Town records of 1847


Page 302.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Town House in said Westport on Monday the fifth day of April next at ten o’clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles.

1st. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and to act thereon.

4th. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the year ensuing and make appropriations of the same.

5th. To determine the manner of repairing the Highways, Town ways and bridges the year ensuing.

6th. To bring in their votes for County Treasurer.

7th. To bring in their votes for three County and two Special Commissioners all on one ballot.

8th. To see if the Town will accept of a highway as laid out by the Selectmen from Hixes bridge eastward.

9th. To see if Town will divide school district No. 13.

10th. To see if the Town will accept of an alteration made in the Highway between David Thompson’s and Charles S. Coggshall’s by the Selectmen.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and made due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place as aforesaid.

Given under our hands and seals this 15th day of March in the year 1847.


Page 303.

Signed George H. Gifford, Stephen Howland, Frederick Brownell, Selectmen of Westport.

Westport March 17th, 1847.

Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of the said town of Westport qualified to vote in Elections, and Town affairs by posting up notifications at three public places in said town, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned.

Signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, held at the Town House in said town on Monday the fifth day of April A.D. 1847. Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant, and for the purposes therein expressed, the following named officers were chosen, and votes passed. Viz..

For Moderator-Benjamin B. Sisson Esq..

Town Clerk-Peleg W. Peckham. Sworn.

Selectmen-Perry Davis sworn., Frederick Brownell sworn, Russell Gifford 2nd sworn.

The report of the committee on accounts were read in open meeting by the Moderator, and it was voted to be accepted.

The report of the Selectmen was also read by one of the Selectmen, George H. Gifford, and voted to be accepted.

The report of the General School Committee was read by one of the committee Mr. H.P. Sumner, which was excellent, and voted to be accepted.

Voted that each school district chose their own Prudential Committee.

Voted that the same amount of money be raised by way of tax, for public free Schools, for the year ensuing, also the State School fund money and one year’s Interest on money hired the County of Bristol, and to be appropriated in the same

page 304.

way and manner as last year-which is as follows viz..

Voted that the sum of $1500. Be raised by way of tax, in addition to what money may be received from the state School Fund, and one year’s Interest on money hired the County of Bristol, for the support of Common free Schools, in each school district the year ensuing-said money to be equally divided between all the school districts in said Town.

And no money to be paid to any school district for the support of said Schools, until it shall have been expended in said district, for the aforesaid Schools,-and a certificate received by the Treasurer, from the school Committee, certifying the same.

Voted that when we adjourn we adjourn the Monday April 12th, 1847. It being the second Monday in said month.

Voted that Peleg W. Peckham be Treasurer for the Town of Westport the year ensuing.

And receive 1/2 percent commissions for the same.

Voted that Peleg W. Peckham be Collector, for the year ensuing. His compensation to be one and one half percent on what money he collects for Taxes assessed, and pays into the treasury.

Voted, that the following persons be the General School Committee for the year ensuing viz.. Ezra P.Brownell, Ezra Macomber, George H. Gifford.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

County of Bristol.

Certificate of votes for County and Special Commissioners.

Whole number of ballots for County Commissioners were one hundred and fifty four


Allen Presbry of Taunton one hundred and six 106

William Ide of Seekonk one hundred and three 103

Jonathan R.Ward of New Bedford one hundred and six 106

John Baylis of New Bedford forty eight 48

Page 305.

Lemuel Perry of Norton forty eight 48

James W. Crossman of Taunton forty eight 48

For special Commissioners.

Benjamin C. Chace of Somerset, one hundred and six 106

James W. Capron of Attleborough one hundred and six 106

Joseph E. Reed of Fall River forty eight 48

Wooster Carpenter of Seekonk forty eight 48

A true coppy of record signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, Russell Gifford 2nd, Selectmen of Westport

attest P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol County.

Certificate of votes for County Treasurer.

Whole number of ballots for County Treasurer Was 160

Edmond Anthony of Taunton one hundred and eight 108

James P. Ellis of Taunton forty five 45

Hodges Reed of Taunton seven 7

A true copy of records attest P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Voted to adjourn as above.

Westport April 12th 1847.

Agreeable to an adjournment from the first Monday of April it being the fifth instant. The Inhabitants of said Town of Westport met at the Town house in said Town according to adjournment and the following

officers were chosen and votes passed.

Voted that Henry P. Sumner and Israel washbourn be two of the General School Committee for the year ensuing,in lieu of Ezra Macomber and George H. Gifford, declined.

Voted that the sum of $2000 be raised by way of tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants of the town of Westport, and nonresident

page 306

proprietors, for the support of paupers and other incidental expenses of the Town to be assessed, collected, and paid into the Town treasury, on or before the first day of March next And the Assessors are directed to assess said sum in the way and manner provided, by law, and deliver lists thereof to the Collector as soon as may be.

