Town records 1851


Page 405.

Voted. To indefinitely postpone the third and fourth article is in that part of the warrant for the afternoon meeting .

Voted to adjourn Sine Dic

attest George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport in the County of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified to vote in elections in Town affairs to meet at the town house in said Westport on Monday the seventh day of April next at ten o’clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles :

1st. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To hear the report of the Selectmen Landing Commissioners and school committee and act thereon.

4th. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same .

5th. To determine the manner of repair.

Page 406.

-ing the highways, Town ways and bridges the year ensuing.

6th. To bring in their votes for County Treasurer.

7th. To know the minds of the Town in regard to resurveying the highway and watering place from the foot of the lane so-called westerly to horseneck point.

8th. To see if the Town will refund to Cyrus Wheeler the amount paid into the Treasury by him for a Pedlars license.

9th. To see if the Town will appropriate any money for repairing the Briggs Road so-called.

10th. To bring in their votes for Register of Deeds.

11th. To see if the Town will pay Gershom Wordell for land taken in resurveying the highway to make it wider opposite Joshua Wordell’s.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town ten days at least before the time for holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this fifteenth


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Day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Westport April 7th, 1851.

Persuant to the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mention by causing copies of this warrant to be posted up at the one store of C.A. Church and company head of Westport River one at the store of E. P. Brownell and company near the town house and one at the store of R.Macomber and company Westport Point ten days prior to the date hereof.

Signed Jonathan Pierce Constable of Westport.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport held at the townhouse in said Town on Monday the seventh day of April A.D. 1851, agreeable to the foregoing warrant and for the purposes therein expressed the following officers were chosen and votes passed viz.:

for Morderator B.B. Sisson Esq..

For Town clerk George H. Gifford and was sworn.

For Selectmen Frederick Brownell

Page 408.

George H. Gifford and Perry Davis and were all sworn.

Voted. Not to choose Assessors and the Selectmen were sworn as Assessors.

Voted. Not to choose Overseers of the poor.

Voted. That the several school districts choose their own Prudential Committees.

Voted. That the Treasurer be collector of taxes and he is to have two percent on all money collected and paid out by him.

George H. Gifford was chosen treasurer and he was sworn to that office.


Isaac Francis sworn on the 24th of April.

Edwin B. Gifford and he was sworn.

Willard Reed and he declined serving.

Eben B. Baker and he declined serving.

Isaac Francis was chosen sealer of weights and measures.

Hanson Brownell was chosen Pound Keeper and was sworn to the faithful discharge of the office.

Field drivers chosen was Edwin B. Gifford, Stephen Howland, Jonathan Pierce, John Sampson, Eben B. Baker, Perry Briggs, Stephen K. Howland

Page 409.

Gershom Wordell, Bradford Wilcox, and Canaan Dyer-Perry Briggs and Canaan Dyer were sworn.

Fence Viewers Adam Gifford, Nathan C. Brownell, Perry Davis and Lemuel Brownell, Perry Davis and Lemuel Brownell took the Oath of office.

Surveyors of Highways Thomas W. Wood, David Lawton sworn, George R. Brownell, James Reed sworn, David Tripp sworn, Nicolas U.Kirby sworn, Isaac Francis excused, Daniel Wing sworn, Justus Sherman sworn, David Sanford Jr. sworn, Nathan Wood sworn, John Seabury sworn, Joseph Briggs sworn, Perry Davis sworn, Willard Reed sworn, Joshua Wordell sworn, John R. Baker sworn, Samuel G. Allen, Abraham Manchester sworn, John R. Adams sworn, Leonard Brightman, Edmund Tripp sworn, Stephen P. Kirby sworn, Russell Gifford second sworn, Thomas W. Davis sworn, Nathaniel Kirby, Stephen K. Howland sworn, Thomas Sanford sworn, Peleg Brownell sworn, Lemuel Gifford sworn, Stephen Allen, George Lawton sworn, Isaac Pettey sworn, Thomas B. Gifford sworn, Stephen Howland sworn.

All the above named persons marked thus S. have taken the Oath of office.

Surveyors of lumber and measurers of wood and bark David Sanford, Jeremiah B. Thompson sworn,

P. 410.

Perry Davis sworn, John Allen, David Lawton sworn, George H. Gifford sworn, F. Brownell, Russell Gifford second sworn, Varnum Macomber, Edwin B. Gifford sworn.

