Town records of 1833

1833 page 75.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the constables of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town of Westport duly qualified to vote for Town Officers and in other Town affairs to assemble at the Town house in said Town on Monday the first day of April next at 9 o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To choose a moderator.

2nd. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

3rd. To bring in their votes for County Treasurer .

4th. To see if the Town will appoint their Treasurer Collector of taxes.

5th. To determine the amount to be allowed their Treasurer and Collector of taxes for services the year ensuing, the rates of abatement on taxes for promt payment, and at what time the collection of said taxes shall be completed.

6th. To choose a Committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against said Town and also to settle with the Treasurer.

7th. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray the Town charges the year ensuing and make appropriations of the same viz.:

For the support of the Poor, for repairs of highways and in the manner the shall be appropriated.

For the support of Schools and it in what manner that shall be apportioned, and for all other necessary and incidental expenses.

8th. To determine what shall be done with highways when they are blocked up or encumbered with snow.

9th. To know the minds of the Town in regard to regulating the oyster fishery.

10th. To choose such other Committee or Agents as may be thought expedient.

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Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon onto us the Subscribers at or before the said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this eleventh day of March A.D. 1833.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Selectman.

Westport April 1, 1833. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified by law to vote for Town Officers and in other Town affairs, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned by posting up one notice at the Town house one at the Point one at the bridge and one at the head of the River, fourteen days prior to the date hereof.

Jireh Brownell constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified according to law, held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the first day of April 1833, at nine o’clock in the forenoon for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant. The following Officers were chosen and votes passed viz:

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. moderator.

Frederick Brownell Town clerk and sworn before Abner B. Gifford Esq..

Frederick Brownell Treasurer and Collector, and sworn. On the same conditions he was chosen in 1831.

Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis Daniel Gifford, Selectmen and sworn.

Abraham Kirby, Jonathan Davis, James H. Handy Esq., Committee on accounts.

Isaiah Kirby*, George Woodell*, Robert Lawton, Stephen Howland*, William White, Ebenezer Baker, James Reed*, John White*, Stephen Tripp, Benjamin Gifford*, Restiome Potter*, Peleg Manchester, Humphrey A. Slocum, Isaac Francis, Peleg W. Peckham*, Jeptha Gifford, Ebenezer Sherman, Ichabod Kirby, Christopher Palmer, George Wood, Peleg Stanford, George White, Eli Tripp, Wesson Macomber Jr.*, Carmi Tripp, Thomas Records, Peter Devol, John Potter, Jacob Allen*, Henry Brightman, Eben Baker*, Willard Tripp, Samuel Slade *, Surveyors of highways and sworn except those marked with a dash under their name. (Transcribers note:*used in transcribeb version).

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The following persons were chosen Prudential Committees, for school district No. 1 Abraham Manchester ,No. 2 John Gifford ,No. 3 Philip T. Chase, No. 4 John Howland, No. 5 T. W. Mayhew, No. 7 Justus Sherman, No. 8 Gideon W. Tripp, No. 9 Nathan Wood, No. 10 Frederick Brownell, No. 11 John

Macomber, No. 6 John Potter, No. 12 Edmund Tripp Jr., No. 13 Howland Tripp, No. 14 Stephen Howland,

No. 15 Peleg Sanford, No. 16 Levi Gifford, No. 17 Joshua Wodell, No. 18 Ephraim Wing.

Jonathan Tripp, Pound Keeper.

Abner B. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Peleg W. Peckham, James Bailey, Thomas W. Mayhew, Russell Gifford, Nathan Wood, Abner Thompson, Varnum Macomber, Gideon Davis Jr., Thomas Winslow, and David Sanford (sworn) , Surveyors of Lumber.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the last Saturday in this month at one o’clock p.m. then to meet at this place.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

April 27, 1833. Agreeable to adjournment from the first Monday in this month the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport met accordingly, the following officers were chosen and votes passed viz..

Thomas W. Mayhew, John W. Gifford and Elijah blossom were chosen Tythingmen.

Stephen Howland, Jeremiah Thompson, and James Bailey, Overseers of landing at head of East River.

Isaac Palmer 2nd, overseer of landing at the Point.

George Kirby, Overseer of landing head of West River.

Isaac L. Brightman, John Howland, and Stephen Howland, Cullers of hoops and staves.

