub base at New London.
Marjorie and Mary Medeiros were in one afternoon and looked well. By all accounts, they still remember good old W.H.S. in rather a fond manner.
Eunice was in Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She likes nursing very well but finds it needs a great deal of study. She finds time to get home but brings her books home to study, too. That’s the spirit.
Johnny and Walter were home together and dropped in one afternoon during rationing. I know one reason why the marines stand so straight. Their jacket is so tight that one inch “on the bend” would mean strangulation. They both like the marines and are studying hard.
Edith skipped a couple of periods one afternoon and dropped in on the way back. Somehow it seemed peculiar not to see “Pet” at the same time. (She says she’s not much of a correspondent. Remember her last letter! I question that.)
“The Villager” made its initial appearance and was absorbed from cover to cover by the student body. The cover was a Pilgrim father in a pose suggesting that he was looking for something;– that rare thing this year, a turkey, I guess. Marge, how are Grandma’s turkeys?
Mr. Hammond was in his navy blues yesterday, Nov. 28, for the first time. He looked very well in them. In my mind, I contrasted his appearance with that coaching regalia he used to appear at the field with. What a contract!
Don’t forget, we are on our way but the road is still long and a costly one to travel. I saw a good quotation the other day “The fortunes of war flow this way and that, and no prudent fighter holds his enemy in contempt.”
Good luck,
Next letter, March 1
Dear Miss Doyle:
Last summer I took to six weeks course at Allen’s Business School and the last week in August Christina and I went to New York.
During the month of September I was doing clerical work up to the Red Cross Headquarters in Fall River.
Then I hurt my hand while extracting honey which laid me up for several weeks. Spent a week at my aunt’s in Lowell.
Now I’ve been living here at the YWCA in New Bedford with twenty other girls–six of us from Westport. On e of my roommates is from Texas and she and I chum together a lot.
Am doing defense work now but can’t say it’s so interesting as you don’t learn anything. Otherwise it’s fine.
Boy it’s great to think you don’t have to milk cows any more. But when I was home Sunday I milked two just to see if I remembered how—as if I could forget.
Another thing, I have given up all my correspondence to service men except one. I really think it’s worth it all because he’s worth it. And if any of you hear anything before long which you can’t believe don’t be surprised.
There’s a dance at the Service Club at Camp Edwards tonite. All the girls from the “Y” are going but I’m staying here to wait for a phone call from Washington D.C.
I would like to hear from any of the class mates of mine so please write. Until next time.
66 Spring St.
New Bedford
Dear Miss Doyle:
When did Texas join the Union? The way they talk down here anyone would think they were in a foreign country. I feel as if I am
I was supposed to stay in Toledo until the last of November but was put on an emergency shipment and here I am.
They’ve really given us a going over sense we’ve been here, I’m still living so I guess I survived it.
I’ve been classified as a pilot. That’s what I wanted so I’m not kicking. I don’t know when I’ll be sent to Preflight but I hope it’s soon. There is a Preflight school across the street. I might be sent over there or to Santa Ana, California. It doesn’t matter much to me where I’m sent as long as I can get going.
Thanks for sending the letter of combined letters. I don’t know how many times I’ve read them. I guess I’m going to have a little competition with “Grouse.”
I’m glad that Johnny and Walter were home together on leave. They’ve both worked hard and deserve it. I might get a furlough when I complete my training if I’m lucky. That won’t be for about nine months.
The boys of last year’s class are certainly spread out over the U.S. Not one of us had forgotten Westport and never sill.
I hear school is nice and quiet this year. Something is missing. I wonder what?
Av/SEdward M. Pettengill 31361973
Squadron 110 Flight C Section 3
A.A.F.C.C. – S.A.A.C.C.
San Antonio, Texas
Our Class is gradually being spread over the country, later probably over the entire world. When we hold a reunion, it will held at the beginning of the end of all war forever. Lasting peace can be maintained if the United Nations remain united in spirit and in force; to use this force to savagely smash any attempts to over throw the government established by the Allies. This must be done, or the next generation will be marching to massacre on the battlefields of the world.
Miss Doyle, this is the way I and millions of other G.I.’s feel.
Kenneth Sanford, 11132961
14th Co., 4th Battalion
6th Trng. Regt., 2nd Platoon
A.S.T. Program
Fort Benning, Ga.
Hello class of ‘43
Although it’s only been about five or six months since we were all together (most of us), it seems much longer to me. I guess I had a swell time in High School, but the life I’m leading today has everything beat. I wouldn’t trade the Marines for anything (shouts from M’ski)
We are expecting a tough winter. It has already snowed. I have been issued a fur lined coat and hat. By the time this reaches you there’ll be ten feet of snow up here. (more or less.)
