Town records of 1832

1832 page 60.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To Allen Devol Constable of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the freeholders and other

Inhabitants of said Town of Westport duly qualified to vote for Town Officers and in other Town Affairs. To assemble at the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of April next at nine o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To choose a moderator.

2nd. To choose all such Officers as Town by law are authorized to choose annually and upon such conditions as the majority shall then and there agree.

3rd. To choose a Committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against said Town and also to settle with the Treasurer.

4yh. To determine what sum to raise by way of tax for the support of Schools and in what manner and shall be appropriated and to act on all matters respecting schools and School Districts that may be thought expedient.

5th. to determine what sum shall be expanded for repairs of highways and in what manner is shall be appropriated.

6th. To determine what’s sum to raise by way of tax for the support of paupers and other incidental expenses.

7th. to determine what shall be done with highways when they are blocked up or incumbered with snow.

8 th. to know the mind of the Town in regard to regulating the Oyster Fishery.

9th. to choose such other committees or agents as may be thought expedient.

10th. to give in their votes for a County Treasurer.

11th. to know the mind of the Town in regards to opening a way formerly laid out from the highway that leads from Centre meeting house in Westport to the Town house in said Town and to run easterly between the land of the heirs of Obed White and the heirs of Luthon White to the River where it was formerly laid out.

Hereof fail not and make return of this

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of this warrant with your doings thereon onto us the subscribers at or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this sixteenth day of March AD 1832.

Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, Jonathan Davis, Selectmen.

Bristol S. S.. March 19, 1832. Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town of Westport to appear as within directed by posting up notifications at the head of said Westport River and at the Town house and at Frederick Brownell’s store and at the Point in said Westport.

For Allen Devol signed Stephen Howland.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified according to law, held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of April at nine o’clock in the forenoon for the purposes named in the foregoing warrant. The following officers were chosen and votes passed viz.

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. Moderator.

Frederick Brownell Town Clerk and sworn.

Frederick Brownell Town Treasurer and Collector and sworn

on the same conditions he was chosen last year.

Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, and Daniel Gifford were chosen Selectmen and sworn.

Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis and Daniel Gifford were chosen Assessors and sworn

Abraham Kirby, Jonathan Davis and James H. Handy were chosen a committee on accounts.

Daniel Tripp, Jonathan Davis, George Lawton, Stephen Howland, Charles White, Ebenezer Baker, James Reed, Joseph Brightman, Stephen Tripp, Peleg Gifford, Wilkinson Tripp, Peleg Manchester, Henry Wilcox, Nicolas Little, Peleg W. Peckham, Jephtha Gifford, Ebenezer Sherman, Abraham Kirby, Christopher Palmer ,Pardon Petty, Peleg Sanford, George White, Eli Tripp, Wesson Macomber Jr. and George Kirby, were severally chosen surveyors of highways and sworn,

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Peleg Brownell, Osmon Brownell, Pardon Davis, George Lawton, and Lawton H.Cory, were chosen Surveyors of highways.

$1000. Voted. That the sum of ono thousand dollars be raised by way of tax for repairing Highways in the Town of Westport the year ensuing to be assessed on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors as other taxes are assessed and that the Assessors assess the same as soon as may be and deliver a list of the persons names and of the sums they are assessed to each Surveyor of his limits according to law. That 75 cents be allowed by the surveyor for nine hours work of a man or yoke of oxen and in that proportion for less or more time, 25 cents for a cart or plow nine hours and in that proportion for more or less time and that the aforesaid sum be expanded one half by the first day of July and the other by the first day of September next. That whenever the surveyor of any district shall make known to the Selectmen that he has faithfully expanded all of the tax assessed on his district and the road is not sufficiently repaired, the Selectmen shall determine the additional sum he may expand on said road and he may draw orders on the Treasurer for the amount so determined by the Selectmen in writing.

Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee to determine the limits of School Districts.

John Burrage Esq. had one hundred and forty three votes.

Horatio L. Danforth Esq. three votes,and Tepheniah Danforth one vote for County Treasurer.

