Town records of 1829

1829 page 24

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Bristol S. S.. To George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport, greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth. To notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified by the Constitution to vote for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and counselors. To meet at the town house in said town on Monday the sixth day of April next at the eleven o’clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and counsellors agreeable to the Constitution of said Commonwealth. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings there on to us the subscribers on or before said time of meeting. Given under our hands and seals at Westport this ninetheen day of March A.D. 1829.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George U. Brownell, Selectmen.

Bristol S. S. April 6, 1829. Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned and notified the inhabitants of said town to meet and assemble at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned. Signed George C. Brownell constable.

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified agreeable to the Constitution assembled at the town house in said town on Monday the sixth day of April. For the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant.Votes for the following persons were given in sorted, counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed, viz.

For governor. His Excellency Levi Lincoln and had 65 votes 65

For lieutenant governor. His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop had 65 votes 65

For senators honorable Howard Lathrop has 74 votes 74

honorable William wood had 73 votes 73

honorable John N. Parker had 73 votes 73

Rufus Barron, 1. Henry Wilcox, one.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk.

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1829 page 25

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Bristol S. S. to George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified to vote for town officers and in other town affairs. To assemble at the town house in said town on Monday, the sixth day of April next at nine o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles, viz.

1 to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.

2 to choose all such officers as town by law are authorized to choose annually and upon such conditions as the majority shall then and there agree.

3 to choose a committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against said town and also to settle with the treasurer.

4 to determine what sum to raise by way of tax for the support of schools and in what manner it shall be appropriated, and to act on all matters respecting schools that may be thought expedient.

5 to determine what sum to raise by way of tax for the support of paupers and other incidental charges.

6 to determine what sum shall be expanded in repairs of highways and in what manner in shall be appropriated.

7 to know the town’s mind in regards to regulating the oyster fishery.

8 to define the limits of school districts and divide them where it is tougth necessary.

9 To choose such other committee or committees agent or agents as circumstances may render expedient.

10 to give in their votes for county treasurer .

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings there on at or before said time of meeting

. Given under our hands and seals at Westport this nineteenth day of March A.D. 1829.

Signed Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing ,George U. Brownell, Selectmen.

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1829 page 26

Bristol S. S. April 6 1829. By virtue of the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of Westport to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned by posting up one notice at Hick’s bridge one at the head of the East River and one at the point 14 days prior to the date hereof. Signed George C. Brownell constable.

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Westport held at the town house in said town on Monday the sixth day of April at nine o’clock in the forenoon for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant the following officers were chosen and votes passed, viz.

Nathan C. Brownell Esq., chosen moderator.

Frederick Brownell town clerk and sworn.

Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George N. Brownell, selectmen and sworn.

Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George N. Brownell, assessors and sworn.

Tillinghast Almy, Abraham Kirby, Stephen Howland, committee on accounts.

Jireh Brownell, William H. Potter, Joshua would L., George Lawton, George U. Brownell, Peleg Reed, William White 2nd, Ebenezer Baker, Philip Tripp, Isaac Gifford, Abner Davis, John Dyer Jr., Jonathan Brownell, Abraham Manchester, Nicolas V. Kirby, Thomas M. Baker, Peleg W. Peckham, John Potter,

Ephraim Gifford, Jonathan Whalon, Abraham Kirby, Charles Gifford, Christopher Palmer, surveyors of highways and sworn.

Abner Mosher, Thomas Sanford, Holder White, William Brownell, George Kirby. Were chosen.

$1000. Voted. That the sum of one thousand dollars be raised for repairing highways and town ways in the town of Westport the year ensuing to be assessed on the polls and estates of the inhabitants as other taxes are assessed and that the assessors assess the same as soon as may be.

End of page 26.

1829 page 27.

And deliver a list of persons names and of the sums they are assessed to each surveyor of his limits according to the law. That 75 cents be allowed by the surveyor for a day’s work of a man or yoke of oxen and in that proportion for parts of days. That 25 cents be allowed for a cart or plow one day. And that the aforesaid be expanded one-half by the first day of July next and the other half by the first day of September next. That whenever the surveyor of any district shall make known to the selectmen that he has faithfully expanded all the tax assessed on his district and the highway is not sufficiently repaired. The selectmen shall determine the additional sum he may expand on said way and he may draw orders on the treasurer for the amount so determined by the selectmen.

Voted. That nine hours be a day’s work on the highway.

Voted .that reading the laws which it is the duly of the clerk to read at opening of the meeting be dispensed with.

John S. Russell had one -hundred and fifty-five votes 155.

Horatio L. Danforth eight votes 8.

Col. John Baylies four votes 4.

John Baylies one vote 1.

For county treasurer.

Voted. That the following list of Jurors presented by the selectmen, be accepted and the names be put in the jury box, viz. Weston Allen, Major Allen, Green Allen, Richard Allen, Jacob Allen, Isaac up a W. Brownell, Restiome Borden, Elijah Blossom, Jireh Brownell, George U. Brownell, Wanton Case Jr., Restiome Case, Isaac Cory Jr., Abner Davis, Job Davis, William T. Davis, Peleg Dennis, Jonathan Davis, Allen Devol, Pardon Davis, John Gifford II, Thomas Gifford, Levi Gifford, John A. Gifford, Isaac Gifford, Peleg Gifford, John Howland, Andrew Hicks, John W. Howland, George Kirby, Silas Kirby, Obadiah Lawton, John Lawrence, Freeman Lawrence, John Macomber, John White, Peleg Manchester, Abraham Manchester, Thomas W. Mayhew, Joshua Potter, Christopher Palmer, aRestiome Potter, John Potter, Peleg W. Peckham, William H. Potter, James Reed, Green B. Sisson, Jonathan Smith, Pardon Shear to man, Tillinghast Tripp, Edmund Tripp Jr., Nathaniel Tripp 2nd.,

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1829 page 28.

Benjamin Tripp 2nd, George Wood, Wilson Wing, Nathan Wood, Abner Wilcox, John White, Henry Wilcox, Thomas Winslow, Ephraim Gifford, Nathan C. Brownell, William Brownell, Isaac Hicks.

Voted. That Wanton Brightman be paid three dollars and twelve cents by the treasurer for having a school in his own house and for his own use.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the second Monday in may next at one o’clock in the afternoon.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk.

Monday may 11 1829 agreeable to adjournment from the first Monday in April last. The inhabitants of Westport met accordingly. The following officers were chosen, and votes passed. Viz..

Isaac W. Brownell chosen pound keeper.

Abner B. Gifford Esq., Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Peleg W. Peckham, David U. Brownell, Thomas W. Mayhew, Jethro Howland, and Terry Wilcox. Surveyors of lumber.

Micah Dean, George U. Brownell and Elijah blossom.Tythingmen.

Adam Gifford, Thomas Winslow, Jonathan Peckham, David U. Brownell, Willson Wing. Overseers of landing at the head of East River.

John Potter overseer of landing at Point.

Nathan Wood overseer of landing at head of West River.

Peleg Manchester, Nathan C. Brownell, Wilbour Gifford, Adam Gifford, Gershom Wodell, John Potter, John Macomber,Major Allen, Humphrey Slocum and Nathan wood. Fence viewers.

Jethro Howland, Micah Dean, John Howland, Stephen Howland, Cullers of hoops and staves.

Stephen Howland, Wilbour Gifford, Benjamin Cory, Russell Gifford, John milk, Charles Little, Elijah

Blossom, Nathaniel Tripp 2nd., Silas Petty, Gilbert Macomber, Ebenezer Baker, field drivers.

Gideon Davis and Jethro Howland Cullers of fish.

Martin Bessey, Stephen Howland,Philip Davis, Elijah blossom, Samuel Wilcox, Abraham Anthony, Wanton Macomber, Barney Hicks, Gideon Davis, Abner Wilcox, William Tripp, Arnold Wood, Isaac Francis. Hog Reeves.

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1829 page 29.

Warren Gifford 1st., Pardon Allen, Perry Brightman, David Wing, and Perry hazard. Overseers of fishery.

George C. Brownell constable and collector of taxes, sworn.

To have three percent on all Money he collects and pays in to the several treasurers and to have no allowance for uncurrent money.

Abner B. Gifford Esq., Nathan C. Brownell Esq. and James H. Handy. General school committee.

School district No. 1. Jonathan Brownell. 2 Jethro Gifford. 3 Benjamin Tripp 2nd, 4 William White II,5 John Howland , 6 Isaac Cory Jr., 7 Lemuel Brownell, 8 Abner Davis, 9 Isaac W. Brownell, 10 James H. Handy, 11 Reuben Wait, 12 George Wood, 13 George C. Brownell, 14 Abner B. Gifford, 15 John Sanford, 16 Levi Gifford, 17 Jonathan Davis, 18 James Reed, 19 Joseph Tripp. Prudential committees.

Voted. That the high school be dispensed with, and that such sum of money be raised as shall be requisite for the support of all the teachers required by law and divided among the several school districts.

$850. Voted. That the sum of eight hundred and fifty dollars be raised by way of tax for the support of schools the year ensuing-and that one hundred and fifty dollars of said sum be apportioned among the several districts that shall have schools taugth therein previous to the first day of November next. That the remaining 700 dollars of said sum be apportioned among the several districts that shall have schools taugth therein at least three months of twenty four days each by male teachers recommended by the general school committee. That the Selectmen in both cases divide the money among the several districts that have Schools as aforesaid as they shall think most equitable, for the Summer Schools by the first day of November next and for the winter by the first day of April next and draw orders on the Treasurer in favor of the Prudential Committee accordingly.

$1500. Voted. That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be raised by a way of tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants and non-resident proprietors of the Town of Westport. For the support of paupers and other incidental expenses to be.

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1829 page 30

Assessed. Collected and paid in to the Town treasury 1/2 by the first day of december and the other by

the first day of April next. And the assessors are hereby directed to assess said sum in the way and manner provided by law and deliver a list or lists theerof to the collector as soon as may be.

Voted. That school district No. 3 in Westport be within the following limits or boundaries. Beginning at the soutwesterly corner of David Kirby’s farm at the road, thence easterly in the line

of said Kirby’s land to the town or poor house farm so-called, thence northely in a straigth line to the North East corner of Benjamin Tripp’s Homestead farm, thence Westerly on the line to the middle of the road, thence southerly ly by the middle of the road to the road leading easterly from William White’s dwelling house, thence Westerly by the middle of the road leading easterly from William White’s dwelling house to near the Nortwesterly corner of Ephraim Kirby wood land, thence southerly a straight line to the soutwesrterly corner of Isaac Snell Land , thence easterly in the line of said Snell Land to the middle of the road. Thence northerly to the place of beginning.

The committee on accounts made a report in writing that they had attended to the business assigned them and had found due to the several persons named in the list presented by them the several sums set against their names amounting in the whole to the sum of $2232.99.

it was thereupon voted to accept the report and the treasurer was directed to pay the sums found due

by the committee to the several persons therein named and charge the same to the town. The

committee also made a report that agreeable to their appointment they had examined the accounts of the treasurer and found that he had received for town the year passed the sum of $2203.21

and had paid out by his account. $2216.910

leaving a balance in his favor of. $ 13.69

and made a settlement with him accordingly.

The committee further report that the town is now in debt $817.40

that there is due from the collector $633.

making a balance against the town of $284.40

end of page 30

1829 page 30 (this is the second page numbered 30 in the record book).

All which is respectfully submitted may 11, 1829. Signed Abraham Kirby, Stephen Howland, Committee.

Voted. That this meeting be adjourned to the last Saturday in August next. At 2 o’clock P.M..

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

Saturday August 29, 1829. Agreeable to adjournment from the second Monday in may last the Inhabitants of Westport met accordingly.

And choose Daniel Wing Moderator pro.tem.

Voted. That School District No. 11 be divided by the North line of Holder White’s Homestead farm.That the southerly part be annexed to school district No. 10 and, the northerly part to district No. 14.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell, Town Clerk.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

To George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport greeting.

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified by law to vote in town affairs to assemble at the town house in said town on saturday the twenty ninth day of August Inst: at three o’clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles, viz..

1st. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.

2nd to choose an agent to defend a suit brought against said town or not having Schools agreeable to Law.

Given under our hands and seals at said Westport this 22nd day of August in the year of our lord and one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine .signed Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George N. Brownell, Selectmen.

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1829 page 31

Bristol S. S. August 29, 1829. By virtue of this warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of Westport to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within mentioned.

Signed George C. Brownell constable of Westport

At a legal meeting held at the Town house on Saturday that 29th. day of August 1829 agreeable to the foregoing warrant.

Daniel Wing chosen moderator

Voted. That Anselm Bassett Esq. be agent for the town to attend to the suit mentioned in the foregoing warrant.

Recorded by Frederick Brownell Town Clerk

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bristol S. S.. To George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport, greeting

You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town of Westport qualified by the Constitution to vote for Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counselors. To meet at the town house in said town on Monday the fifth day of April next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon and to Give in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and Counselors, agreeable to the Constitution of said Commonwealth.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to us the Subscribers on or before said time of meeting.

Given under our hands and seals at Westport this 12th day of March A.D. 1830

signed. Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing,Selectmen

Bristol S. S.. April 5,1830. By virtue of the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Westport as within directed by posting one the warrants at F. Brownell,s store one at Abner B. Gifford’s store and one at the point Point 14 days prior to the date hereof.

signed George C. Brownell constable.

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