If I had but one wish, I’d wish for some of the study periods I wasted in High School.
Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas.
313 Tupliffe Hall
Hanover, N.H.
Dear Miss Doyle,
A few days after I wrote to you the last time, I was placed on the training staff of “Assault Boat Flotilla #18.”
My duties here have been to train new “boots,” to handle the “TBY” set (walkie-talkie) and more important than that, to go out with the assault boats and maintain communications among the different groups while on maneuvers out at sea and while practicing invasions on the beach hereabouts!
It was a few weeks ago when the full realization of how very important my work is that I began to enjoy doing it. What brought this about was a follows:
We were out to sea, about 2 1/2 miles offshore and the boat crews were practicing approaches to the transport that is used out there for training purposes. It so happened that I was in a small “PR” which is made of plywood. We were standing off some distance from the transport when I heard a distress call from the ship attempting to call the shore. A larger assault boat—this one made of steel—had come along side of the transport and it seems that because of the roughened sea, one of its crew had been thrown to the metal deck and consequently broke his leg, and that he was now being rushed to shore for medical attention. The radio operator aboard the “Yag” (transport) was trying to get a message to the beach to have an ambulance there waiting to pick up the injured man from the boat and take him to the hospital. His transmitting was weak, and he wasn’t calling the proper station, so I asked his permission to get the message through for him. He said that I could, so I called a landing barge near the beach and told him to get ashore and have an ambulance there at the beach as soon as possible because an injured man was on the way in. The barge landed, and contracted the Base by telephone, and the ambulance was out to the beach by the time that the injured guy got there. He was rushed to the hospital and I learned that night that he has a concussion to tops off his broken leg. He had received a dirty crack on the head and that was plenty serious. The doctor said that he might not have lived if that ambulance hadn’t been on the beach waiting.
Since then, I’ve seen a dozen instances that prove that I’m really needed here! The Amphibious Force is by far no cinch, but I’ve never looked for the easiest things in life so this is o,k. for me! Of course, I would be much happier on board a nice destroyer or PT boat, but this is my job and if it’s possible, I’ll do whatever is needed to be done along my line of work—radio.
Johnny Andrews RM 3/6
A.T.B. Flotilla 18
Gr. 82, Staff Baks. 46
Little Creek, VA
Dear Miss Doyle:
I’m all through working in the control tower, and I don’t like to leave it. After I was made Battalion Commander, I got an appointment to work in the tower for two weeks. It was very interesting. All kinds of radio equipment, homing beacon, radar, and all. The tower has control of all activities of planes on the field. There are some aviators suits up there and I have tried them on. It feels pretty good to know that you are going to be given a chance to be one of the U.S. Navy’s fliers. We had one instructor land with his wheels up because his landing gear wouldn’t work. The instructor is only 27 and he is a veteran of combat. He made a beaut of a belly landing. He had a passenger in the rear cockpit who was just an Ensign student. That’s my goal, a flying Ensign.
We have changed back to our original schedule with classes and work dividing the day. I took an exam on aerodynamics and got a 4.0. They had the questions on a reel and a choice of five questions. You had to read the question, look at the picture and pick the right answer in six seconds. It no only gives you the sense of having immediate control of your knowledge, but makes you think fast. A pilot in combat can’t stop to figure, he must make split-second decisions. I am going to be on the station boxing team, if they have one.
We have some new games to play since the govt. cut out boxing, softball, and calisthenics. Speedball a combination of soccer, hockey, football and basketball. I throw football blocks all day when we play that game. We play in the beautiful Florida turf–sand and mud. The dew is on the grass in the morning, so we are pretty black when we get through.
It won’t be long now before I’m up in Mass. again. I have thin blood now because of the climate, but I have gained a few pounds. I weigh clost to 150 lb. and the man-to-man tactics are useful enough to cripple and maim a burly, troublesome chap. War really changes the whole psychology of America. In peacetime you play games for fun and to win. In these times you play to defeat in physical manner. You learn to use every trick in the book to rid yourself of danger.
Calvin Hopkinson
c/o Marmacs
Vero Beach, Fla.
I hope my letter arrives in time because I feel our little plan has proven interesting and I shall be looking forward to the next issue. I finished working at the beach in September and since then I have had a long vacation, but I do hope I will obtain something soon.
I want to extend my best wishes to our boys who are with Uncle Sam and good luck to our girls who has already taken steps in their careers.