The following persons were chosen Prudential Committees for School Districts No. 1 Benjamin Seabury No.2 Henry Willcox No. 3 John Macomber No. 4 Philip T. Chase No. 5 John Howland No. 6 Thomas Watkins No. 7 Howard Davis No. 8 William Allen No. 9 Nathan Wood No.10 F. Brownell No. 12 Edmund Tripp Jr. No. 13 Israel Chace No. 14 Abner B. Gifford No. 15 John Sanford No. 16 Levi Gifford No. 17 Joshua Wodell No. 18 James Reed No. 19 Varnum Macomber.

Nathan C. Brownell Esq. chosen Pound keeper.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the last Saturday in this month at one o’clock in the afternoon. Recorded by Frederick Brownell T. Clerk.

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April 28, 1832. Agreeable to adjournment from the first Monday in this month the Inhabitants of Westport met accordingly. The following officers were chosen and votes passed viz.:

Abner B. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Peleg W. Peckham, James Beatty, Thomas W. Mayhew, Russell Gifford, Nathan Wood, Abner Thompson, and Varnum Macomber. Surveyors of lumber.

Micah Dean, John W. Gifford, and Elijah Blossom. Tythingmen .

Nicolas Little, Jeremiah Thompson, James Bailey, Overseers of landing at head of East River.

Isaac Palmer. Overseer of landing at Point.

Nathan Wood. Overseer of landing at head of West River.

Jethro Howland, Micah Dean, John Howland, and Stephen Howland. Cullers of hoops and staves.

Peleg Manchester, Nathan C. Brownell, Wilbour Gifford, Adam Gifford, Jonathan Davis, John Potter, John Macomber, Major Allen, Humphrey Slocum, and Nathan Wood. Fence Viewers.

(Peleg Manchester, Nathan C. Brownell, Jonathan Davis and Nathan Wood, were sworn.

Levi Gifford, Wilbour Gifford, Benjamin Cory, Russell Gifford, John milk, Charles Little, Eli Blossom, Nathaniel Tripp 2nd, Silas Petty, Daniel Tripp and Ebenezer Baker. Field Drivers.

James Cornell, Stephen Howland, Philip Davis, Elijah Blossom, Samuel L. Willcox, Jonathan Borden, Tilliinghast Sowle, Wanton Macomber, Gideon Davis, Abner Wilcox, William Tripp, Arnold Wood, Isaac Francis, Abial Crapo. Hog Reeves.

Gideon Davis, and Jethro Howland. Cullers of fish.

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Warren Gifford, Pardon Allen,Perry Brightman, Tillinghast Tripp and Perry hazard. Overseers of Fishery.

Abner B. Gifford, William White, and Frederick Brownell. General School Committee.

Voted. That the ten months of school provided for by law, be dispensed with this year.

Voted. That no oysters be taken from the beds the year ensuing without the permit from the the majority of the selectmen in writing, stating the quantity and that they grant no permits except in cases of sickness.

Abner B. Gifford chosen agent for the Town the year ensuing.

Voted that there be two constables chosen and Jerry Brownell and George C. Brownell were accordingly chosen and sworn. On condition of doing the Town’s business as Constable without any compensation.

Voted. That the selectmen be a Committee to examine the Records of a way formerly laid out through the land now belonging to the heirs of Obed White, and report to the next meeting whether in their opinion the Town has any legal right to said way, and what the probable expense will be to layout and make a road (from the highway that leads from the Town House to the Center Meeting) easterly to the River, in the most convenient and least expensive place.

Voted. That the Treasurer pay to Mary law for keeping Barbara Devol 50 cents per week, with an addition of 5 dollars for extra trouble.

Voted that the sum of $850. Be raised by way of tax for the support of schools the year ensuing. That $150. of said sum be apportioned among the several School Districts that shall have

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Schools thought therein five months or less, previous to the first day of november next. That the remaining $700. be apportioned among the several districts that shall have schools thought therein by male teachers recommended by the General School Committee, four months or less previous to the fiftteenth day of March next. That the Selectmen in both cases divide the money in proportion to the time the school is taught. For the summer school by the first day of November next and for the winter by the fifteenth day of March next and draw orders on the Treasurer in favor of the Prudential Committee if said Prudential Committee or any other Inhabitant of the School District in which a school shall be taught shall make returns to satisfaction of the Selectmen of the time a school is taught in said District, by said first day of November and fifteenth day of March. I

$1250. Voted. That the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars be raised by way of tax on the polls and

estates of the Inhabitants and nonresident proprietors of the Town of Westport for the support of Paupers and other incidental expenses ,to be assessed, collected, and paid into the Treasury one half by the first day of December and the other by the first day of April next. And the Assessors are hereby directed to assess the same in the way and manner provided by law and deliver lists thereof to the Collector as soon as may be.