Voted. That the sum of one thousand dollars be assessed on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants, and nonresident proprietors, of the Town of Westport, for repairing the Highways and bridges, the year ensuing, and the assessors are directed to assess said sum, as soon as may be, and deliver lists thereof with the persons names, and the sums they are assessed, to each surveyor, with his limits according to law, that one dollar be allowed for nine hours labor for a man, or yoke of oxen, 33 cents for a plow, and 25 cents for a cart, and in that proportion, for greater or less time, and that said surveyor is directed to expend said sum, and make his returns to the Selectmen, according to law.

Voted. That Jireh Brownell be one of the Constables of the Town of Westport the year ensuing, said Brownell offered to do all the Towns business as constable, for the aforesaid year, for six dollars, and the Inhabitants voted to accept of said Brownell’s offer–and it was also voted, that Israel washbourn, Rufus trip and Stephen Howland, the constables for said town, in addition to said Jireh Brownell, for the year ensuing.

Voted that Jonathan Tripp and Nathan C. Brownell be Pound keepers for the year ensuing .N.C.B. sworn.

Voted that Isaac Francis be Sealer of Weights and measures the year ensuing.

Isaac Francis, declined and Selectmen appointed Stephen B. Cornell


Page 307.

Surveyors of Highways.

Thomas W. Wood, David Lawton sworn, Abraham C.White sworn, James Reed sworn, Charles Sisson sworn, Gideon W. trip sworn, Thomas J. Allen sworn, Stephen B. Cornell sworn, Daniel Wing sworn,

Pardon Shearman sworn, Philip Sanford sworn, Isaac Snell (declined), Nathan C. Brownell sworn, Robert Potter sworn, Benjamin trip sworn, William T. Howland sworn, Levi Gifford sworn, Anthony Shearman sworn, Stephen Howland sworn, John R. Baker sworn, Philip T. Chase sworn, Jonathan Pierce Jr. sworn, Abraham Manchester sworn, John A.Cornell sworn, John Gifford Harvey W. Kirby sworn, George F. Wood sworn, George W. Wing sworn, John Sanford sworn, Samuel Dyer sworn, James H. Shearman, Godfrey Cornell, Jirad Chase sworn, Ephriam Kirby affirm.

Field drivers.

William B. Hicks, Gideon B.Sabins sworn, Jeremiah T. Thompson Willard Reed, George Brownell of F., Benjamin Gifford, John Sampson sworn, Jonathan Pierce Jr. sworn, Frederick Allen.

Fence viewers.

Nathan C. Brownell sworn, Adam Gifford Jonathan Davis, Lemuel Brownell sworn.

Surveyors of Lumber and measurers of Wood and bark.

Abner B. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis sworn, Russell Gifford 2nd sworn, John Allen, Freeman Lawrence, Stephen Howland, David Sanford, Varnum Macomber.

Overseers of Town Landings.

Frederick Brownell, Freeman Lawrence, Obadiah Lawton, Andrew Hicks sworn, George H. Gifford, Stephen Howland sworn.

Page 308.

Brought up William Taylor, John A. Cornell and George C. Brownell.

Town agents

Gamaliel Church and Stephen Howland both sworn, were chosen in Town Agents for the year ensuing.

George H. Gifford, chosen Land Surveyor.

Voted. That the Selectmen be overseers of the Poor.

Voted. That the Selectmen be Assessors for the year ensuing and took the Assessors oath.

Voted. That the financial year end on the first day of March.

Voted. That the General School Committee be authorized to draw on the Treasury, for what money is appropriated for public free Schools, (when it shall have been expended according to law) the year ensuing.

Voted. To extend the report of the Committee on Town landings to November meeting.

Voted. That the Selectmen be directed to keep an account of all financial concerns of the Town, the year ensuing, and also settle with the Treasurer, and report at our next annual Town meeting.

To the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport in Town meeting assembled.

The undersigned voters of school district No. 13 respectfully represent that, there are about 90 scholars in said district, over four and under 16 years of age, that the school house is small and unsuitable to accommodate them; that the district is about two and three quarter miles long from east to West, consequently many children have to travel too far in the inclement season of the year, from these and other considerations which it may not be expedient to name, we respectfully ask you to divide said district, and form it into

Page 309.

Two agreeable to law. And as in duty bound we will ever pray.-Westport December 19th.1846.

Signed; David Lawton, Edwin Lawton, Gideon Lawton, Thomas Brownell, James Brownell, Weston Macomber, Weston G. Sabins, Edward Pettey, Gideon B. Savins, Jonathan Devol, Eben C. Simmons, Israel Chase, Jacob Cornell, George Sowle, Howard P. Tripp, William sabins, William Brownell, Peter Davis, William P. Howland, Edwin B. Gifford, Howland Tripp.

Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee to visit school district No. 13, and ascertain if possible wether in their opinion said district aught to be divided, or some of the people in said district be set off to other districts, and if to divide, to establish said division line, and report their doings at our next adjourned meeting.