Dear Classmates,
I hope you enjoyed the last letter prepared by Miss Doyls and Mrs. Fabiano. It was so interesting I take it out every once in a while and read it for old times’ sake. That’s why I wouldn’t pass up writing you again.
I’m still attending F.G.Alllen Business School in Fall River. And, believe it or not, I’ve had only one flat tire since I started. Margie and I were going to change it ourselves, but just at the crucial moment, a young boy came by and helped us. What a relief. I don’t think I could have done it myself.
No matter what school I go to, good old Westport High will be first in my heart. I go back to visit so often, that I almost feel as if I were a senior again. Of course, all the familiar faces have gone and others have taken their places.
The seniors are going to have a play. Good for them. I know it will be a grand success. Of yes, they’re selling stationery as we did last year.
I was lucky enough to see Johnny and Walter when they were home on furlough. I just happened to walk into the high school and there they were speaking to Miss Doyle. It was good to see them again.
I’d better do my homework (yes, I still do homework, piles of it) Miss Smalley is very particular and we have to have our work done on time.
I’ll be looking forward to hearing from everyone soon.
Mary Medeiros
Dear Classmates,
I hope you are all finding your new vocation as enjoyable as mine. I am going from six in the morning till ten at night and is never a dull moment esp4ecially when working on the wards. Every day there is always are experiences and n3ew things to learn. I sometimes need to think I could never sit through a forty minute class but now we have two, three, four hour classes besides our ward work.
I visited the High School last week (Nov. 24) and had a very nice time except I missed all of you and wished that we could have been together.
This is all for this time as it is time for five o’clock class. I will be very glad to hear from any of you.
Elizabeth House
Union Hospital
Fall River, Mass
I missed out on the first letter, but hereafter I hope to contribute my little bit every time a letter is due.
Well, there’s been very little change for me since graduation for I’ve been staying at home, but I’m planning on starting training as a beautician in January.
Ida Saulnier
It’s certainly hard to believe that another three months have already passed. Time seems to go so quickly when you’re busy.
I’ve changed jobs again and am now working in an office all alone – some change from being with over a dozen other people. I like it much better there (General Cotton Supply Corp, Fall River) and it’s lost quieter there.
There’s little to write of and only one thing that I’ll mention in passing. In case anyone is interested, I no longer have braids, it’s now cut good and short. What a nice feeling. Best of luck to all.
Hello, Classmates:
When I graduated last June I thought I had seen the last of school days. Well, I hadn’t for here I am in school again. I’m taking time out to type you a few lines, but it’s not school time, it’s my time.
Quite a difference from dear old Westport. Oh how I miss it. At least I admit it and that’s more than some of you would do. Mary is sitting beside me. I know she does.
The fire engines just went by, Mary, Virginia, and I turned to look. Mr. Allen said that fire engines were a novelty to country kids and he didn’t think the rest of the class had to look. I think it was a crack, don’t you? He can’t do that to us. Doesn’t he know that in Westport we have three engines?
It sure is noisey here. Big trucks go by and you can guess who always looks at them. Of course it wouldn’t be the three from Westport. But Mr. Allen is very good with us. He says that he understands how it is, we coming from a small town where there are no big buildings. Well, we’ve got used to the razzing by now. We get it day in and day out,.
Well, kids, Mr. Allen will be coming to typing soon and he’ll expect to find me doing my work. So until next time I’ll say So Long.
A fellow classmate,
P.S. By the way, we have to buy our own paper here. so we can’t afford to waste it. But I’m not wasting it when I’m writing to you.
S2/c R. P. Montigny
USS Luce 2nd DW
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, Calif.
Hello Miss Doyle:
How are things back in Westport High? I’ve been trying to find out what kind of a football team you have this year, but nobody seems to know. I’ll bet there isn’t many in school now-a-days. I heard Me. Hammond joined the Navy a while back. I wonder if J. Andrews is still in Idaho. Seems as though all those that get to service schools stay in them for quite a while. Hope you can read this, the ship won’t stand still long enough. Well, this is about what I’ve done since I saw you last. About a month at a service station in N.Y., during that stay went to gunnery school in Va. and Newport then came aboard ship. Have done quite a bit of traveling since I’ve been on board, Cuba, Trinidad, Panama, but this is only two that I’ve liked that’s pulling into New York. The statue of Liberty sure looks good and Newport, R.I. I always manage to get home from there. I was home on leave a couple of weeks before school started or I would have dropped in on you. Give my regards to the rest of the teachers and wish them a Merry Christmas and New Year. Well can’t think of anything else to write about so I’ll close now.