The committee on accounts made a report in writing that they had attended to the business assigned them and found due to the several persons named in the list presented by them.The sums set against their respective names amounting in the whole to the sum of $1940.13.

It was thereupon voted to accept said report and the Treasurer was directed to pay the sums found due by the committee to the several persons therein named and charge the same to the Town.

The committee also made a report that agreeable to their appointment they had examined the accounts


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The Treasurer and found that he had received for Town the year past. The sum of $3224.92.

And had paid out 3010.99.

Leaving a balance in favor of the Town 213.93.

And made a Settlement with him accordingly.

The committee further reported that the Town is now indebted on Notes, the sum of $1017.60.

on orders 182.61.


Balance due from Collector 1002.07.

Leaving a balance against the Town of $ 198.14.

All of which is respectfully submitted James H. Handy, Jonathan Davis, Abraham Kirby, Committee.

Voted. That the following list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen, be accepted and the names put in the Jury box viz.: Weston Allen, Major Allen, Green Allen, Jacob Allen, Gideon Allen, Isaac W. Brownell, Elijah Blossom,Jireh Brownell, Lemuel Brownell, Isaac L. Brightman, Henry Brightman, Jonathan Brownell, Wanton Case jr., Restiome Case, Pardon Case, Lawton H. Cory, Peleg Dennis, John S. Davis, Jonathan Davis, Pardon Davis, Thomas Gifford, Henry Gifford, Eli Jetta Gifford II, Levi A. Gifford, John paid Gifford, Isaac Gifford, Peleg Gifford, John Howland, Andrew Hicks, Isaac Hicks, Wing Howland, George Kirby, Abner Kirby, Obadiah Morton, George Lawton 2nd, Freeman Lawrence, John Lawrence, John Macomber, John milk, Peleg Manchester, Abraham Manchester, William Manchester, James Macomber, Joshua Potter, Restiome Potter, Peleg W. Peckham, William H. Potter, John Potter, John A. Potter, jeans re-, Jonathan Smith, pardon Sherman, just the Sherman, Tillinghast Tripp, Edmund Tripp Jr., Benjamin Tripp II, Benjamin Tripp 1st, Jeremiah Thompson, George Wood, Nathan Wood, Abner Willcox 1st, Abner Willcox 2nd, Henry Willcox, John White, Joshua Wodell.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

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Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constables of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Town house in said Town on Monday the second day of July next at three o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles viz.

1st. To choose a moderator for said meeting.

2nd. To know the Town’s mind in regard to accepting or rejecting the report of the committee who were chosen at the last April meeting for the purpose of defining the limits of School Districts in said Town.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the subscribers on or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this fourteenth day of June A.D. 1832.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Selectmen.

Westport. June 23, 1832. Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified as therein expressed to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned by posting up one notice Peckham and Holland’s store and one at Frederick Brownell’s store in said Westport signed George C. Brownell, Constable.

Whereas the limits of School Districts as defined by the Selectmen in the year A.D. 1816 have been found to be insufficient.

We the subscribers having been chosen a committee by the Town for the purpose have numbered and defined the limits of 18 school districts in said Town as follows

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No. 1. We bounded Southerly on the sea Westerly and Norterly on Little Compton and easterly on the West River.

No. 2. Southerly by the sea. Westerly by the East River. Northerly by the north lines of Benjamin Willcox and Wanton Brightman’s farms, and Easterly by Dartmouth line.

No. 3. Southerly by the No. 2, Westerly by the East River, Northerly by the north line of the farm whereby John White lives, and easterly by Dartmouth.

No. 4 southerly by No. 3, Westerly by the East River Northerly by the north line of Isaac Lawton’s farm and easterly by Dartmouth.

No. 5 easterly, southerly and Westerly by the River is northerly by the south line of Joseph Tripp’s farm and on the same course of said line to the West River. Including the Horseneck.

No. 6. Southerly by No. 5 Westerly by the West River, northerly by the north line of the Christopher Cornell farm William Macomber’s and the Shephard farm, easterly by the East River.

