Town records of 1849

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport, in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, qualified to vote in Town elections to meet at the town house in Westport, on Monday the first day of January next at ten o’clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for one Representative, to represent them in the Congress of the United States of America, for the term of two years from the fourth day of March A.D. 1849.

Also at the eleven o’clock at the same place to act on the following articles viz..

1st. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd.. To see what instructions to said Inhabitants will give the commissioners of Public and Town landings, respecting trespasses and trespassors on or about the landings in said Town and also to act on all of the matters that shall properly come before said meeting respecting the said landings.

3rd. To take such measures as may be deemed necessary to annul or make void the vote passed at the late Town meeting, instructing the Selectmen to petition the legislature to pass an act prohibiting the seining of fish in the rivers of said Town and to take such other measures as may be thought expedient in relation to said fisheries.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time

1st mo.1st 1849.

page 367.

For holding said meeting aforesaid.

Given under our hands this nineteenth day of December in the year eighteen hundred and forty eight.

Signed George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Westport Jan. 1st 1849.

Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by causing copies of this warrant to be posted up one at the store of C. A. Church and company, one at the store of E.P.and C.E .Brownell, one at the point and one at Brownell’s corner (so-called) seven days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce Jr. constable.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Westport, held at the Town house in said Town, on Monday the first day of Jan. A.D. 1849, it being the first Monday in said month, for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant, votes for the following named persons were given in, sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution directed.

And the whole number of ballots given in was one hundredand forty four-and were for the following persons.

Viz.. Orrin Fowler of Fall River had sixty two votes 62.

Foster Hooper of Fall River had forty six votes 46.

Nathaniel Morton of Taunton had thirty six votes 36.

Voted to adjourn the meeting for choice of Representative Sine-dir

In accordance with the foregoing warrant, the Town clerk called an other meeting and.

Benjamin B. Sisson Esq. was chosen Moderator.

That the agents, Selectmen, of the Town of Westport, be instructed to examine, and look into, an action of trespass against the commissioners on Public and Town landings in said Town and if

page 368.

In their opinion they think best to settle the said action where it now is, they are hereby authorized to do.

Voted. That the commissioners on Public and Town Landings in said Town, be and hereby are requested to carry into full effect the fourth article of the by Laws concerning Landings in said Town of Westport.

The third article was taken out, acted upon, and fully discussed, hand votes taken, and finally it was left

Just where they found it and the same force and virtue.

Voted. To adjourn this meeting without day.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town clerk.

Know all men by these presents, that we the subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Westport, by virtue of a law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed April twenty first eighteen hundred and forty eight do hereby, grant a license to Thomas J. Allen, Barney Wing and Frederick Brownell, all of Westport. To plant, grow and dig oysters, upon the flats on the east side of the east river in said Town, within the following bounds Viz. Southerly by the north side of Hick’ s Bridge (so-called) westerly by the channel of said River, and northerly by a straight line with the north line of Cyntha White’s land.To have and to hold the said flats for the purpose aforesaid, to them and to their heirs, for the term of twenty years from the date hereof.

Given under our hands at Westport this twenty seventh day of October eighteen hundred and forty eight .

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Perry Davis

recorded by me this first day of march A.D. 1849.

Signed P. W. Peckham Town Clerk

Page 369.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Town House in said Westport on Monday the second day of April next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles.

1st. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same .

4 th. To determine the manner of repairing the highways Town ways and bridges the year ensuing .

5th. To bring in their votes for County Treasurer.

6th. To see if the Town will allow, Thomas B. Gifford, Frederick Gidley, and Joseph Mosher Jr. their proportion of the school money.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and made due return of this warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at the time in place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this twetyeth day of march in the year eighteen hundred and

forty nine.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, George H. Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.-Westport April 2nd A.D.1849.

Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified the Inhabitants said Town to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned, by causing copies of this warrant to be posted one at the point, one at the townhouse and one at the head of Westport River, 14 days prior to the date hereof signed Jonathan Pierce Jr. Constable of Westport.

Page 370.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, held at the Town House in said Town, on Monday in the second day of April A.D. 1849. Agreeable to the foregoing warrant and for the purposes therein expressed, the following named persons were chosen and votes passed. Viz..