So Long
I’m a bit late, but I hope I’m not too late. I was looking forward to the next writing date and it crept up on me without my realizing it. Our little plan worked out very well for the first time. I have enjoyed reading every bit of it.
Even though I was at school for a short time the other day, it felt good to be back and look the place over. I finally did get to ??? at Dartmouth and the dance at night. I had a grand time and ??? many of the old gang. The best part of the whole day was the ??? in the evening. One surprise I got was to find Carolyn was at ??? and neither of us had really planned to go.
??? all the farm work is over and done with for now at least. It is too good to be true. Now I can go out and see what I can get ??? of a job.
Well, Christmas is just around the corner once again, and that ??? problems of Christmas shopping comes along with it too.
??? from Bob Boyles recently and he seems to be doing fine. ??? hears from her husband pretty regularly. He’s in Italy now.
The service dances are still one of my pastimes. I always have a good time when it comes to dancing. At a costume dance in Little Compton, I was given a prize for the prettiest costume which was that of a cupid doll. I never was teased so much in all my life. I was quite surprised when sometime later I spoke to a fellow who made a note of the fact that I looked very different from the first time he had seen me. One can realize then, how many people notice you when you think no one sees you.
Seeing it’s way past my bed-time, I must close for this time. Best of luck to you always.
As ever,
Alice Costa
Hi Classmates:
Sorry that I happen to be one of those on the last minute. To tell you the truth I forgot until reminded of it.
There isn’t much news at present. I am still working as stenographer for the Arnold Hoffman & Co., Inc., Dighton, Mass. One’s education surely doesn’t stop with graduation from High School. Each and every day there is something new. One thing I do wish I had taken chemistry when in school. It would come in very handy now.
Our class has drifted to many states now but remember the class reunion. Maybe I’ll get down to see you soon Miss Doyle and Miss Smith.
Let me wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be a prosperous one to every one of you.
Dear Class of ‘43
I read of your activities with such interest that I just want to add my bit to your letter.
To all of you I want to extend a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
To those of you who have written me and have not yet received an answer, please be patient. You see, the demands of the Class of ’44 are just as much, if not more, as the Class of ’43. But, I promise I shall answer them in the very near future.
Maybe I will get to see some of you if you come to the Senior play, December 17, 1943 at eight o’clock. Believe me, it is going to be good. How do I know? Well, Miss Shay is coaching it and the Seniors are in it.
Mrs. Fabiano
I have read your letters with much interest and feel that the ground has been well covered. No one has mentioned our football game with Dartmouth so I will admit we lost 25 to 0. It was our second game, we lost to Bourne, 33-6, and also our second scrimmage of the year. We had had 20 hours of practice. At that, the boys held Dartmouth about even for the first half. When you figure the short practice and decrepit old coach, I say the boys did very well. We made eighty odd dollars anyway, had a good dance with Dartmouth here, and go there Friday evening for a dance with an orchestra.
Now basketball is underway. We will probably play eight games. Do not look for too much but some of Mr. Hammond’s coaching is carrying over and I shall do my best to see that they build the wind to go a game.
Twenty-four hockey sticks have arrived for the girls and archery equipment is in the mail for us.
Silvia has now become a legitimate actor (no slap stick) and actually makes “love” (?) to Victoria. Get a furlough for December 17.
Eddie and Jean carry on where P. and E. left off. It is worse if anything. Oh if they could on “see” now what you claim you have “seen” since graduation.
Mr. Earle
Tomorrow I start my exams which will more or less will last until ? am capped. That long awaited occasion should be around the middle ???? the many people behind me whom I just cannot let down.
The work gets harder as time goes on, but one has to expect that. I like to work on the wards very much, however, I have spend most of my time on the men’s surgical ward, which, incidently is the favorite ward. There are many times when we get discouraged and blue, especially when we see a classmate who has to leave. Then when we go on the ward and see a patient who we have helped to take care of, it gives us a little boost and we think that all is not in vain.
Since I last wrote to you, I have joined the Nurses Cadet Corps, we have received one check and our tuition. At present we are waiting for our October and November pay. It is hard to get this new plan started and running smoothly as so many training schools are joining the Corps. We hope, too, to have our street uniforms by the end of January. Then I’ll feel as though I am definitely a part of the service.
I hear regularly from Anna, Lillian and Eunice and they certainly keep my morale up. Also received a nice letter from Miss Lussier last week. Said she had received a “Villager.” She seemed quite pleased with the results.
Must close now as I have to study. Give my regards to all of the ????? the teachers. I always think of them. ???????
Class of “49”
The class of “44” would like to have a snapshot of you for our yearbook. We are going to devote a couple pages to photographs of last year’s senior class. If you are in the armed services, would you please send us a picture of you in uniform?