No. 7. Southerly by No. 6, Westerly by the West River norhterly by the north lines of Benjamin Cory’s homestead Christopher Palmer’s and Justus Sherman’s farms. Easterly by the East line of said Sherman’s and Benjamin Sowle’s farms.

No. 8 southerly by No. 6, Westerly by No. 7, Northerly by the north line of Humphrey Allen’s and Weston Allen’s farms, easterly by the River.

No. 9 southerly by No. 7, Westerly by the West River and Tiverton, northerly by the north lines of the Stephen Tripp farm, Daniel Tripp’s and the Stephen Davis farm. Easterly by a straight line from the North West comer of Wanton Case’s Homestead to the Town house, from thence by the road to Justus Sherman north line.

No. 10 southerly by No. 8, Westerly by the highway to the south line of Ichabod Kirby’s Farm thence by said line to the

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lower road, then by said road to Holder White’s north line then by said north line to the East River and easterly by the River.

No. 11. Southerly and Westerly by No. 9, and by a straight line from the northwest corner of Wanton Case’s farm to the Southwest corner of William Tripp’s farm by the West and north lines of said farm to

the northeast corner, then by a north line to the highway, then by the highway to the north line of Benjamin Tripp 1st. farm, northerly by said Tripp north line, easterly by said Tripp East line and a straight line from the southeast corner of his farm to the north line of holder White’s running one rod East from the Peleg Brownell’s house and by said White’s north line to the road, then by the line of district No. 10 to the Town House.

No. 12. Southerly by No. 9, Westerly by Tiverton line northerlly by the south lines of Adam Lawton’s and Jacob Macomber’s farms, easterly by the road and district No. 11.

No. 13. Southerly by No. 12, Westerly by Tiverton line northerly by the south line of Petre Borden’s farm and the north line of Henry Howland’s Homestead easterly by the East lines of said Henry’s Homestead and Prince Howland’s Homestead, by the said Prince’s south line and the highway to the South line of Jacob Macomber’s farm.

No. 14. Southerly by No. 4 and No. 10, Westerly by No. 11 no. 12 and No. 13, northerly by No. 13 and the north lines of the Peter Davis and Stephen Potter farms and a straight line from the north East corner of said Potter farm to the north East corner of John A. Gifford’s house lot, from thence East to Dartmouth easterly by Dartmouth line.

No. 15 southerly by no. 13, Westerly by Tiverton line northerly by the north line of the Job Borden farm easterly by the the East line of the William Briggs farm now owned by a Henry Howland.

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No. 16. Southerly by district No. 14, Westerly by No. 13, and No. 15, normally by a straight line from the north East corner of the job Borden farm over the bridge at hemlock gutter to the bread and cheese Brook, easterly by the bread and cheese Brook.

No. 17. Southerly by No. 15 and No. 16 and by a line running the same course with the north line of No. 16 to Dartmouth line, easterly by Dartmouth, northerly by Troy, Westerly by Tiverton.

No. 18. Southerly by No. 14, Westerly by bread and cheese Brook, normally by No. 17, easterly by Dartmouth.

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Westport assembled at the Town house for the purpose mentioned in the preceeding warrant on the second day of July 1832 Daniel Gifford chosen moderator.

Signed Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis Daniel Gifford.

Voted that the foregoing report be accepted and recorded.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

To the town clerk of Westport. We the suscribers assessors of said Town have determined that the Estate of Lilly Gifford of Dartmouth lying in this Town shall be taxed in School District No. 3 of which you will make record.

Westport Nov. 271832 signed Frederick Brownell Daniel Gifford.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

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Transcriber’s note; the initials L.S.. Have consistently appeared in the left-hand margin of these records.

(L.S.) The significance of these initials is unknown, I speculate that they are possibly the initials the person who did the actual writing for the selectmen or Town Clerk (in the record book)

Claude Ledoux Feb.1999.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S.. To either of the Constable’s of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of

said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote for Govenor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counsellors, and Representatives to the General Court. To meet at the Town house in said Town on Monday the twelfth day of November next at ten o’clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counsellors and also to choose one or more Representatives to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the first Wednesday in January next.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the suscribers on or before said time of meeting. Given under our hands and seals at Westport this twenty eight day of October A.D. 1832.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, Daniel Gifford, Selectmen.