Voted. To raise the sum of one thousand for the repairs of highways to be assessed and worked the same as last year.

For County Treasurer.

James P. Ellis of Taunton had thirty votes 30.

Voted. To accept the reports of the Selectmen and Landing Commissioners.

Voted. To raise the sum of two thousand two hundred anfd fifty dollars for incidental expenses in the same manner as last year.

Voted. To raise the sum of two thousand dolars by the way of tax for the support of schools and also to add the interest on the surplus revenue loaned to the County of Bristol to the two thousand dollars that is to be raised by tax for support of schools, and to be distributed among the districts in the same manner as last year.

Voted. To leave it to the discretion of the Selectmen to appropriate such sums of money as they shall think proper or expedient in repairing the Briggs road so-called.

Voted. To refund Cyrus Wheeler the money named in the 8th article of the warrant

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Voted. That the Selectmen resurvey the highway and watering place named in the 7th article in the warrant.

Voted. To refer the subject matter in the 11th article to the Selectmen.

Abraham Macomber, F. Brownell ,Varnum Macomber and Stephen Howland chosen and sworn as Landing Commissioners for the ensuing year.

For Register of Deeds.

Benjamin K. Sayer had one hundred and sixteen votes 116.

Voted. To adjourn to Saturday the ninetennth instant at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Attest George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Westport Landing.

Whereas by an act of the Legislature passed on the twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty eight it was provided amongst other things that the Inhabitants of the town of Westport should have jurisdiction over the public and Town landings therein, with power to govern regulate and control them, in the manner mentioned in said act, and to choose all necessary officers and

Page 412.

Agents, as they should deem proper to carry into effect the provisions of said act.

And whereas it was farther provided in and by said act that the said Town should so far as the same was practicable, ascertain the true boundaries of said landings and adjust and settle all differences in relation thereto.

And whereas the said Town of Westport at their annual meeting held at said Westport on the first day of April in the year eighteen hundred and fifty chose the subscribers as a committee of said Town, and they were duly chosen and qualified as officers and agents, for the purpose herein after mentioned.

And whereas the said subscribers in pursuance of said authority on the fifth day of August last past went upon the landing near the head of Westport River to ascertain the extent and boundaries of said landing.

Now be it known that we the subscribers, being appointed for said purpose did on the said last mentioned day, ascertain and establish the following as the extent and boundaries on the public landing at the head of Westport River viz.:

Begin at a rock marked A. Near the bridge which crosses the head of Westport River, the same being a permanent and well-known monument, thence south twenty one and one fourth degrees west nine rods fourteen and one half feet to the southwest corner of Winslow’s barn, thence south ten degrees west twenty five rods, thence North eighty six degrees


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West as the wall now stands to the River.

All of which is respectfully submitted, together with the consent of Thomas Winslow, in writing agreeing to the said location and running.

David this fourth day of March in the year eighteen hundred and fifty one.

Signed Abraham Macomber, Varnum Macomber, Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford.

Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Winslow of Westport in the County of Bristol have read the foregoing location of the Landing therein described, and do hereby give my full consent thereto and do hereby release any and all my right and title thereto and to every part thereof included within said bounds as above set fourth.

In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this fourth day of April in the year eighteen hundred and fifty one.

Signed Thomas Winslow initials L. S..

Witness Stephen Howland.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Westport held at the town house in said Westport on the seventh day of April in the year eighteen hundred and fifty one the foregoing report was read and accepted and it was thereupon voted that the same be Recorded in the Town Records and also in the Registry of deeds for

Page 414.

For the southern district of said County of Bristol.

Attest George H. Gifford Town clerk of Westport.

The foregoing was recorded by me this eight to day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.

By me George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Bristol S. S.. April 10, 1851. Then personally appeared Jonathan Pierce and was qualified as field driver for the year ensuing before me George H. Gifford Town clerk.

Bristol S. S. April 12,1851 personally appeared Edwin B. Gifford and took the Oath of office as field driver before me George H. Gifford Town clerk.

April 19, 1851. The Inhabitants of the town of Westport agreeable to adjournment from the seventh instant met to and the morderator being absent W. W. Slocum was chosen morderator pro tempore the report of the General School was read and it was voted to accept said report.