For moderator Benjamin B. Sisson Esq..

For Town clerk Peleg W. Peckham sworn.

For Selectmen Frederick Brownell sworn, Perry Davis sworn, George H. Gifford sworn.

Voted. That the Selectmen be Assessors the year ensuing and took the Assessors oath.

Voted. That each school district chose their own Prudential Committee, and hire their own teachers-the year ensuing.

The General School Committee’s report was read in open Town meeting, by one of the committee, George F. S. White, and it was voted to receive and accept the same .

For general school committee George F. S. White, Abraham R. Gifford,Giles E. Brownell.

voted. That the General School Committee be and hereby are, authorized to draw on the Town treasury, for what money is appropriated for Public free schools, when it shall have been expanded according to law, the year ensuing.

For Sealer of weights, measures and balances: Isaac Francis sworn.

For Pound keeper Lyman Snell sworn

for constables Isaac Francis sworn Jireh Brownell sworn Jonathan Pierce Jr. sworn Nathan Wood .

Jonathan Pierce Jr. agrees to do all the towns business as constable, the year ensuing for eight dollars.


Page 371.

Surveyors of highways.

Edmond Kirby sworn, David Lawton sworn, Nathaniel Potter sworn, Lemuel Reed Jr. sworn, Charles Sisson sworn, William Allen at wharf excused. Elija Gifford Jr. affirmed, Isaac Francis excused, Daniel Wing engaged, Pardon Shearman sworn, Philip Sanford sworn, Nathan Wood sworn, Robert Potter, Benjamin Tripp sworn, William P. Howland sworn, Willard Reed sworn, Anthony Shearman sworn, Stephen Howland sworn, John R. Baker affirmed, John White, Perry Davis sworn, Abraham Manchester sworn, Moses Macomber sworn, William H. Gifford sworn, Edmond Tripp engaged, David Devol second, Ezra Macomber sworn, James H. Shearman sworn, Thomas W. Davis sworn, Nathaniel Kirby sworn, Mathias Gammons sworn, John Sanford sworn, Peleg Brownell sworn, Lemuel Gifford sworn, Stephen Allen affirmed.

Field Drivers.

Willard Reed sworn, George R. Pierce sworn, Jonathan Pierce Jr. sworn, Gideon B. Sabins, William Brownell, Thomas E. Tripp, Jacob Cornell, George B. Brownell of is Ezikiel.

Fence Viewers.

Adam Gifford sworn, Perry Davis sworn, Nathan C. Brownell sworn, Lemuel Brownell sworn.

Surveyors of Lumber and Measurers of Wood and Bark.

David Sanford, Jeremiah T. Thompson, Perry Davis sworn, John Allen, David Lawton sworn, Frederick Brownell sworn, Russell Gifford second, Varnum Macomber, George H. Gifford sworn.

Voted. That when we adjourn this meeting that we adjourn to Saturday April the 7th

A.D. 1849 at 1.0 o’clock P. M.

Page 372.

Voted. That Benjamin B. Sisson Esq. be Town agent for the express purpose, of attending to the boundary Line, between Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

County of Bristol.

Add a legal meeting of the qualified voters, being Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, holden in said Town, on Monday the second date of April A.D. 1849. The qualified voters aforesaid gave in their votes for treasurer for the County of Bristol. The whole number of votes given in were sorted and counted in open Town meeting, by the moderator and Town Clerk, and were for the following persons; viz.

For Abijah M.Ide of Attleborough,fifty two votes 52.

For James P. Ellis of Taunton, twenty votes 20.

For Edgar H. Reed of Taunton, seventeen votes 17.

Overseers of the Poor.

Frederick Brownell, Ichabod Kirby, Stephen Howland.

Voted. To adjourn, as before stated.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Saturday April 7, 1849. Agreeable to an adjournment from the first Monday of April instant. The Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met accordingly, and the following officers were chosen and votes passed.

Viz.. Thomas B. Gifford-chosen Surveyor of Highways.

Voted. To excuse William Allen as surveyor and chose Gideon W. Tripp.

Voted. To excuse Isaac Francis as survey or and chose John L. Anthony sworn.