Voted. That when this meeting adjourn that it adjourn to meet at the same place, on the fourth Monday in said month, which will be on the 26th. day of April 1847. At one o’clock p.m..

Voted. To pay Edwin Davis snowbill which is $2.00

To pay Thomas W. wood snowbill which is $2.00

To pay Joshua Potter snowbill which is $2.00

To pay Isaac S. Brownell snowbill which is $2.00

voted. To direct the constable to notify the chairman of the Committee on Town landings, that they are hereby ordered by said Town to make out their report in writing, and report their doings, at our next adjourned meeting which will be on Monday the 26th. day of April A.D. 1847 at one o’clock p.m. at the Town House.

Voted to adjourn as above.

Page 310.

Your Treasurer and Collector’s accounts currant with the Town of Westport since his last settlement and up to March 31st, 1847.

Your Treasurer and Collector ask leave to make the following report.

Firstly the collector’s account.

Taxes remaining uncollected on my last settlement for the years 1843, 1844 and 1845 was $326.14

cash collected and paid into the treasury $189.55

taxes remitted by the Assessors $62.50 $252.05

amount now in the hands of the Collector for the above years $74.09

amount of tax bills for the year 1846, was $4409.06

cash collected and paid into the Treasury $4192.21

taxes remittted by the assessors $6.76 $4198.97

amount of 1846, taxes uncollected $210.09

whole amount of taxes in the hands of P. W. Peckham Collector now uncollected up to March 25th, 1847 is $284.18

there is now in the hands of Frederick Brownell as former Treasurer $104.95, interest on the same of 3/31/47-$12.59 $117.54

and in his hands as former Collector $327.34


deduct for bills brought against the Town by said Brownell $183.62

whole amount of uncollected taxes now in the hands of Fred Brownell is $261.26

whole amount of uncollected taxes available is $545.44

Secondly the Treasurer’s account

Your Treasurer has paid out since his last settlement the following bills, and demands, viz..

For oxens $70.00, hired man $82.77, supplies for Alms house

$185.34 $338.11

for blacksmithing $23.78

for merchandise $120.16

for Dr. B.B.Sisson bill $1.50 $483.55

for supplies in Town and not at the Alms House $35.79

for supplies in Dartmouth, New Bedford and Fall River $437.31

for State Lunatic hospittle for William wood’s board $130.83 $603.93

for taking census of births and deaths and recording the same $10.88

for taxes wrongly assessed $5.63

for school committee for their servises $66.85

for Selectmen, overseers of the Poor, and Assessors servises $88.77

for constables for their servises for 1845 an 1846 $16.67 $188.80



Page 311.

Amount brought forward.

For George H. Gifford for his bill of printing and stationery $3.88

for County Treasurer for County Tax for 1846 $775.59 $779.47

for Highways and bridges $322.59

for snow bills to sundry persons $182.33 $504.92

for Summer schools $627.17

for Winter Schools $1288.83 $1916.00

for Abatement on Holder Tripp’s 1846 tax .27

for Abatement on George Gifford 1st 1846 tax $2.76

for Abatement on Joseph Chase 1846 tax .81

ballance due the Treasurer on last settlement ???

For Thomas J. Allen old order and interest(for servises) ???

For one percent commitions on money collected on 1843 and 4 bills $0.20 1/2

for 2 1/2 percent commition on money collected on 1845 bills $4.22 1/2

for two percent commitions on money collected on 1846 bills $91.74


and your Treasurer has received in the same time, viz.. $4840.00

from Calvin K. Turner for lisence for six months $4.00

from William H. Hood for lisence for six months $4.00

from Charles S. C. Crane lisence for six months $4.00

from Perry G. Lawton for lisence for six months $4.00

from Martin Root for lisence for six months $4.00

from States Treasurer for state school fund $131.80

from states Treasurer for Paupers $51.10

from Collector for taxes collected $1857.34

from for Oakum and other sources $3.88

from Calvin K. Turner and David lossing for lisences

for one year $16.00

from Collector for taxes collected $1452.51

from Collector for taxes collected $498.02

from County Treasurer for one year’s interest on money hired $284.18

from Collector for taxes collected $461.85


Ballance due the Treasurer $69.90

The ballance due the Treasurer up to 3 mo 31st 1847

from the Town of Westport is 69 and 90/100th dollars

which is carried to new account for our next settlement.

Page 312.

Your Treasurer finds the following demands of outstanding debts against the town of Westport with the interest up to 3 mo 31st 1847, viz..

Balance due Thomas J. Allen on note (for services)

dated march 25th, 1842-note and interest $238.20

Thomas J. Allen on note dated June 29, 1841 $139.90

Frederick Allen on note dated March 25th, 1842 $334.88 $712.98

And your Treasurer finds that the Selectmen have this date ordered and allowed demands to the following persons viz.