Voted. To excuse Isaac Francis from serving as Surveyor of Highways and Thomas Gifford was chosen and sworn in his stead or place.

Voted. To allow the same discount for prompt payment of taxes as was allowed last year.

Page 415.

Voted. That the Selectmen be auditing Committee and settle with the Treasurer.

Voted. That the Auditing Committee have their report printed and circulated same as last year.

General School Committee.

Chosen was J.B Parris, G. E. Brownell, and E. P. Brownell.

Voted. To adjourn sine dir.

Attest a true record.

George H. Gifford, Town clerk.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the town of Westport. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the Town House in said Westport on the first day of May next act two o’clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following articles :

1st. To choose a morderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To bring in their votes for a Register of Deeds for the southern district of said County of Bristol, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Benjamin T. Congdon Esq..

Page 416.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said Town ten days at least before the time for holding said meeting .

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this seventeenth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.

George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. April 21, 1851.

I have served the within warrant by posting up attested copies of the same one at the store of the H. Cory one at the store of E.P. Brownell and company one at the store of C. A. Church and company and one at Wordell’s corner so-called all in said Town ten days before the time of holding said meeting.

Signed Edwin B. Gifford, constable of Westport.

The Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met on the first day of May agreeable to the foregoing warrant and Lemuel Brownell was chosen Morderator to preside in said meeting. And the whole number of votes given in for Register of Deeds to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Benjamin T. Congdon Esq. was nine Charles T. Congdon had nine votes.

Voted. to adjourn sine dir.

Attest George H. Gifford Town Clerk


Page 417.

Bristol may third, 1851. Then personally appeared John Seabury and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as surveyor of Highways for the year ensuing.

Before me George H. Gifford Town Clerk.

The following is the names of all the persons enrolled in the Militia in the town of Westport for the year A.D. 1851.

Aikins Daniel B., Allen Frederick, Allen William G., Allen Thomas Jr., Allen Samuel. G., Allen Timothy C., Allen James, Allen John, Anthony John L., Allen Cornelius T., Allen Abner, Allen Thomas J., Allen Daniel H., Anthony Isaac A., Adams John R., Allen Israel, Aikins Benjamin R., Anthony Nicolas

Briggs John, Brownell Philip H., Brightman John, Brightman Sanford second, Butts George W..

Brightman Leander, Brightman Elihu, Brownell Andrew W., Brownell Ezra P., Brownell Isaac S., Brightman John 2nd, Brownell James H., Brower Oliver, Brownell George H. B., Brownell James, Bailey Oliver, Brownell Uriah, Briggs George, Bessee Peter S., Bassett Joseph S., Brightman Leonard, Borden Holder S., Brownell Giles E., Briggs Peleg T., Brownell George F., Bradley William, Borden Thomas 2nd, Borden John, Bliss Joseph N., Baker Charles W.,

Page 418.

Baker Edward M., Brightman Rufus W., Brownell George R., Brown Daniel K., Briggs Christopher, Briggs Jeremiah, Borden Peleg S., Ball Charles,

Chace William W., Cornell William A., Cornell James 2nd, Cornell Stephen K., Cornell Job, Cornell George L., Crapo George D., Cornell Weston M., Caroll Charles, Chedel Timothy B., Cornell Joshua H., Cornell Jacob, Crossman Frederick, Craw Charles N., Crapo Daniel, Chace Gideon R., Coggeshall Stephen, Chace Jonathan 2nd, Chace Charles, Carr Thomas D., Coggeshall Bradford, Chace William, Carter Richard W., Chace Elbridge G., Chace George H.,

Dyer Abraham, Davis Thomas W., Davis Walter S., Dyer Warren, Davis Allen, Davis Edmund, Devoll John H., Devoll David 2nd, Devoll Philip H., Dean John, Davis Peter, Devoll George, Davis Abiel, Devoll James P., Davis Abner F., Davis Alfred C., Davis Benjamin, Davis Charles R., Dyer Canaan, Devoll Edward S., Dring Thomas, Devoll Alexander, Dana Charles, Davis Andrew, Devoll Samuel , Dean Samuel , Devoll William C., Devoll William B., Devoll Charles, Fish Barton, Freelove Leander, Fisher Charles, Freelove Clark Jr., Fuller Benjamin, Francis Hiram, Farnham George, Freelove Bonnie, Freelove Joseph,

Page 419.