Voted. That Peleg W. Peckham be Treasurer and Collector for the year ensuing, and his compensation to be the same as last year, which Was two percent on what money he collects from taxes and pays into the treasurer.

Page 373.

Voted. To raise the sum of $1000 for the repairs of rolled and bridges the year ensuing and to be expended the same as last year which is as follows the viz..

That the sum of $1000. Be assessed on the Polls and Estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors, of the Town of Westport, for repairing the highways and bridges the year ensuing and the Assessors are directed to assess said sum, as soon as may be, and deliver this thereof with the persons names, and the sums they are assessed, to each surveyor with his limits according to Law, that one dollar the allowed for nine hours labor for a man and yoke of oxen, thirty three cents for a plow and twenty five cents for a cart and in that proportion for a greater or less time-and that said surveyors are directed to expend said money, and make his returns to the Selectmen according to law.

Voted. That the sum of twenty two hundred and fifty dollars be raised by way of tax, for support of Paupers and other incidental expenses of the Town, to be assessed, collected, and same discount as last year, and paid into the Town Treasury on or before the first they of March next, which was as follows viz..

That the assessors when they deliver the tax bills to the Collector shall give notice thereof, by posting up notices thereof at six Public places in said Town, that those who voluntarily pay their tax within sixty days from the date of said notice shall be entitled to an abatement of five percent from their tax, after sixty and within one hundred and twenty days three percent and that the collector shall mean the Inhabitants for the purpose of receiving taxes, at Hixe’s Bridge-Adamsville-Westport point-and head of Westport River East branch. At some convenient time, which shall be named in the Assessors or collectors warrant, or notice, within the sixty days, and also within the 120 days.

Voted. To add 11 percent on all delinquents of Highway taxes.

Page 374.

Voted. To raise to some of two thousand dollars by a way of tax, for the support of Public free Schools also. The interest on money loaned the County of Bristol and what money is received from the state school fund and to be equally divided between all of a school districts in said Town. And no money to be paid to any school district, until it shall have been expanded in the aforesaid districts for said schools, and a certificate received by the Treasurer , from the General School committee certifying to the same.

Voted. To direct school district No. 3. To pay over to Thomas B.Gifford, Frederick Gidley and Joseph Mosher Jr. their proportion of the school money in said district.

The report of the commissioners of Town and Public landings were read in open Town meeting, and

voted. To accept said report-and that in the placed on file in Town clerks office.

The following persons were chosen Commissioners of Public and Town Landings for the year ensuing.

P. W. Peckham as treasurer was accordingly sworn.

Commissioners: George H. Gifford 23 votes sworn

Varnum Macomber 23 votes sworn

William T. Howland 23 votes sworn

Abraham Macomber 23 votes sworn.

Voted. That the commissioners on Town landings be, and they hereby are, instructed to ascertain the true line on the east side of the landing at the head of Westport, and set up suitable monuments immediately; and if Thomas Winslow is liable to an indictment, that they cause the same to be forthwith instituted.

Voted. To dispence with that portion of the By-Laws, that makes the Treasurer one of the Commissioners; and choose one in his stead, and Perry Davis was accordingly chosen


Page 375.

Bristol S. S.. 4 mo. 6th.-then personally appeared George R. Pierce and made oath to the faithful discharge of his duty, as field driver in the Town of Westport, for the year ensuing.

Before me George H. Gifford justice of the peace.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S. April 2618 49.

Then personally appeared Varnum Macomber and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as a Commissioner of the Public and Town Landings.

Before me George H. Gifford justice of the peace.

Page 376. 6 mo. 8th 1849.

Annual return of the names of all the persons enrolled in the militia, in the Town of Westport four-day year 1849, the whole number and rolled being three hundred and eleven.