Suzanne R. Wodell $26.00 Citty of New Bedford $48.95

Isaac Brownell $10.75 Jeptha Gifford $6.98

Abner B. Gifford $23.04 Justus Shearman $44.55

city of New Bedford $49.00 John Allen $28.75

Adam Bennett $170.00 William G. Sowle $5.82

Stephen Howland $ 17.23 William G. Sowle $1.27

Stephen Howland $7.44 Stephen B. Cornell $1.49

Stephen Howland $8.25 Hiram Whalen $3.00

Edmund Mosher $26.00 George F. S. White $9.61

Jonathan Davis $3.00 Town of Fall River $16.00

Wilkinson Tripp $5.00 Ezra Macomber $2.50

William Cornell $3.00 Charles F. Packard $7.50

Calvin K.Turner $28.00 Gifford and Anthony $29.11

Job Davis Captain $8.10 C.A.Church and co. $38.33

William Dyers heirs $1.62 Henry P. Sumner $33.00

Benjamin B. Sisson $5.75 George H. Gifford $50.28

$392.18 Stephen Howland $30.00




Cornelius P. Allen-not ordered $2.40

Isaac Brownell-not ordered $3.75

ballance due the Treasurer on his settlement $69.90 $825.37

whole amount of indebtedness against the Town

of Westport up to 4th mo 1st 1847 $1538.35


Page 313.

Amount brought forward of the whole of the indebtedness against the

Town of Westport $1538.35

Deduct for amount available

amount of uncollected taxes now in the hands of P. W. Peckham

Collector- $284.18.

Amount of uncollected taxes now in the hands of

Frederick Brownell as former Collector $261.26 $545.44.

Nett indebtedness against the town $992.91

all of which I most humbly submit P. W. Peckham

Treasurer and collector.

Westport April 1st 1847. Examined the foregoing account

and believe it to be correct.

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Stephen Howland, Selectmen of Westport.

Audited by the Committee on accounts

signed Ezra Macomber, Paris Davis, Committee on accounts.

4th mo 5th 1847. Voted to accept the above report.

Attest-PW Peckham Town Clerk

The Selectmen in accordance with the vote of the Town present to the Inhabitants of their report, of the financial affairs of the town, for the year ending on the first day of April A.D. 1847-viz..

For Abatement on taxes $112.06

for assessors wages $31.25

for support of Schools $1916.00

for supplies and repairs for Alms House $865.56.

For taking cencus of births and deaths and recording same $10.88

for collectors commissions $96.17

for Selectmen and overseers of the Poor Fees $73.75

for taxes remitted $78.98

for support of out door Paupers $212.00

for general School committee’s bills $62.61

for William Wood’s board at Worcester $130.83

for repairing roads and building bridges $324.08

for interest on notes $54.19 $3968.36


Page 314.

Amount brought up $3968.36

amount paid out for clearing the snow from roads last winter $188.46 $41 56.82

sum voted for support of Schools $1500.00

amount received from state school fund $131.80

interest on money loaned the County $284.18

sum voted for incidental expenses $2000.00

overlayings on all the taxes $107.07

Highway deficiencies $26.40

received on Pedlars licenses $36.00 $4085.45

paid out more than was assessed and received $71.37

all which is submitted

Westport April 1st, 1847 signed George H. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Selectmen of Westport

4th mo 5th 1847. Voted to accept the above report.

Attest — P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Agreeable to win adjournment from the second Monday of April it being the 12th instant-The Inhabitants of said Town of Westport, met at the Town House in said Town, according to adjournment, and the following officers were chosen and votes passed. Viz..

The subscribers having been chosen at the last town meeting, a Committee to view School district No. 13 and report to this meeting their opinion of the expediency of dividing or altering the limits of said district.

Now report, that in their humble opinion, all that is necessary to be done is within the power granted by law to all School Districts.-that of building a House suitable for the accomidation of the scholars-It appears by the returns, of the school Committee-that the whole number of scholars attending school, the last winter were 64, average attendance 49-which is truly too many to be comfortably accommodated in the school house-but in our opinion it would be better for the district, to build a suitable house, than to be divided, and be obliged to build two houses-or move the one they have and build another-


Page 315.

There can be no safe calculations made about the number of Scholars for many years in advance, there is districts now in Town, where a few years since, there were 30 or 40 scholars, and at the present time not much over half that number-we think there is not a district in this Town of the same extent of territory that is more convenient for the scholars to get to the school house, at all seasons of the year-should it be divided it can lesson the travel for the scholars but a very little. Farther if the District should be divided by aligning as proposed by some of the Inhabitants of the district, which would be about equal as to teritory-but not so as to scholars they would be about 40 to 20, and again, agreeable to last year’s valuation one district would have about $55,000 to raise a tax from, while the other would have but about $22,000-should each district build a house at a cost of $300. one would have to pay about $5.00 on a $1000. While the other would have to pay about $12.00 on a $1000. We are aware that we are now talking about dollars and cents, which some made think ought not to come into the calculation, but it has been said that money makes the mare go-and you would make but poor headway in building school houses without money-. There is still another consideration which may seem important to some, the school money as now apportioned, gives the district with a great number of scholars, no more, than the district with a small number. However, that is liable to be altered every year, and from the fact that it has been so for a number of years, and that Yankees are fond of improvements and experiments, may it not reasonably be expected that there will soon be an alteration in the apportionment.