Gifford Jason, Gifford Charles, Gifford Benjamin 2nd, Gifford George B., Gifford Giles R., Grinnell Eben S., Gifford Christopher R., Gifford Richard S., Grinnell William, Gifford Alexander B., Gifford Peleg H., Gifford Edwin B., Gifford Elihu B., Gifford Jonathan P., Gifford Weston, Gifford Philip, Gifford Thomas E., Gifford Charles F., Gifford Alfred, Gifford Albert A., Gifford Benjamin R., Gifford Frederick, Gifford Philander, Gifford Elija Jr., Gifford Samuel F., Gifford Abraham R., Gifford Stephen B., Gifford Samuel , Gifford Lysander, Gifford Christopher C., Gifford Thomas W., Gifford William H., Gifford William H. 2d, Gifford John Tasker, Gifford Henry H., Gammons Mathias E. Jr., Gifford Andrew, Gifford Nathaniel, Gidley Frederick, Gifford George, Grinnell John, Grinnell Asa, Gifford Edward S., Gifford John A. 2d, Gifford Lemuel., Gifford Peleg C., Gilman Edward G., Gifford John Andrew, Gifford James H. Jr., Gifford Acel

Hicks Ruben C., Hix George A., Hicks Alexander, Howland Zoeth, Hicks Barney, Howland William P., Howland Stephen K., Howland Alexander K., Howland Benjamin, Handy William W., Hathaway Charles H., Howland Isaac, Howland Stephen R., Howland Peleg C., Hedge Mortimer, Hannah Robert, Hathaway Albert, Howland William, Howland David S., Hazard Edward B., Hammond William S., Hitt Humphrey, Howland Solomon, Hopkins William, Hicks John,

Page 420.

Kirby Perry, Kirby Nathaniel, Kirby Tillinghast, Kirby Edmund, Kirby Stephen P., Kirby Harvey W., Kirby Abner, King Alfred, Kirby George W., Kirby Uriah, King Godfrey, King Asa S., King Jeremiah,

Lavere Arnold B., Lawton Abraham C., Lawton David, Lawton Edwin, Lawton Robert, Lawton Gideon, Lawton Eli P., Lawton Uriah, Little Preserved, Lawrence Andrew, Little Charles, Lawton George B., Lawton John, Lawton James, Lawton Russell

Macomber Leonard, Macomber Pardon, Mosher Charles, Mosher George M., Mosher Israel, Mosher Lorenzo D., Manchester Abner E., Manchester Barton B., Manchester William P., Manchester Borden, Macomber Simeon Jr., Macomber Israel, Macomber John, Macomber John C., Macomber Alexander, Macomber Restcome, Manchester Wanton, Manchester George L., Manchester James W., Macomber Otis, Mosher Daniel, Mosher John, Mosher Robert, Macomber Ezra second, Macomber Andrew, Macomber Zebedee B., Macomber Richard, Macomber Moses, Macomber Joseph Jr., Manchester Charles second, Manchester Charles Jr., Macomber Richmond, Mosher Benjamin, Mosher William A., Macomber Alexander H., Mayhew Benjamin T., Macomber Andrew H., Macomber Thurston, Macomber George B., Manchester George, Manchester Beriah, Manchester Forbes, Macomber Isaac W., Miller David,

Nooning Jonathan, Nye Isaiah T.,

Potter Joshua Jr., Palmer Henry, Pike Perry, Potter Charles, Potter Frederick P., Potter Abner, Potter Pardon’s C., Potter Abner S., Pettey Potter, Pettey John T., Pettey Abner T., Pettey Holder T., Pettey Pardon 2nd, Pierce Jonathan, Potter Isaac P., Pierce George F., Peckham Edward, Pettey Edward, Potter Elias, Pettey George S., Pettey David,

Reed Willard, Reed Caleb, Reynolds Malachi, Reed Allen M., Rolls John

Shaw Franklin, Slocum Willard W., Slade Edwin, Sherman Daniel, Sampson John, Snell Henry, Smith Henry, Sowle Oliver, Sowle Charles P., Sowle Benjamin, Sherman Justus, Sherman Peleg, Slocum Andrew, Slocum David E., Sowle Russell, Sanford Silas B., Sanford Caleb P., Sisson Charles, Sisson Gideon, Sowle John H., Snell Humphrey W., Sherman Wilson, Sherman Thomas B., Sanford David Jr., Sanford Peleg S., Sanford Thomas, Sabins William H., Sabins Gideon B., Sabins Philander C., Slocum Benjamin, Shepherd John, Sherman Kempton, Simmons Ruben, Sabins Weston G., Sisson Alden P., Sowle John, Sowle Henry Jr., Shaw Benjamin T.., Seabury Albert, Snell Daniel D.., Sowle William, cistern George F., Sanford Philip,

Page 422.