Allen Frederick, Allen William G., Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Samuel G., Allen Timothy G., Allen James, Allen John, Anthony John L., Allen Charles, Allen Cornelius P., Allen Abner, Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Daniel, Anthony Isaac A., Adams John R., Allen Israel,Allen Gideon

Butts George W., Brownell Alexander, Brownell George, Bradley David S., Brightman John H., Brightman Elias P., Brightman Leander, Brightman Elihu, Brownell Elihu, Brownell Andrew, Brownell Ezra P., Brownell Isaac S., John Brightman second, Brownell Daniel, Brownell George H. B., Brownell James, Bailey Oliver, Brightman Isaac L., Brightman Charles, Brownell Uriah, Booth Isaac, Booth Square, Brown Sailsbury, Briggs George, Besee Peter S., Bassett Joseph S., Brightman Restcom, Brightman Leonard, Borden Holder, Brownell Giles E., Briggs Peleg T., Brownell George A., Bradley William, Borden John, Borden Thomas

Chace William, Cornell William A., Cornell James, Cornell Stephen K., Cornell Job, Cornell George L.,

Crapo George D., Cornell Joshua H., Cornell Jacob, Crossman Frederick, Craw Charles N., Crapo Daniel, Chace Gideon R., Coggshall Stephen

page 377.Note: page no. assigned by transcriber ,not marked in town book (NMTB).This procedure will continue until re-asignment of page no’s. in Town book.

Dyer Abraham, Davis, Thomas W., Davis Walter, Dyer Warren, Davis Allen, Davis Edmund, Devol John, Devol David second, Devol Philip H., Devol Jonathan, Dean John, Davis Peter , Davis Andrew, Devol George, Davis Abiel, Devol James,

Freelove Clark Jr., Fuller Benjamin, Farnum George, Freelove Barney, Fish Isaac, Freelove Joseph,

Gifford George H., Gifford Christopher, Grinnell William, Gifford Richard S., Gifford Alexander B, Gifford Peleg H., Gifford Edwin B., Gifford Elihu B., Gifford Jonathan P., Gifford Weston, Gifford Philip, Gifford Thomas B., Gifford Charles F., Gifford Joshua W., Gifford Alfred, Gifford Alfred A., Gifford Benjamin R., Gifford Frederick, Gifford Philander, Gifford Elija Jr., Gifford William second, Gifford Samuel F., Gidley Frederic, Gifford Christopher R., Gifford Benjamin F., Gifford Christopher C., Gifford Thomas W., Gifford William H., Gifford William H. second, Gifford John, Tasker, Gifford Henry H.,

Hicks Alexander, Hicks Isaac, Hazard Oliver J., Howland Zoeth, Hicks Barney, Howland William P., Howland Stephen K., Howland Alexander, Howland Benjamin, Handy William W., Hathaway Charles H., Howland Isaac,

page 378.

Howland Stephen R.., Howland Peleg C., Holt William H., Hathaway Rodman,

Kirby Perry, Kirby Nathaniel, Kirby Tillinghast, Kirby Edmund, Kirby Stephen P., Kirby Harvey W., Kirby Abner, King Alfred, Kirby George W., Kirby Uriah,

Lawton Abraham, Lawton Perry, Lawton Isaac, Lawton David, Lawton Edwin, Lawton Robert, Lawton Gideon, Lawton Eli P., Little Preserved, Lawton Andrew, Lawrence Andrew, Little Charles, Lawton George B.

Mosher Lorenzo D., Manchester Abraham E. Manchester Barton D., Manchester Wilbor, Manchester Borden, Macomber Simeon Jr., Macomber Israel, Macomber John, Macomber John D., Macomber Alexander, Macomber Restcom, Manchester Wanton, Mosher Luthon, Manchester George L., Manchester James W., Manchester William W., Macomber Otis, Mosher Daniel, Mosher John, Mosher Robert, Macomber Ezra, Macomber Andrew, Macomber Zebedee B., Macomber Richard, Macomber Moses, Mosher Joseph Jr., Manchester Charles, Macomber George H., Macomber Richmond, Macomber John C.

Nooning Jonathan, Negus John P.

Potter Charles, Potter Frederick P., Potter Abner, Potter pardon C.E., Potter Abner second, Pettey Potter, Pettey John T., Pettey Isaac, Pettey Abner T., Pettey Holder T.,

Pettey Pardon, Pierce Jonathan Jr., Potter Isaac P.

page 379.