All of which is submitted-Frederick Brownell, Russell Gifford 2nd.

Voted. To accept the foregoing report.

Westport 4th mo 26th 1847. P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Page 316.

Voted. Not to grant the prayers of the petitioners, of school district No. 13, presented at our last meeting.

Voted. To extend to the Committee on Public and Town Landings their report-which report was to have been made to our annual Town meeting in April-but now by this vote they are ordered to report at our next annual November Town meeting.

Voted. To excuse Isaac Snell from serving as surveyor of Highways, sworn and voted that Adam Bennett serve as surveyor in his stead.

Voted. That Ezra Macomber, George H. Gifford and Nathan wood be a Committee to audit all accounts brought against the town of Westport up to the end of our financial year and make out a full and correct report of all the financial affairs of the Town, up to March 1st, 1848 and cause 500 copies of said report to be printed, and put in pamphlet form, as soon after the first day of March as they conveniently can-so that they may be distributed to the Inhabitants of said Town before our annual Town meeting in April next.

Voted. To allow the following bills to the following persons for clearing the highway of snow in the winter of 1845 and six.

Daniel trip (West Road) snowbill 75 cents

Gilbert Macomber snowbill 75 cents

Pardon Shearman snowbill 1.50

Lemuel Brownell snowbill 2.00 $5.00.

At an adjourned meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, held at the Town House in said town, on Monday the 26th day of April A.D. 1847.

The following resolutions were presented, and read in open Town meeting by the Moderator.

1st. Resolved. That from the information already obtained in relation to the subject of the boundary line between this town and the Towns


Page 317.

Of Tiverton and Little Compton; we are most firmly convinced, that, the reputed line is from 1/2 to three-quarters of a mile upon the rightful soil of Massachusetts.

2nd. Resolved, therefore that, we can never acquiesce in the establishment of any line less favorable than the one indicated by the King’s commission of 1741 or by the ultimate decision of the highest judicial authority of the country.

3rd. Resolved. That the agents of the Town of Westport be, and they hereby are, instructed, to take such measures; as they may deem necessary to secure the rights of the Town, in respect to said line.

4th. Resolved. That a copy of the above resolution attested by the Town Clerk be transmitted to the Honorable commissioners of Massachusetts.

Voted. Unanimously. That the foregoing resolutions be adopted.

Westport April 28,1847 this day mailed and sent a copy of the above to the honorable Committee

Attest P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Voted. To adjourn this meeting.

Bristol S. S.. Westport April 25th, 1847.

I hereby certify a that Gideon B.Sabins of Westport personally appeared and made oath that he would faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Field Driver in said Westport for the year ensuing.

George H. Gifford Justice of the Peace.

I hereby certify that Samuel Dyer of Westport has this date appeared and taken the oath according to law as surveyor of Highways in Westport.

Little Compton May 13,1847 Ephm/T. William Brownell, Justice Peace.

Page 318.

Bristol S. S.. To Jireh Brownell one of the Constables of the Town of Westport in said County. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet at the Town House in said Town on Saturday the twenty second day of may currant at three o’clock in the afternoon then in there to act on the following articles.

1st. To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To see if the Town will divide school district No. 13 in said Town.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof, at three or more public places in said Town.

Hereof fail not, and made due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid, given under our hands this eleventh day of may in the year eighteen hundred and forty seven.

Signed F.Brownell, Russell Gifford 2nd, Perry Davis, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the male Inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in Town affairs, by posting up notifications, at three public places in the Town purport to meet at the time and place and for the within mentioned purposes.

Westport may 1847 signed Jerry Brownell, Constable


Page 319.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport, qualified agreeable to law-held in the Town house in said Town on Saturday the twenty second day of may A.D. 1847 at three o’clock P. M for the purposes expressed in the foregoing Warrant. The following Officers were chosen and votes passed. Viz..

Israel Washbourn was chosen Moderator.

2nd. Article in the Warrant was then taken up and the following motion was put and voted. That the Inhabitants of school district No. 13 be permitted to divide said school district, in any manner that two-thirds of the voters of said district may approve. But no more of the Public or Town’s money, appropriated for the support of Public schools, in said Town of Westport, shall be drawn by the said Inhabitants than the proportion they now draw.

Voted. To adjourn said meeting.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

To the Town Clerk of Westport.

Oliver H. Childs has this day been sworn by me as Clerk for school district No. 6.

Westport April 13th 1847.

Signed Andrew Hicks, Justice of Peace.


Page 320.