Bristol S. S.. November 12, 1832. By virtue of the above warrant I have notified and summoned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport to meet and assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therein mention by posting up notices in two public places in said Town fourteen days prior to the date here of.

Signed George C. Brownell constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified agreeable to the Constitution, held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the twelfth day of Nov. being the second Monday in said month for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant. Votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed

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For Governor his Excellency Levi Lincoln had eleven votes 11.

His honorable Samuel Lathrop two hundred and ten votes. 210.

For Lieutenant Governor honorable Samuel T. Armstrong had 11 votes 11.

Honorable Timothy Fuller two hundred and ten votes 210.

For Senators honorable Nathan C. Brownell had two hundred and three votes 203.

Honorable Samuel French two hundred and nine votes 209.

Honorable Seth Whitmarsh two hundred and nine votes 209.

Honorable Elijah Howard eleven votes 11.

Honorable Stephen Merrihew eleven votes 11.

Honorable Elijah Ingraham eleven votes 11.

Voted. That there be three Representatives chosen to represent this Town in the next General court, and Abner B. Gifford, James H. Handy, and Jonathan Davis Esquires were chosen.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S. to either of the constables of the Town of Westport. Greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the male Inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by law to vote for Representatives to the General court of said Commonwealth, to assemble at the Town house in said Town on Monday to twelfth day of November next at two o’clock in the afternoon to give in their votes for fourteen electors of President and Vice President of the United States, qualified according to the Constitution thereof. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting. Given under our hands and seals this twentieth day of October A.D. 1832.

Signed Frederick Brownell Jonathan Davis Daniel Gifford, Selectmen.

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Bristol S. S.. Nov. 12, 1832. By virtue of the above warrant I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein mentioned by posting up notices in two or more public places in said Town, fourteen days prior to the date hereof.

signed George C. Brownell Constable.

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport held at the Town house in said Town on Monday the twelfth day of Nov. A.D. 1832 for the purpose expressed in the foregoing warrant. Votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed.

Elector at large.

John B. Williams had two hundred and four votes 204

Charles C. Jackson had eleven votes 11.

Suffolk District.

Jacob Hall of Boston two hundred and four 204

Thomas H. Perkins of Boston eleven 11

Norfolk District.

John Bailey of Dorchester two hundred and four 204

James Richardson of Dedham eleven 11

Bristol District.

Joseph Richetson of Newbedford two hundred and four 204

Cornelius Grinnell of Newbedford eleven 11.

Essex south district.

William B. breed of Lynn two hundre and four votes 204

Gideon Barstow of Salem eleven 11

Essex north district.

Thomas Payson of Raleigh two hundred and four votes 204

Eben Moseley of Newburyport eleven 11

Middlesex district.

Benjamin Wyman of Woburn two hundred and four 204

Nathan Brooks of Concord eleven 11.

Hampden district.

John Chaffee of Springfield two hundred and four 204.

James Byers of Springfield eleven 11.

Franklin district.

Asa Stebbins of Deerfield two hundred and four 204.

Ebenezer Mattoon of Amherst eleven 11

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Barnstable District

Benjamin Hallet of Barnstable two hundred and four votes 204.

Nympha Marston of Barnstable eleven 11.

Plymouth district.

Zecharia Eddy of Middleborough two hundred and four 204.

Jotham Lincoln of Hingham eleven 11

Worcester South district

Pliny Merrick two hundred and four votes 204

AaronTufts of Dudley eleven 11.

Worcester north District.

Stephen P. Gardner of Bolton two hundred and four 204.

Samuel Lee of Barre eleven 11.

Berkshire district

James W. Robbins of Lenox two hundred and four 204

Henry Shaw of Lanesboro eleven 11.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk.

To the Town clerk of Westport.

We the subscribers assessors of said Town have determined that the Estate of Lilly Gifford of Dartmouth lying in this Town shall be taxed in school district No. 3 of which you will make record.

Westport Nov. 27, 1832 signed Frederick Brownell, Daniel Gifford.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

To the Town clerk of Westport. The subscribers assessors of said Town have determined that the real estate of Howland Russell, Thomas Almy, Richard Almy, Joseph Gifford, John Brightman and Benjamin Tucker all of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol, lying in the Town of Westport shall be taxed in school district numbered two of which you will make record Westport Nov. 15, 1833* signed Frederick Brownell Daniel Gifford

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town clerk

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