Simmons Eben, Seabury John, Sowle Abel Jr., Sherman Abner, Simmons George W., Snell Lyman, Simmons Benjamin, Sisson Daniel H., Sayles John A., Sowle James, Sowle Robert, Sherman William D., Sherman Philip, Snell Moses, Sisson Stephen T., Sowle Isaac, Sowle Pardon, Sowle Edward G., Smith John

Tripp Luthon D., Tripp Andrew, Tompkins Isaac, Tripp Clark, Tripp James F., Tripp Nathaniel, Tripp William R., Tripp Lyomi, Tripp Emerson, Tripp Oliver, Tripp Charles H., Tripp Pardon, Tripp Holder, Tripp David R., Tripp Ivory, Tripp Stephen Jr., Tripp John M., Tripp Francis, Tripp John G., Tripp Jeremiah D., Tripp Uriah B., Thompson Joseph, Thompson Jeremiah T., Tripp Alden, Tripp Edmund Jr., Tripp Ellis , Tripp Daniel, Tripp William, Tripp Abner F., Tripp William H., Tilton Francis W., Tripp Charles, Tripp Weston S., Tripp Alexander A., Tripp Richmond W., Tripp Isaac third, Tripp Solomon, Tripp John of S.

Wing Perry, Willcox Bradford, Wordell John, Wordell Humphrey, Whalon Henry, Wing Charles, Willcox Preserved, Wordell Christopher, Wood Lorenzo D., White Peleg S., Wing George W., White George B., Wood George F., Wood Alexander, Wood Nathan W.,

Page 423.

Wood Lawton, Wordell Gershom, Wordell Elcanah, Whalon John R., Whalon James M., Waite Ruben, Waite Daniel H., White Holder Jr., Wing Ezra, Winchester Nathaniel W., Wordell Edmund, Wordell Richard, Wing Frederick A., Wordell Gideon M., Wordell Holder, Wilcox Hodejah B.,

whole number 426.

Enrolled by us the subscribers.

George H. Gifford, Perry Davis, Assessors of Westport.

Attest George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S.. May 24. 1851.

This day personally appeared Thomas W. Wood and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as a surveyor of highways (he having been chosen to that office) before me George H. Gifford town clerk.

Bristol S. S.. June 23. 1851. This day personally appeared David Sanford and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as a surveyor of lumber and measurer of wood and bark he having been chosen to the said offices.

Before me George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S.. July 1.1851. This day personally appeared Nathaniel Kirby and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as a surveyor of highways for the year ensuing he having been chosen to that office.

Before me George H. Gifford town clerk.


Page 424.

We the undersigned Selectmen of the town of Westport at a meeting held for that purpose have appointed and do hereby appoint Edwin B. Gifford of said town Sealer of Weights and Measures for the present year.

Dated at Westport this twenty first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and fifty one.

Signed Perry Davis, George H. Gifford, F. Brownell.

Bristol S. S.. July 20.1851. Then personally appeared Edwin B. Gifford and made Oath to the faithful discharge of this duty as Sealer of Weights and Measures.

Before me George H. Gifford. Justice of the Peace

Attest a true record.

George H. Gifford town Clerk.

Bristol S. S.. Aug. 13. 1851. Then personally appeared Stephen Allen and solemnly affirmed the faithful discharge his duty as Surveyor of Highways the present year.

George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S. Westport September 8. 1851. Then personally appeared Peter Davis and made Oath to the faithful performance of his duly as Constable for the space of ten days.

Before me George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

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Bristol S. S.. Westport September 9. 1851. Then personally appeared Joseph N. Bliss and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duly as Constable.

Before me George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S.. Westport September 13. 1851. Then personally appeared Eli P. Lawton and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duly as Constable.