Annual returns of the names of all the persons enrolled in the militia, in the Town of Westport, for the year 1847. The whole number enrolled being three hundred and twenty six, 326. Viz..

Allen Frederick, Allen Israel H., Allen William G., Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Samuel G., Allen Timothy G., Allen James, Allen John, Allen Humphrey B., Anthony John L., Allen Charles, Allen Cornelius T., Albert Perry, Allen Abner, Allen Daniel, Anthony Isaac A., Butts George, Brownell Alexander, Brownell George, Bradley David S., Brightman John H., Brightman Elias P., Brightman Leander, Brightman Elihu, Brightman John, Brownell Andrew, Brownell Ezra P., Brownell I six L., Brightman Sanford 2nd, Brownell Jaber, Brownell Daniel, Brownell James, Bailey Oliver, Brightman Isaac L., Brightman Charles, Brownell Uriah, Booth Isaac, Booth Square, Brown Salesbury, Briggs George, Bessee Peter S., Bassett Joseph S., Brightman Restcome, Brightman Leonard, Bennett Adam, Borden Holder, Baker Thomas W., Brownell James H., Brownell Edwin, Briggs Peleg P., Chace William, Cornell William A., Cornell James, Cornell Stephen K., Cornell Stephen B., Cornell Job, Cornell John A., Crapo George D., Chase jerod, Cornell Joshua H., Cornell Jacob, Cornell George L., Crossman Frederick, Craw Charles, Cornell John, Chace Thomas J.

page 321.

Crapo Daniel, Chace Gideon R., Dyer Abraham, Davis Thomas W., Davis Walter, Devol Benjamin, Dyer Warren, Davis Allen, Davis Edmund, Devol John, Devol David 2nd, Devol Philip H., Devol Jonathan, Dean John, Davis Ebenezer H., Davis Peter, Davis Andrew, Devol Edward, Fuller Benjamin, Farnum George, Freelove Barney, Fisher Paul, Gifford Christopher, Gifford Richard S., Grinnell William, Gifford Alexander B., Gifford Charles, Gifford Peleg H., Gifford Edwin B., Gifford John 2nd, Gifford Elihu B.,

Gifford Jonathan P., Gifford Weston, Gifford Philip, the Gifford Thomas B., Gifford Charles F., Gifford Joshua W., Gifford Alfred, Gifford Albert A., Gifford Stephen W., Gifford Benjamin R., Gifford Frederick, Gifford Philander, Gifford Elija Jr., Gifford William 3rd, Gifford Gideon D., Gifford Benjamin, Gidley Frederick, Gifford Samuel , Gifford Christopher R., Gifford Christopher C., Gifford Thomas W., Hicks Alexander, Hicks Isaac, Hicks William B., Hicks Reuben C., Hazard Oliver J., Howland Zoeth, Howland William P., Howland Stephen K., Howland Alexander, Howland Benjamin, Handy William W., Howland Noah D., Hathaway Charles H., Howland Isaac, Howland Stephen R., Howland William, Kirby Perry, Kirby Nathaniel, Kirby Tillinghast, Kirby Edmond, Kirby Stephen P., Kirby Harvey W., Kirby Abner, King Alfred,


Page 322.

King Godfrey, Kirby George W., Lawton Abraham, Lawton John, Lawton Isaac, Lawton David, Lawton Edwin, Lawton Robert, Lawton Gideon, Lawton Eli, Little Preserved, Lawrence Andrew, Little Charles, Mosher Lorenzo D., Manchester Abraham E., Manchester Barten D., Manchester Beriah, Manchester


Wilbour, Manchester Borden, Macomber Alexander H., Macomber Simeon Jr. Macomber Israel, Macomber John, Macomber John D., Macomber Alexander, Macomber Restcome, Manchester Wanton, Mosher Luthern, Manchester George L., Manchester James W., Manchester William W., Manchester Otis, Mayhew Benjamin T., Mosher John, Mosher Robert, Macomber Ezra, Macomber Andrew, Macomber Zebedee B., Macomber Orrin, Macomber Richard, Macomber Ezra 2nd, Macomber Moses, Mosher Joseph Junior, Manchester Charles, Macomber Henry, Mosher Charles, Nye Isaiah T., Nooning Jonathan, Nickerson Elcanah,

Pike Perry, Potter Charles, Potter Nathaniel, Potter Frederick P., Potter Abner, Potter Pardon C., Potter Abner 2nd, Pettey Potter, Pettey John T., Pettey Isaac, Pettey Abner T., Pettey Holder T., Pettey Pardon 2nd, Pierce Jonathan Jr., Peckham Jacob, Pettey Edward B., Potter Isaac P., Pierce George, Perry John, Records Holder, Reed Willard, Rodney Reed, Reynolds Malicha, Sampson Ebenezer, Sampson John, Sowle Gideon


Page 323.