Dear Classmates:
Once again the time has come for all of us to bring our thoughts and achievements together to take us back to the good old school days. Time flies by so fast that here it is almost the end of another school year. It’s hard to believe that it’ll be a year ago that we graduated.
I can imagine how busy the Seniors have been with preparations for their big day, and what a thrill to look forward to! Before they know it, it’ll be all over – gone but not forgotten.
Well, I’m well tied up with farm work right now. Everything coming up and needing to be weeded and hoed. And, let me tell you, it’s tough when it all has to be done at one time. You don’t know what to do first. Oh well, before long harvest time will be around and that’s another headache till it’s all over with.
Brother John left for the Army three weeks ago. He was home on a week-end pass just before being transferred to a training camp. I hear where some of our boys were home recently and visited the school
I do hope I can get to visit school vacation, and if not, I won’t miss graduation.
This must be all for now as I must get back to work – do I love it!
All the luck and happiness in the world.
Alice Costa
Hi, Classmates:
The “old man weather” has been running rampant and we haven’t flown for three days. I have finally, I think, caught up on my sack time.
Our field here isn’t very large and the planes we fly are small but the situation as a whole is worse than a carrier landing.
What do you think is the hardest thing to do in an airplane? Not maneuvers but straight and level flight is the answer. Yes, spins, stalls, spirals, steep turns, loops, Chandelle’s Immelman, loop with quarter roll, lazyeights are easy, but S turns are terrible.
Most of those things are probably foreign to you but level flight is hardest of all. Our Executive officer is pretty tough on us and he is the first officer in this program who sticks by his demerits system. I only have 8 but those extra hours are what gripes me.
Our PT (Physical Training or “torture”) consists of everything you can imagine. Track, basketball, swimming, soccer, speedball, and tumbling, and don’t think we don’t get plenty of it. I like this place better than Williamstown because there is only a small group of us and only 3 officers. Of course there are about 300 girls here who are our beloved interests for a while that we are here. So far none of them have left College because of lack of interest or pleasure.
I’ll be awaiting here for the class letter because it always interests me as you can see where Egypt will have to take a rain check for the time being.
Teachers College
Keene, New Hampshire
Dear Classmates:
I missed writing in the last letter but Miss Doyle let me take her copy to read, for which I’m grateful, as I would hate to miss hearing what you are all doing. Some of you make me feel as if any life isn’t very exciting. I’m still working in the same place – the office of General Cotton Supply. My daily routine resembles greatly what Lil said in her last letter – get up, go to work, come home, write a letter, get some sleep to start all over again the next morning.
I still write loads of letters and hear very often from Ruthie over at St. Luke’s. Mary Medeiros and I have our daily conversations too, and still have plenty to talk about. I was glad to see Walter for a few minutes on Easter Sunday after church and also think I saw Ken Sanford on the street but am not sure it was he.
These nice warm days make me hate the city – at least this part and wish I were spending them at home. I really envy you girls or fellows who are working at home or at least in the country.
Well I guess this will be all for now. So long.
Anna Sherman
Hello Gang:
Somehow I didn’t know what to write about but I will do my best.
I see where most of the boys are in th3e service and the girls are in training and at home or other things. I’ve often thought about and wondered where some of the goys are and I’m glad to see most of them are still in the states. If I ever come across Clayton Emery, maybe I could say goodbye to the Luce and that wouldn’t hurt my feelings none. If Mac Smeaton wants mail, how can we send it without his address? Who knows, maybe he is in this area. Jimmy Almond has quite a racket, I think. Margy’s getting chicken-hearted – there are lots more ducks and hens where those came from. I’ve written to J.A., Walt, and Norman: and Lil – I wouldn’t worry about J. while he’s in the states. Eddie, I wish you luck and plenty of it.
Reading about the boys all being home makes me feel the goat. I haven’t been home since the day before Labor Day ’43 and there is no telling when I’ll get there again. Warren Donovan got a tough break, didn’t he?
Well I guess this will be all for now and I am looking forward to the day when I can walk in on you all the way you used to be.
R.P. Montigny S1/c
USS Luce 2nd Division
c/o F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.
** *
Hello Classmates:
It seems that every time I write I have moved. Well this time it is Roberts, Wisconsin. I’ve been out here with Ray’s folks for nearly two months and expect to stay here for some time. His whole family are the best.
We live on a big four hundred acre farm here and this is really what you call land. No rocks like New England. I feel right at home here and am back at my old job of milking cows. So far we have got 175 acres of oats and just started planting corn.