Pierce George, Peckham Edward

Records Holder, Reed Willard, Reed Caleb, Reynolds Malachi, Reymond Henry,

Sabins Stephen, Sowle Oliver, Sowle Charles P., Sowle Benjamin, Shearman James H., Shearman Justus, Shearman Peleg, Slocum Andrew, Slocum Stephen, Slocum David E., Sowle Russell , Sanford Silas B., Sanford Caleb T. Sisson Charles, Sisson Gideon, Sowle John, Snell Humphrey W., Shearman will send, Shearman Thomas, Sanford David Jr., Sanford Peleg S., Sanford Thomas, Sabins William H., Sabins Gideon B., Shearman Kempton, Shearman Anthony, Simmons Reuben, Sabins Weston G., Sisson Alden T., Sowle John, Sowle Henry Jr., Shaw Benjamin T., Seabury Albert, Snell Daniel D., Sowle William, Sisson George, Sanford Philip, Simmons Eben, Seabury John, Sowle Abel Jr., Shearman Abner, Simmons George W., Sisson John, Snell Lyman

Tripp Clark, Tripp Benjamin F., Tripp James F., Tripp Nathaniel, Tripp William R., Tripp William Ross, Tripp Liomi, Tripp Emerson, Tripp Oliver, Tripp Benjamin P., Tripp Nathaniel second, Tripp Holder, Tripp David R., Tripp George, Tripp ivory, Tripp Luthon D., Tripp Stephen Jr., Tripp John M., Tripp Francis, Tripp Abner D., Tripp John G., Tripp Jeremiah D.,

page 380.

Tripp Uriah B., Thompson Joseph, Thompson Jeremiah T., Tripp Alden, Tripp Howard P., Tripp Edmond Jr., Tripp Jonathan , Tripp Eli , Tripp Jonathan second, Tabor Joseph, Tripp Ellis, Tripp Daniel Jr.,

White George F. S.., White Peleg S., Wing George W., White George B., Wood George F., Wood Alexander, Wood Nathan W., Wood Lawton, Wodell Gersham, Wodell Elcanah, Whalen John R., whale and James M., Waite Ruben, Waite Daniel H., White Holder Jr., Wing Ezra, Winchester Nathaniel W., Wodell Edmund, Wodell Richard, Wing Frederick A., Wing very, Willcox Bradford, Wodell Jethro, Wodell Humphrey.

George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Assessors of Westport.

6 mo, 8th 1849.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town clerk

November Town meeting 1849.

Page 381.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the Town of Westport in said County. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote to in elections, to meet at the Town house on Monday the 12th day of November next it being the second Monday of said month at ten o’clock in the forenoon to bring in their votes for Selectmen, for a Governor and Lieutenant Governor of said Commonwealth, and for 3 Senators for Bristol district, the year ensuing, all on one ballot. Also to bring in their votes for a Representative, to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next.

You are also required to notify and warn said Inhabitants qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet at the same place on the same day at 2 o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz..

1st. To choose a Moderator.

2nd. To choose a Committee to audit the accounts of the Town and settle with the Treasurer.

3rd. To see if the Town will pay any bountyu for the destruction of Crows.

4th. To see if the Town will accept a list of Jurors as made out by the Selectmen.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this thirty first day of October 1849.

Signed Perry Davis, George H. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Selectmen of Westport

page 382.

Bristol S. S.. Westport November 12th, 1849.

Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by causing copies of this warrant to be posted up one at the point and one at the Town house and one at the head of Westport River seven days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce Jr. Constable.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Westport, held at the Town house in said Town, on Monday the twelfth day of November A.D. 1849. It being the second Monday in said month. For the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant, votes for the following named persons were given in, sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution directed.

Whole number of ballots given in was one hundred andseventy one 171.

For Governor.

George N. Briggs of Pittsfield had seventy votes 70.

George S. Boutwell of Groton had sixty two votes 62.

Stephen C. Phillips of Salem had thirty eight votes 38.

For Lieutenant Governor.

John Reed of Yarmouth had seventy votes 70.

Henry W. Cushman of Bernardston had sixty votes 60.

John Mills of Springfield had thirty nine votes 39.

Nov. 1849.

Page 383.

For Senators for Bristol District.

John S. Borland of Somerset had sixty nine votes 69.

John Daggett of Attleborough had sixty nine votes 69.

William Tucker of Dartmouth had sixty nine votes 69.

William Ide of Seconk had fifty eight votes 58.

Daniel Wilbour of Somerset had fifty eight votes 58.