Peleg Manchester, Nathan C. Brownell, Jonathan Davis and Abraham Kirby, Fence viewers and sworn. Wilbour Gifford, Adam Gifford, John Potter, Major Allen, Humphrey A. Slocum and Nathan Wood chosen

Levi Gifford, John milk, John Little, Nathaniel Tripp 2nd, Silas Petty, Daniel Tripp, and Joseph Tripp(sworn), Field drivers.

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1833 page 78.

Stephen Howland, Elijah Blossom, Samuel Wilcox, Tillinghast Sowle, Wanton Macomber, Abner Wilcox, William Tripp, and Isaac Francis. Hog Reeves.

Gideon Davis and Jethro Howland, Cullers of fish.

Warren Gifford, Pardon Allen, Perry Brightman, Tillinghast Tripp, and Perry hazard. Overseers of Fishery.

Abner B. Gifford Esq., William White and Frederick Brownell, General School Committee.

Abner B. Gifford Esq. Town Agent.

Jireh Brownell constable, on condition of doing Town’s business, as constable, without compensation, sworn.

Voted. That the 10 months school provided for by law be dispensed with this year.

Voted. That the same vote that passed last year in regards to oysters continue and be in force untill the annual meeting in November next. And that there be a Committee of three chosen to examine the oyster beds and make a report to the annual meeting in November next.

William White Frederick Brownell and Abraham Kirby were accordingly chosen for said committee.

$900. Voted. That the sum of nine hundred dollars be raised by way of tax for support of schools the year ensuing that $200 of said sum be apportioned among the several school districts that shall have schools taught therein five months or less previous to the first day of November next. That the remaining $700 be apportioned among the several districts that shall have schools taught therein by male teachers recommended by the General School Committee, four months or less previous to the fifteenth day of March next. That the Selectmen and both cases apportion the money in proportion to the time the school is taught. For the summer school by the first day of November and for the winter by the fifteenth day of March next and draw orders on the Treasurer in favor of the Prudential Committee if said prudential committee or any other Inhabitant of the district in which a school shall be taught ,make return of the time to the satisfaction of the Selectmen.

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By said first day of November and fifteenth day day of March.

The committee on accounts made a report in writing that they had attended to the business assigned

them and found due to the several persons named in the list presented by them the sums set against

their names Respectively

amounting in the whole to the sum of $2985.50.

It was thereupon voted to accept said report and the Treasurer was directed to pay the sums found due by the Committee to the several persons therein named and charge the same to the town. The Committee also made a report that agreeable to their appointment they had examined the accounts of the treasurer and found that he had received for the Town the year passed

the sum of $2595.34.

And had paid out 2862.31

leaving a balance and favor of the Treasurer of $ 266.97

and made a Settlement with him accordingly

The Committee further reported that the Town is now indebted on orders allowed 245.68

balance now due from the Town $512.65

balance due the Town from the collector and on notes 1016.98

leaving imbalance in favor of the Town of $504.33

all of which is respectfully submitted

April 22, 1833 signed James H. Handy, Abraham Kirby, Jonathan Davis, Committee.

$1000. Voted. That the sum of one thousand dollars be raised by way of tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town of Westport for the support of paupers and other incidental expenses to be assessed, collected and paid out into the Treasury by the first day of March next. And the assessors are hereby directed to assess the same in the way and manner provided by law and deliver a list thereof to the Collector as soon as may be.

$1400. Voted. That the sum of fourteen hundred dollars be raised by way of tax for repairing highways the year ensuing, to be assessed on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town of Westport and the

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1833 page 80.

Assessors are hereby directed to assess the same as soon as may be and deliver a list of the persons named and of the sums they are assessed to each Surveyor of his limits according to law. That one dollar be allowed by the Surveyor for nine hours work of a man or yoke of oxen and in that proportion for less or more time, twenty five cents for a cart and thirty three cents for a plow nine hours and in that proportion for more or less time, and that the aforesaid sum be expended half at least by the first day of July and the remainder by the first day of September next whenever the surveyor of any District shall make known to the Selectmen that he has faithfully expended all the tax assessed on his district and the road is not sufficiently repaired. The selectmen shall determine the additional sum he may expand on said road and he may draw orders on the Treasurer for the amount so determined in writing by the Selectmen.

Voted. That the Treasurer pay to the Prudential Committees of school districts No. 7 and No. 13, the same amount of money that other Districts have received where they had schools taught the same length of time last summer.

John Burrage had one hundred and eighty votes and Horatio L. Danforth 16 votes for County Treasurer.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town clerk.

To the Town clerk of Westport.