I had a wonderful trip out and passed through the states of New York, Penn., Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and finally to Wisconsin. Now I have been in 15 of the states.
Ray is still in England and I hear from him all the time.
I guess this tells you what’s up in a few words. Best of luck to al of you.
Gloria Tripp
Roberts, Wisconsin
c/o Alphonso Verwald
Dear Classmates:
It seems like only yesterday that it was I who was preparing to graduate from Westport High; now, it is close to one year since I have graduated and my sister will do the honors this time.
I never would have missed high school for the world. It left me with many fond memories.
The northern portion of the Carolina’s is plenty hot and growing very uncomfortable.
Here we go again, arguing the respective merits of Arizona, Mass, and Texas. My 2 roommates, Pete and Tex, come from Arizona and guess where, respectively. Pete wrote home for a bunch of propaganda about Arizona, but he can’t convince me that the state is not just a big desert.
I’m really up on this history now, for I’m taking a very intensive course in it which attacks history from a new angle.
I’ve got to stop now and do some ironing for tomorrow’s inspection.
JohnM-ski (“Mike”)
Dear Classmates:
In a few days it will be one year since we graduated from good old Westport High. A lot of things have happened since then, and now our class is separated, many of us very far away. But still, a lot of nice things have happened – isn’t it wonderful about Lillian and Johnny? Maybe this is one good way to wish them all the happiness in the world, and I know they will be happy. Now all they need, what we all want, is for this war to be over so everyone could be happy.
Well, I am now a working girl. I do secretarial work in the office of the Cape Cod Shirt Co. in Fall River and I like it very much.
I haven’t had a chance to visit school since I’ve started to work (one month ago) but I’ve spoken to quite a few of the teachers and I’m kept posted on all the doings at Westport High. I didn’t go to the Senior Prom and I don’t expect to go to the Junior Prom. The man power situation is really critical – or maybe it’s because I wouldn’t make very interesting company for many people – my conversation is rather limited at times.
I’ve seen quite a few of our classmates recently. Anna and I still talk to each other on the phone very often and last Saturday afternoon I saw Marilyn Wood. Also Saturday night I saw Virginia Smith. She also works in Fall River. Margie rides in to work with me to work sometimes. Elizabeth Peckham rides on the bus to the city and when I don’t take the car to work she and I get a chance to talk about our high school days.
Well, I guess I’ve said enough for today. Now I’ll be waiting for the class letter which I hope I’ll be getting very soon.
Mary Medeiros
Hi Classmates:
I have been quite busy this last month with examinations but as we finish the exams it means less classes and less studying. Vacations will be starting soon so all classes will end. That will be a vacation in itself.
Most of the girls have receive4d their Cadet uniforms. The winter ones look very nice but sorry to say I can’t say the same about the summer ones.
Graduation exercises were held last week. It certainly was very impressive. The Senior Prom was held two nights after. The decorations were nautical which made the boys feel right at home. A good time was had by all.
I’m already looking forward to the day when I receive my class letter. I would be pleased to receive some personal letters also.
Eunice Sanford
Dear Class:
I nearly forgot this time. We had a swell holiday today, no mail, a parade, and classes. I haven’t much to tell, everything is about the same with me. I’m still studying and expect to be here until the end of October.
I was home a couple of weeks ago and saw Lillian and John. Now its Mr. and Mrs, What an event, and I had to miss it!
I expect to be home at the end of June for a ten-day leave. I sure wish the rest of you could make it home. I heard from Ralph Montigny, and I guess he won’t be home for awhile.
Until something more exciting happens I’ll have to continue to be a “bookworm”. They court-martialed a fellow up here last month for not studying.
Pvt. Walter O. Wood, Jr. USMCR
312 Butterfield Hall
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
P.S. Special to those I owe letters to. Just a little more time please.
Dear Classmates:
Goodness, doesn’t the time fly? Here it is another quarter and time to write again. I hope I’m not too late in sending this letter.
How are all of you? Fine, I hope.
I still work at W.W. Leach & Co. I like it very much.
I’d like to say “Congratulations” to Lil and Johnny. I wish them every bit of happiness.
Unless something goes wrong, I think that Mary will be the next to take the final step in court-ship. Don’t you think so too, Miss Doyle? Or hasn’t Mary told you?
Right now I am at work. I have ten minutes in which to complete this letter.
Are we going to have a get-to-gether in letters next year, Miss Doyle? I’d like to thank the Seniors of ’44 and Mrs. F. for typing our letters out. (EDITORS NOTE: Please direct thanks to the editor-Miss M-ski). I’m sure the rest of the class would, too. How about that kids?