Sowle Oliver, Sowle Charles P., Sowle Benjamin, Shearman James H., Shearman Justus, Shearman Peleg, Slocum Andrew, Slocum David E., Sowle Russell, Sanford Silas B., Sanford Caleb T., Sisson Urial, Sisson Charles, Sisson Gideon, Snell Humphrey W., Shearman Wilson, Shearman Thomas, Sanford David Jr., Sanford Peleg L., Sanford Thomas, Sabins William H., Sabins Gideon B., Shearman Kempton, Shearman Anthony, Simmons Ruben, Sabins Weston G., Sisson Alden T.., Sowle John, Sumner Henry P., Sowle Henry Jr., Shaw Benjamin T., Seabury Albert, Sowle Benjamin Jr., Snell Daniel B., Sowle William, Sisson George, Sanford Philip, Sowle Isaac, Simmons Eben, Seabury John, Sowle Abel Jr., Shearman Abner, Sowle Edward G., Tripp Horace N., Tripp Clark, Tripp Benjamin P., Tripp Nathaniel, Tripp William R, Tripp Samuel , Tripp Benjamin P., Tripp Nathaniel 2nd, Tripp Frederick P., Tripp Holder , Tripp David, Tripp Ivory, Tripp Luthern, Tripp Stephen Jr., Tripp John M., Tabor William, Tripp Howland, Tripp Francis, Tripp Abner D., Tripp John G., Tripp Jeremiah D., Tripp Joseph H., Tripp Uriah B., Thompson Joseph, Thompson Jeremiah T., Tripp Alden,Tripp Howard P., Tripp Edmund Jr., Tripp Jonathan, Tripp Eli, Tripp Emmanuel G. H. J., Taylor William, Tripp Jonathan 2nd, Tabor Elery, Tabor Joseph, White Abraham C., White George F. S., White Peleg L., Wing George W., Wait Henry, White George B.,Wood George F., Wood Alexander,Wood Nathan W.,Wood Lawton, Wodell Gershom, Wodell Elcanah, Whalen John R., Whalen James M., Wait Ruben, Wait Daniel, Wing John T., White Holder Jr., Wing Ezra, Winchester Nathaniel W., Wodell. Edmund, Wodell Richard, Wing Frederick A, Wilcox Bradford, Allen Gideon, Cory Alexander H., Childes Oliver H., Freelove Clark Jr.

Received from the Assessors-Westport 5th mo. 24th 1847. Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, Russ Sowle Gifford 2nd, Assessors of Westport.

Mailed and sent to the adjutant General may 28th., 1847

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk


Page 325.

To Stephen B. Cornell.

Sir, you are hereby appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures, for the Town of Westport, the currant year. Given under our hands, this twenty eight day of may in the year eighteen hundred and forty seven.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, Russell Gifford 2nd, Selectmen of Westport.

This day I the subscriber Treasurer of Westport delivered in good order, to Stephen B. Cornell, Sealer of Weights and Measures the following Towns property viz..

1 Cedar, stave 1/2 bushel measure.

1 cedar stave peck measure.

1 Cedar stave four quart measure.

1 Large scale beam with wooden scales.

1 56 Pound weight, 1 28 pound weight, 1 14 pound weight, 1 seven pound weight, belonging to the above scale.

One smaller Scale Beam with copper scales, and a sett of compositions weights belonging to the same from 4 pounds to 1/2 an ounce weight.

One box of Avidepois scale, Beam and weights complete.

1 gallon puter wine measure.

1 2 quart puter wine measure.

1 1 quart puter wine measure.

1 pint puter wine measure.

1 1/2 pint puter wine measure.

1 gill puter wine measure. All puter and with covers.

1 quart pot. Beer measure-puter-

1 EM. At yard stick.

1 yard stick.

3 stamps marked W..

1 mahogany strike.

1 1/4 pound extra weight.

1 large chest containing all the above articles-

Westport May 30th 1847.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerck.

Page 326.

To the Town Clerk of Westport.

We have determined that the real estate of Isaac R. Gifford, Elihu Gifford and William Sisson of Dartmouth, Joseph R. Dunham and Leonard Sisson of New Bedford, Henry Wilbor of Fall River and Thomas T. Cornell of R.I . should be taxed in School District No. 4 (that is to say all their Real Estate Taxable in this Town) of which you will please make record.

May 28th, 1847 signed F. Brownell, Russell Gifford 2nd, Perry Davis, Assessors.


Page 327.

Bristol S. S..

To Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants

of the Town of Westport, qualified to vote in elections to meet at the Town House in Westport on Monday the eight day of November next it being the second Monday in said month, at ten o’clock in the forenoon to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of, for three Senators for the district of Bristol, for the year ensuing all on one ballot-also to choose one Representative to represent them in the General Court to be convened in Boston on the first Wednesday of January next. And also at one o’clock to act on the following articles. Viz..

1st. to choose a moderator.

2nd .to hear the report of the committee appointed to resurvey and establish the lines of the several Town Landings, and take such action thereof as may be thought expedient. instruct Nathan Wood in regards to paying claims against William wood.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and made to return of this warrant to ourselves, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this 29th day of October in the year eightenn hundred and forty seven.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, Russell Gifford 2nd, Selectmen.

Page 328.

Bristol S. S..

Pursuant to a warrant from the Selectmen of the Town of Westport I have notified the male Inhabitants of said Town by posting attested copies at three public places in the Town for to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named.

October 30th 1847 signed Jireh Brownell Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol and Commonwealth of Massachusetts qualified by the Constitution to vote for Governor and Lieutenant governor,holden on the eighth day of November being the second Monday of said month, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, for the purpose of giving and their votes for governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Senators, of said Commonwealth, the votes given in were sorted, counted and Recorded; and public declaration thereof made, as is directed by the Constitution; and were for the following persons,

Whole number of ballots were one hundred and eighty 180.

For governor:

George N. Briggs of Pittsfield had sixty six votes 66.

Caleb Cushing of Newburyport had seventy three votes 73.

Samuel E. Sewell of Malden had thirty nine votes 39.

David R. Greene of new Bedford had one vote one.

For Lieutenant Governor:

John Reed of Yarmouth had sixty four votes 64.

Henry W. Cushman of Berardston, had seventy seven votes 77.

John M. Brewster of Pittsfield had thirty eight votes 38.

11 mo.8th 1847.

Page 329.

For Senators:

Ezekiel Savin of Fairhaven had fifty votes 50.

Cromwell Leonard of Norton had sixty three votes 63.

Orrin Fowler of Fallriver had ninety votes 90.

For Senators:

Mark B. Palmer of Seconk had ninety two votes 92.

John Crane of Norton had fifty one votes 51.

Mason Stone of Norton had thirty Sevin votes 37.

Joseph D. Hathaway of Berkley had thity seven votes 37.

Fred Sampson of Dighton had thirty seven votes 37.

For Representative to the General Court:

Benjamin B. Sisson of Westport had one hundred and seven votes 107.

Israel Whasbour pf Westport had thirty one votes 31.

James H. Handy of Westport had twelve votes 12.

Andrew Hicks had one vote 1.

Frederick Brownell had one vote 1.

Perry Davis had two votes 2.

Gershom Wodell had two votes 2.

Nathan Wood had one vote 1.

George H. Gifford had one vote 1.

Benjamin E. Sisson was elected Representative to the General Court for this Town.

Recorded by me P.W. Peckham Town Clerk

Page 330.

Agreeable to the foregoing Warrant at one p.m. the following officers were chosen and the following business transacted. Viz..

1st. Benjamin B. Sisson was chosen Moderator.

2nd. The report of the committee appointed to survey and establish the lines of the several Town Landings, and take such other action thereon as may be thought expedient.-was read in open Town meeting by N. C. Brownell chairman of said committee. And it was voted to accept said report, and for said report to be placed on file in the Town Clerk’s office, together with the charts of said landings drawn by said committee. The following action was had on the above report. Viz..

Voted. That a committee of two be appointed who shall be directed in behalf of the Town of Westport, to take such measures, as they shall deem expedient, to ascertain if said Town possess the ownership or jurisdiction of the Town or public landings therein; if not that they then be directed to apply to the next legislature, for such action on the part of that body, as shall give said Town full and complete jurisdiction, and control over the same; with power to lease for a term not exceeding five years such portions of them as may not be needed for landing purposes; also to sell and convey such portions of them that are now covered with buildings which are partly on said landings and partly on private lands to Individuals owning this land (providing they are not needed for landing purposes;) and that all sales transfers and contracts hitherto entered into by said Town with individuals relative to said landings may be confirmed and made legal to the parties; and that the committee be directed to report their doings at the first annual meeting.

Voted. That Nathan C. Brownell and Christopher A. Church be that committee.

11 mo. 8 1847

page 331.

Voted. To indefinitely postpone the third article in said Warrant.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Bristol.

Pursuant to a law of this Commonwealth, the qualified voters of the Town of Westport in Town meeting on the eight day of November instant for the choice of one Representative in General Court ; did elect.

Benjamin B. Sisson Esq..

Being an Inhabitant of said Town to represent them in the General Court to be holden on the first Wednesday of January next.

Dated at Westport the eight day of November in the year eighteen hundred and forty seven. A D. 1847.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, Russell Gifford 2nd, Selectmen of Westport.

The person chosen as aforesaid was notified thereof and summoned to attend by me Jireh Brownell Constable of Westport.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.

To the Town Clerk of Westport.

The subcribers Assessors of said Town have determined, that the real estate of John W. Howland of Edgartown and John Hicks of Duxbury shall be taxed in school district No. 10 of which you will please make record.

Westport Dec. 1847 signed Frederick Brownell, Russell Gifford 2nd.

Recorded by me P. W. Peckham Town Clerk.