The subscribers Assessors of said Town have determined that the real estate of Zacheus Gifford, Lemuel Reed (Len..unknown symbol,transcriber’s note), Ephraim Macomber and John whalon all of Dartmouth. Richard Johnson, William March, and William H. Allen all of New Bedford, lying in the Town of Westport shall be taxed in school district No. 18 of which you will make record ,signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis Westport November 1833.

Recorded by to Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

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1833 page 81.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol SS. To either of the of the Constables of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby a required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify a and warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport duly qualified to vote for Representatives to the General Court. To assemble at the townhouse in said on Monday the first day of April next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon to give in their

votes for one Representative that is an Inhabitant of Bristol District To represent them in the Congress of the United States of America for the term of two years from the third day of March A.D. 1833. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this sixteenth day of March A.D.1833.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Selectmen.

Westport April 1, 1833. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned by posting up one notice at the townhouse one at the Point one at Hick’s bridge and one at the head of the River fourteen days prior to the date hereof signed Jerry Brownell Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified according to law, held at the townhouse in said Town on Monday the first day of April A.D. 1833 for the purpose expressed in the foregoing warrant, votes for the following persons were given in sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed viz..

For Micah H.Ruggles two hundred and 38 votes 238.

William Baylies 12 votes 12. and Nathan Wood one.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town clerk

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1833 page 82.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To the Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counselors, and Representatives to the General Court. To meet at the Townhouse in said Town on Monday the eleventh day of November next at ten of the clock in the forenoon to give in their votes Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counselors and to choose one or more Representatives to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the first Wednesday in January next and also to give in their votes for or against an article of amendment to the Constitution proposed by the Legislature of said Commonwealth by a Resolve passed the eighteenth day of March A.D. 1833.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting. Given under our hands and seals this twenty fourth day of march A.D. 1833.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Selectmen of Westport.

Bristol S. S.. Oct. 25, 1833. By virtue of the within warrant I have notified and warned Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for purposes within mentioned by posting up one notice at the townhouse one at F. Brownell’s store one at Howland and Church’s store and one at the Point signed Jireh Brownell constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified agreeable to the Constitution held at the townhouse in said Town on Monday the eleventh day of November A.D. 1833 being the second Monday in said month

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For the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant. Votes for the following persons were give in sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed.

For Governor honorable John Quincy Adams had one hundred seventy seven votes 177.

Honorable John Davis had nine votes 9.

Honorable Samuel C. Allen had two votes 2.

For Lieutenant Governor honorable Samuel Lathrop had one hundred and seventy seven 177.

Honorable Samuel T. Armstrong had nine votes 9.

Honorable William W. Thompson had two votes 2.

For Senators honorable Nathan C. Brownell had one hundred and seventy six votes 176.

Honorable Samuel L. Frank had one hundred and seventy nine vote 179.

Honorable Seth Whitmarsh had one hundred and seventy nine votes 179.

Honorable Elijah Howard had eight votes 8.

Honorable Elijah Ingraham had eight votes 8.

Honorable Stephen Merrihew had eight votes 8.

For the Amendment of the Constitution one hundred and thirty one votes 131.

Against it five votes 5.

Voted. That there be three Representatives chosen Abner B. Gifford Esq., James H. Handy Esq., and Jonathan Davis were accordingly chosen.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk.

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1833 page 84.

Bristol S. S.. For Jireh Brownell Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting

You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To notify and warn the male Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified by law to vote in Town affairs. To meet at the Townhouse in said Town on Monday the eleventh day of November next at two o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following article viz.

1st. To choose a Moderator

2nd. To receive the report of the Committee that was chosen at the last April meeting to examine the oyster beds and to know the mind of the Town in regard to regulating the Oyster Fishery.

3rd. To accept or reject any alteration or resurveys of highways that may have been made by the Selectmen the year passed. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting. Given under our hands and seals this twenty fourth day of Oct. A.D. 1833. Signed Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis Daniel Gifford Selectmen.

Bristol S. S.. Oct. 25, 1833. By virtue of the foregoing warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned by posting up one notice on the Town house one at F. Brownell’s store one at Howland and Church’s store and one at the Point.

Signed Jireh Brownell, Constable.

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified agreeable to law held at the townhouse in said on Monday the eleventh day of November 1833 for the purpose expressed in the foregoing warrant.

Jonathan Davis was chosen Moderator.

The second article in the warrant was not acted on.

The selectmen presented a return of a highway from J. H. Handy southerly to the highway that leads to the Point. And it was voted to reject said return. Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

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