Now, I must get back to work. So until our next “tete-a-tete” I’ll say – So long.
Dear Classmates:
Two of our “Old Faithfuls” were married recently as we all know. Congratulations, Lillian and John! Good Luck.
The whole A.>S.T. Unit at Carnegie Tech was transferred to this Division the last of March. I wouldn’t place any wagers as to where I’ll be when the September letter is published:
Until next tme –
Pvt. K. Sanford 11132961
Co. B 377th Regt.
95th Division A.P.O. 95
Indiantown Gap,
Military Reservation,
Dear Classmates:
I hope mine arrives in time this month as I missed the last issue. I have been quite busy since the first of the year as I started in at the Allen School January 3 and completed my course February 25. Then I accepted a position at Greens Storage Warehouses as secretary and have been there ever since. It is very nice there and I like it a lot.
One whole year has gone since graduation and I haven’t seen many of you since. We aren’t going to forget our reunion, are we? I want to wish Lillian and John my very best wishes. They’re the first in the class. I hope all of you are enjoying your work as I am mine. Until September, I remain –
Dear Classmates:
Classes are now over with the exception of one which will last only about three weeks longer.
Our cadet uniforms arrived last week and were issued on Thursday. They really surpass our expectations. I have to have mine tailored a little as I am rather small – and I’ve also lost weight.
All of our W.H.S. girls here are coming along fine. Carolyn Columbia received her cap Friday night. I felt so glad for her, as I know only too well how she had earned it.
I still hear from quite a few of the old classmates, Anna Sherman, Eunice, and of course, Mrs. Andrews. My, my, how strange that sounds, yet it does not sound bad!
Suppose you are all busy with preparations for graduation. I’m rather jealous of the Seniors for there are many times when I wish I were in high school – W.H.S., of course. you never really appreciate your joyous days of schooling until you are out in the world; it is only then that you realize just what they mean to you.
It doesn’t seem possible that I have been here almost a year. I can never regret it, for I have learned too much, but I hope that I can at least continue on as I have been doing. Times does pass quickly and the eventual goal does seem so much. Best wishes to you, Miss Doyle, and the Seniors.
Ruth Haskell
Dear Classmates:
Do you remember what went on about this time last year? Imagine one whole year has passed and it seems like only yesterday. However a great many things have been happening since.
I year Lillian and John finally got married. Congratulations and best of luck, Lil and John. You know this morning I saw both of them rounding the corner near MacAndrade’s diner. They look like the ideal couple as I passed by in a bus.
Troop 27 from Westport went camping over Memorial Day weekend. We arrived at Cedar Health Camp in Dighton Friday night and stayed until Tuesday afternoon. It was swell to cook all of our meals out of doors and to live for 4 days out in the open spaces. Nine girls, a chaperone and myself went and we certainly enjoyed ourselves. It sure is a marvelous thing to enjoy the beauty of nature and the simple good things of life.
I’m sorry to say that I was unable to visit the school this season. However my intentions are high for a visit in the Fall.
I’m still working for Arnold Hoffman and Co., Inc., Dighton, Mass., and enjoy it very much. My vacation is coming soon as it will be the first two weeks of July. It is almost a year since I started on this job.
Best of luck for all the coming years.
Carolyn Christopher
EDITORS NOTE: Here is Mac Smeaton’s address
Malcolm S. Smeaton A.M.M. 3/c
Casu 10
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, California
Dear “Teacher” and Classmates:
Last time we had our letter I said, “Nothing unusual has happened”, but this time I do have a little item which might interest you. The news has probably already reached you and most of Westport. Just the same, here it is: Johnny and I were married at 9:00 on May 24th. It was a small wedding, the kind I’ve always dreamed about, and everything turned out fine even though it was a cloudy day. So, Mary and Virginia, the class prophecy wasn’t too far wrong in one respect. However, we don’t plan to live in Idaho because my husband (ahem!) is stationed in Florida. Since the living conditions there aren’t very good, we’ve decided that I shall stay in Dartmouth for the time being.
Guess that is about all, except we had the pleasure of seeing our class president the other weekend. He’s looking great and is still the same guy.
Sorry this has to be short but it’s nearly supper time and that means I have work to do now that I’m a housewife.
I hope you’re all well and happy;. See you again soon.
Hi Teacher and Classmates:
I’ve just read what Lil has written and see that she’s covered everything pretty well, so I won’t repeat anything. Our wedding was quiet and small, but I think I’d have been lots more at ease on the bucking desk of a tank lighter than I was just before walking into church. But it wasn’t too very bad after it was all over – the hard part is the waiting just before church time. I don’t know what plans the Navy has for me when I go back to the base, so for the present, the “little woman” will stay back here till I see how things are. I’m still in favor of active duty, but a guy doesn’t get everything he wants all at one time. So long and good luck to all of you.