Before me George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

To either of the Constables of the town of Westport in the county of Bristol. Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the town house in Westport on Monday the tenth day of November next it being the second Monday of said month at ten of the clock in the forenoon to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for a Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth and for three Senators on one ballot for the district of Bristol for the ensuing year. And also to choose one Representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next the votes for Representative to be brought in with.

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The votes for Governor and in the same envelope.

Also to give their votes upon the following question viz. :-is it expedient that delegates should be chosen to meet in convention for the purpose of revising or altering the Constitution of Government of this Commonwealth.

And also at the same place to me at two o’clock in the afternoon of the same day to act on the following articles viz. :

1st. To choose a morderator to preside in said meeting.

2d. To hear the reports of the Selectmen concerning highways and watering places and landing and act thereon.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said town ten days at least before the time for holding said meetings.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this tweuty second day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Perry Davis, George H. Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Nov. 1st. 1851. I have served the within warrant by posting up attested copies of the same at the following places


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Viz.: one at the store of C.A. Church and company one at E. P. Brownell’s and one at Alexander H. Cory’s ten days before the time for holding said meeting.

Signed B. Gifford, Constable of Westport.

At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Westport held at the town House in said town on Monday the the tenth day of November A.D. 1851 for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant votes for the following named persons were given in sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution directed.

Whole number of votes for Governor was two hundred and seventy seven 277.

George S. Bouthwell of Groton had one hundred and twenty five 125.

Robert C. Winthrop of Boston had ninety votes 90.

John G. Palfrey of Cambridge had sixty two 62.

The whole number of votes for Lieutenant Governor was two hundred and

seventy six 276.

Henry W. Cushman of Bernardston had one hundred and twenty three 123.

George Grennell of Greenfield had ninety votes 90.

Asa Walker of North Brookfield had sixty three votes 63.

The whole number of votes for Senators was two hundred and seventy eight 278.

Page 428.

John Crane of Norton had one hundred and eighty four votes 184.

Christopher A. Church of Westport had one hundred and seventy one votes 171.

Nicolas Hathaway of Freetown had one hundred and seventy one votes 171.

John Earle of Swansea had ninety votes 90.

Oliver Ames Jr. of Easton had ninety votes 90.

Thomas Nye Jr. of New Bedford had eighty eight votes 88.

Caleb Swan of Easton had one vote 1.

P.W. Peckham of Westport had one vote 1.

N.B. Borden of Fall River had one vote 1.

Whole number of votes for Representative to General Court was two

hundred and sixty five 265.

Frederick Brownell had one hundred and twenty five 125.

John Gifford second had eighty eight votes 88.

George H. Gifford had fifty two votes 52.

Voted in the afternoon meeting that Nathan Wood be moderator of the meeting.

Also voted at the afternoon meeting to accept of all the reports of the Selectmen with the following amendment to the one concerning the laying out of a highway from the highway that goes from George H. Gifford’s to the town house to the highway leading from the head of the river to Hix’s bridge.

Voted to amend said report by allowing Harvey W. Kirby $15 damages

attest George H. Gifford. Town Clerk

Page 429.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the town of Westport in said county. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified to vote in elections to meet at the town house in said town on Monday the twenty fourth day of November instant it being the fourth Monday of said month at ten o’clock in the forenoon. To choose a Representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday in January next.

And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three or more public places in said town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and made due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid.

Given under our hands this twelfth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.

Signed Frederick Brownell, George H. Gifford. Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. I have served the within warrant by posting up attested copies of the same one at Alexander H. Cory’s store one at Ezra P. Brownell’s store and one at C.A. Church and company store. Seven days before the time of holding said meeting.

November 17. 1851. E. B. Gifford. Constable

Page 430.

The legal voters of the town of Westport met agreeable to the foregoing warrant and gave in their votes to the Selectmen for a Representative to represent them in the next General Court.

The whole number of votes given was one hundred and seventy six 176.

Frederick Brownell had one hundred and nineteen votes and was chosen 119.

John Gifford 2d had fifty seven votes 57.

Attest George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S. Westport January 14. 1852. Then personally appeared Varnum Macomber and made Oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as measurer of wood and bark.

Before me George H. Gifford. Town Clerk.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the town of Westport in the county of Bristol. Greeting.

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Westport qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet at the Town House in said Westport on Monday the fifth day of April next at ten o’clock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following articles :

1st. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting.

2nd. To choose all necessary town officers for year ensuing