Elbridge G. Morton of Fairhaven had fifty eight votes 58.

Simpson Hart of New Bedford had forty two votes 42.

Alan Presbry of Taunton had forty two votes 42.

Benomi Carpenter of Pawtucket had forty two votes 42.

For Representative to General Court.

Russell Gifford second of Westport had sixty one votes 61.

Christopher A.Church of Westport had forty three votes 43.

George H. Gifford of Westport had thirty eight votes 38.

N.C. Brownell of Westport had eleven votes 11.

Perry Davis of Westport had two votes 2.

Gershom Wodell of Westport had one vote 1.

Job Davis of Westport had one vote 1.

F. Brownell of Westport had one vote 1..

George Lawton of Westport had one vote 1.

Nathan would of Westport had one vote one.

Whole number of votes was 160, 81 for a choice, and there is no choice.

At about the appointed time, an other meeting was called and Nathan Wood was chosen moderator of said meeting.

Voted. That the Selectmen be and hereby are directed to keep a strict account of the financial affairs of the Town, audit the accounts and settle with the Treasurer, and cause their annual report to be printed and put in pamphlet form, and signed by the Selectmen and counter signed by the Treasurer and distributed to the Inhabitants of said Town previous to our annual Town meeting. In April next.

Voted. To that every person destroy their own crows.

Voted. To accept the list of Jurors as made out by the Selectmen-which are as follows viz.

Nov. 12, 1849

Page 384.

Job Davis Captain, Isaac L. Brightman, Lemuel Brownell, Henry Wilcox, Adrian Davis, William Gifford second, Thomas records, James Allen, Varnum Macomber, Leonard Macomber, Stephen P. Kirby, Abraham Manchester, George H. Gifford, Andrew H. Macomber,Godfrey Cornell, Simeon Macomber Jr., Paul Fisher, Cornelius T. Allen, Thomas W. Davis, Jeremiah T. Thompson, Abraham Macomber, Edmund Wodell, Edmund Kirby, Eli trip, Jeremiah Devol, Isaac A. Anthony, Gershom Wodell, David Lawton, Edwin Lawton, Wilson Shearman , Frederick Allen, Benjamin Davis, Abiel Davis, John Gifford second, Thomas B. Gifford, Russell Gifford second, Peleg H. Gifford, Isaac Hicks, Stephen R. Howland, Elcanah Wodell, Restcom Macomber, Ezra Macomber, Justus Shearman, Abner Sisson, Thomas Sanford, Anthony Shearman

adjourned without day .

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk

Nov. 26, 1849.

Page 385.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the townhouse in Westport, on Monday the twenty sixth instant it being the fourth Monday of said month at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to choose one Representative, to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at five or more public places in said Town, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this 14th day of Nov. in the year 1849.

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Westport Nov. 26, 1849.

Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time and place, and for purposes within mentioned, by causing copies of this warrant to be posted one at the point, one at the bridge, one at the town house, one at the head of Westport River, and one at Davis corner so call-seven days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce Jr. Constable

Page 386.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, qualified to vote in elections, holden on the 26th day of Nov. A.D. 1849-being the fourth Monday of said month, for the purpose of voting for one Representative. The votes given in were sorted counted, recorded and public declaration thereof made, and were for the following persons,

for Russell Gifford second forty two votes 42.

For George H. Gifford forty two votes 42.

For George F.S. White eight votes 8.

For Ezra Macomber twenty two votes 22.

For Gershom Wodell two votes 2.

For Nathan Wood two votes 2.

For N.C. Brownell six votes 6.

For Philip Davis one vote 1.

For Joseph taber one vote 1.

For Edwin B. Gifford one vote 1.

Whole number of ballots 127.

First balloting, 127/64, for a choice and there was no choice.

For Russell Gifford second had forty one votes 41.

For George H. Gifford had sixty seven votes 67.

for George F. S. white had two votes 2.

For Ezra Macomber had nine votes 9.

For Gershom Wodell had one vote 1.

For Philip Davis had one vote 1.

For David Devol had one vote 1.

For N.C. Brownell had six votes 6 6.

Whole number of ballots 128.

Second balloting 128/65 for a choice George H. Gifford had 67 votes and was chosen.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk