Town records of 1828
Posted on July 23, 2003 by Greg Stone
1828 page 11
Elisha Woodworth, Brownell Wilbour, all of Little Compton and Christopher Manchester’s heirs of Tiverton— shall be taxed in school district No. 1– of which you will make record .signed
Frederick Brownell, John Macomber, Westport January 28 1828
recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk.
Bristol S. S. to George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport ,greetings
You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Notify and Warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town of Westport duly qualified to vote for town officers and in other town affairs——- to assemble at the town house in said town on Monday the seventh day of April next at nine o’clock in the forenoon to act on the following articles viz..
1st. to choose a moderator to regulate said meeting.
2nd. to choose all such officers as town by-laws are authorized to choose annually in upon such conditions as the majority shall then and there agree.
3rd. to choose a committee to receive and examine all accounts brought against said town and Also to settle with the Treasurer.
4th. to determine what sum to raise by way of tax for the support of schools and in what manner it shall be appropriated–and to act on all matters respecting schools that may be taught beneficial.
5th. to determine what sum to raise by way of tax for the support of paupers, and other incidental charges.
6th. to determine what sum shall be expended in repairs of highways and in what manner in shall be appropriated.
7th. to know the Town’s mind in regard to highways laid out by the selectmen.
8th. to know the town’s mind in regard to making alterations in school districts.
9th. to know the town’s mind in regard to regulating the oyster fishery.
10th. to know the Town’s mind in regards to choosing a committee whose duty it shall be to request all persons who shall attempt to sell any kind of spiritous liquors or mixed liquors a part whereof is spiritous (on town meeting days contrary to law) to forbear and
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and if they do not then desist, to have the law put in force against them.
11th. To choose such other committee or committees agent or agents as circumstances may render expedient.
12th, to give in their votes for a county treasurer.
Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at or before said time of meeting.
Given under our hands and seals at Westport this 5th day of March A D. 1828
Signed Frederick Brownell , Jonathan Davis ,John Macomber Selectmen.
Bristol S. S. by a virtue of the within warrant I have notified and warned the male inhabitants of
the town of Westport to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within mentioned by posting up one notice at Frederick Brownell’s store one at Peckham and Howlands and one at pukarchuk Point 14 days prior to the date hereof. Westport April 7 1828, signed George C. Brownell, constable,
At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Westport qualified according to law assembled at the town house in said Town on Monday the seventh day of April at nine o’clock in
the forenoon for the purposes contained in the foregoing warrant. The following officers were chosen;
Nathan C. Brownell Esq., moderator.
Frederick Brownell, town clerk and sworn
Frederick Brownell, town Treasurer
Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George W. Brownell, selectmen and sworn
Frederick Brownell, Daniel Wing, George W. Brownell, assessors and sworn
Tillinghast Almy, William White II, Stephen Howland, committee on accounts
Isaiah Kirby, William H. Potter, Joshua Woodell, George Lawton, George W. Brownell sworn, John white, Ebenezer Baker sworn, Richard Lawton, Isaac Gifford sworn, Weston Allen, Thomas Records sworn, Peter Devol sworn, Abner mosher sworn, Restome Borden, Peleg Brownell sworn,
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Noah Kirby, David U. Brownell sworn, Charles Little sworn, John Stanford, Nathan C. Brownell sworn Peleg W. Peckham sworn ,John Potter sworn, George Allen, David Wing, Obadiah Lawton sworn, Charles Gifford, Isaac Hicks sworn, Surveyors of Highways.
$1000.Voted that the sum of one thousand dollars be raised for repairing highways and town ways in the town of Westport the year ensuing to be assessed on the polls of estates of the
inhabitants as other taxes are assessed and that the assessors assess the same as soon as may be and deliver a list of the persons names and of the sums they are assessed to each surveyor of his limits according to law. That 75 cents be allowed by the surveyor for a days work of a man or yoke of oxen and in that proportion for parts of days , that 25 cents be allowed for a cart or plow one day and that the aforesaid sum be expended 1/2 by the first day of July next and the other half by the first day of September next to that whenever the surveyor of any district shall make known to the selectmen, that he has faithfully expended all the tax assessed on his district, and the highway is not sufficiently repaired the selectmen shall determine the additional sum he may expend on said way and he may draw orders on the treasurer for the amount so determined by the selectmen.
Voted That nine hours be a day’s work on the highway.
Voted that Luther Gifford and Benjamin Gifford be taken from school district No. 16 and annexed to district No. 17 that southerly line of district No. 17 be on the south side of Luther Gifford’s farm.
Voted that an average of the 24 months school expense, be paid to John Macomber, to be applied by him toward paying the expense of the school thaught in the new school House near Edmund tripp’s.
Voted. that John Gifford be paid 19 dollars 60 cents for expenses of school in district No. 3.
John S. Russell had 64 votes Joseph E. Reid 33 ,and Horatio L. Danforth 14 votes for county treasurer.
Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the second Monday in May next at 1 o’clock P. M. then to meet again at this place. Recorded by Frederick Brownell ,town clerk
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Bristol S. S. Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
To George C. Brownell constable of the town of Westport. Greeting
You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth. To notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Westport qualified by the Constitution to vote for governor ,lieutenant
governor, senators and consellers.To meet at the Town House in said town on Monday the seventh day of April next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and counsellers agreeable to the Constitution of said Commonwealth.
Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant whit your doings thereon to us the suscribers on or before said time of meeting.
Given under our hands and seals at Westport this fifteenth day of March A.D. 1828, signed Frederick Brownell, Jonathan Davis, John Macomber, Selectmen
Bristol S. S. April 7 1828. In obedience to the within warrant I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Westport to meet and assemble at the townhouse for the purposes within mentioned by posting up one notice at the store of Frederick Brownell one at the store of Peckham and Howlands and one at pukarchuk Point,14 days prior to the date hereof ,signed George C. Brownell, constable
At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Westport qualified agreeable to the Constitution assembled at the town house in said town on Monday the seventh day of April for the purposes expressed in the foregoing warrant.
Votes for the following persons were given in sorted ,counted, record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed, viz.
For governor , his excellency Levi Lincoln had one hundred and fifty five votes 155
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For Lieutenant Governor, honorable; Thomas L. Winthrop had one hundred fifty seven 157
For Senators ;
honorable William wood had one hundred fifty six 156
honorable Howard Lathrop had one hundred fifty seven 157
honorable John A. Parker had one hundred fifty three 153
recorded by Frederick Brownell town clerk
Monday may 12 1828 Agreeable to adjournment from the first Monday in April last the inhabitants of Westport met accordingly. The following officers were chosen
Jotham Tripp Pound Keeper
Abner B. Gifford, Frederick Brownell, Stephen Howland, Peleg W. Peckham, David U. Brownell, Thomas W. Mayhew, JethroHowland, Perry Wilcox, surveyors of Lumber
Micah Dean, George U. Brownell, Elijah Blossom Tythinging Men
Adam Gifford, Thomas Winslow, Jonathan Peckham, David U. Brownell, William Wing. Overseers of landing at head of East River.
Pardon Allen, overseer of landing at the Point.
George Kirby, overseer of landing at the head of West River.
Peleg Manchester, Nathan C.Brownell, sworn. Wilbur Gifford, Adam Gifford, sworn. Gersham Wodell, John Potter, sworn. John Macomber, sworn. Major Allen, Humphrey Slocum, Nathan Wood, sworn. Fence VIewers.
Jethro Howland, Micah Dean, John Howland, Stephen Howland, Cullers of hoops and staves.
Jethro Howland, Gideon Davis. Cullers of fish.
John white, Wilbour Gifford, Benjamim Cory , Russell Gifford, John Milk, Charles Little, Elijah Blossom, Nathaniel Tripp, Silas Petty, Abraham B. Davis, William G. Sowle, field drivers
Ephraim Macomber, Martin Bessey, Jonathan Gifford, Philip Davis, Elijah Blossom, Samuel L.
Wilcox, Abraham Anthony, Wanton Macomber, Barney Hicks, Gideon Davis, Abner Wilcox,
William Tripp, Arnold Wood, Joshua Potter. Hog