P.S. Walt’s the only Marine that I’d ever say was a swell guy, he really looks swell and is still “Walt”.
Dear Class of 1943:
School is almost over and it goes without saying that I’m heading for La. the next day after school closes. I haven’t any idea as to what is going to happen next, so if I don’t come back to Westport High, I want to wish you all the very best luck in the world. It has been a pleasure and a treat to know you.
Mrs. Fabiano
Hello Everybody:
Kenneth Sanford was transferred to the Infantry when that big shake-up came several months ago. He was in last week. I was correcting papers in Study Hall when I heard him speak. You can imagine how surprised I was.
Grouse was home for a very brief weekend. I didn’t see him but all accounts were of the best.
When you see Walter, ask him how it feels to box with a giant. He went 3 rounds with one who outweighed him and could outreach him by quite a bit. I told him I’d probably get discouraged at this just the sight of such a worthy opponent and sit down right in the middle of the ring.
Paul Lemaire was in before he went to England. If you boys get there, look for a pretty milkmaid. There is one – Paul says so.
Chester Jennings has a son about a month old and is very proud to be a pappy. Mr. Hammond had a new daughter.
Albert Bolton, AUS and Billy Butler, USN were in about a month ago. Billy really talked, too. He looked quite dashing with that white cap on his red hair.
Clayton Emery is flying a torpedo plane in the Pacific. He is married now.
George St. Martin has just graduated as an Army flight officer.
Eddie White is on a flat top in the Pacific. He startled me when he wrote that he was going to go to a gall game or to the beach, but he admitted that he was day-dreaming.
Warren Donovan is safe. Word has been received by his family directly from him. They are waiting for his permanent address.
Cukey sent a nice Coast Guard picture of himself and Norman. They looked very well. Cukey is working at the shop and doing C.G. duty. Norman is in a tank at Fort Benning and likes it.
I think all M-ski must do is his laundry, the size of him, too! Wouldn’t he make a good “ad” for Super-suds or something.
Pet is still flying, likes it and is working hard. He should finish in the Fall.
I think Johnny speaks very well for himself, don’t you? He’s the first of the class and he married a classmate, too. They will be happy, we are counting on it.
Paul Couture is in England servicing planes. He is much impressed by the beauty of the landscape and admires their courage, too.
(?????? No signature and may not be the end of the letter.)
Dear Classmates:
I hope you are all finding your new vocation as enjoying as mine. I am going from six in the morning till ten at night and is never a dull moment especially when working on the wards. Every day there is always new experiences and new things to learn. I sometimes used to think I could never sit through a forty minute class but now we have two, three, four hour classes besides our ward work.
I visited the High School last week (Nov. 24) and had a very nice time except I missed all of you and wished that we could have been together.
This is all for this time as it is time for five o’clock class. I will be very glad to hear from any of you.
Elizabeth House
United Hospital
Fall River, Mass.
I missed out on the first letter, but hereafter I hope to contribute my little bit everytime a letter is due.
Well, there’s been very little change for me since graduation for I’ve been staying at home, but I’m planning on starting training as a beautician in January.
Ida Saulnier
It’s certainly hard to believe that another three months have already passed. Time seems to go so quickly when you’re busy.
I’ve changed jobs again and am now working in an office all alone – some change from being with over a dozen other people. I like it much better there (General Cotton Supply Corp, Fall River) and it’s lots quieter there.
There’s little to write of and only one think that I’ll mention in passing. In case anyone is interested, I no longer have braids, it’s now cut good and short. What a nice feeling. Best of luck to all.
Hello Classmates:
When I graduated last June I thought I had seen the last of school days. Well, I hadn’t for here I am in school again. I’m taking time out to type you a few lines, but it’s not school time, it’s my time.
Quite a difference from dear old Westport. Oh how I miss it. At least I admit it and that’s more than some of you would do. Mary is sitting beside me. I know she does.
The fire engines just went by. Mary, Virginia, and I turned to look. Mr. Allen said that fire engines were a novelty to country kids and he didn’t think the rest of the class had to look. I think it was a crack, don’t you? He can’t do that to us. Doesn’t he know that in Westport we have three engines?
It sure is noisy here. Bit trucks go by and you can guess who always looks at them. Of course it wouldn’t be the three from Westport. But Mr. Allen is very good with us. He says that he understands how it is, we coming from a small town where there are no big buildings.