Town records of 1813
Posted on July 23, 2003 by Greg Stone
AT A MEETING [like above, a selection of jurors on March 1, 1813 at Gifford’s house] Abner B. Gifford was drawn as a Grand Juror, and Ezekiel Brownell was drawn a Traverse Juror for the Circuit Court of Common Pleas
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AT A LEGAL MEETING [like above, a selection of jurors on April 26, 1813 at Gifford’s house] John Howland and Wanton Macomber were drawn to be traverse jurors at the Supreme judicial Court
AT A LEGAL MEETING [like above, a selection of jurors on March 8,1814, at Gifford’s house] Lemuel Milk was drawn as Grand Juryman and Edmon Tripp as Traverse Juror for the Supreme Judicial Court.
AT A LEGAL MEETING [like above, a selection of jurors on April 21, 1814, at Gifford’s house] Pardon Cornell was drawn as traverse juror for the Supreme Judicial Court
AT A LEGAL MEETING [like above, a selection of jurors on December 8, 1813, at Gifford”s house] Ephraim Macomber was drawn as traverse juror at the Circuit Court of Common Pleas
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TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for town meeting to elect state and county officials to be held April 5, 18131
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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport assembled at the Town House in said Westport on Monday the fifth day of April A.D. 1813 at eleven of the clock in the forenoon for the purpose contained in the foregoing warrant… Votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted, and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution directed, viz.
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For Governor, Caleb Strong had 320 votes, Joseph B. Vamum had 19 votes; for Lt. Governor, William Phillips had 320 votes and William King had 19 votes; for Senators, Sylvester Brownell had 320 votes, Samuel Crocker had 320 votes, Joseph Heath had 320 votes, James Richardson had 320 votes, Thomas Hazard had 19 votes, Joseph Tisdale had 19 votes, Jonathan Hawes had 19 votes and Joseph Bernmis had 19 votes. Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk
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AT A LEGAL MEETING held at the house of Abner B. Gifford on the 8th day of March 1814 for the purpose of drawing two men for jurymen at the next court in this month and the Grand juror to serve at Supreme Court at September term. Lemuel Milk was drawn as Grand Juror and Edmond Tripp was drawn as Traverse Juror for the above mentioned Courts. Recorded by me Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk
TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for town meeting to be held April 4,1813, issued March 15, 1813, actually “in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen”… by the Selectmen; this warrant contains the usual articles
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but the 6th article is colorfully expressed: “to devise the best method for the support of paupers and relieving others whom poverty stare in the face….”
AT A LEGAL MEETING warned and held at the Town House in said Westport on Monday the fifth day of April at 10 oclock in the forenoon for the purposes contained in the foregoing warrant..
VOTES for the following persons were given in. Abner Brownell chosen moderator, votes 39
Abner B. Gifford chosen Town Clerk, votes 74
Abner B. Gifford chosen Treasurer and to have 1 1/4 %
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Abner B. Gifford, Ephraim Macomber and Bradford Richmond chosen Selectmen Ephraim Macomber, Bradford Richmond and Wesson Tripp chosen Assessors
John Mosher, Lemuel Milk and Nathaniel Kirby chosen a Committee on Accounts Nathaniel Kirby chosen Pound Keeper
George C. Brownell chosen Constable and Collector of Taxes and to have 3% Daniel Howland chosen Sealer of Weights and Measures
Levi Standish, Jethro Howland, John Anthrony, Abner B. Gifford, Daniel Howland & Pardon Allen chosen Corders and Measurers of Wood
Humphrey Macomber, Richard Gifford, Nathaniel Sowle, Isaac Pettey, Benjamin Wordell, Stephen Comell, Peleg Chace, Ephraim Macomber, Jonathan Peckham, Jonathan Davis, Reuben Wate, Nathaniel Kirby, Luthan Tripp, Jonathan Dyer, George Lawton, David Sanford, Ezekiel Brownell, Wilbur Gifford,
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Justice Kirby, Josiah Brownell, Thomas Richmond, job Gifford, Charles Allen, Peter Devol and Jonathan Brownell chosen Surveyors of Highways
George Gifford, Thomas Wordell, Abraham Cornell, Bradford Richmond, Christopher Cornell, Benjamin Brownell, John Dyer, Jonathan Tripp, Edmond Tripp and Wilbur Gifford chosen Fence Viewers
Jireth Brownell, Jerathmael White, Wilbur Gifford, Edward Manchester, Benjamin Cory, George C. Brownell, Zebedee Davis, Russell Gifford, Jonathan Sowle, Nathaniel Tripp & Daniel Boomer chosen Field Drivers
Jethro Howland and Zoeth Howland chosen Cullers of Hoops & Staves
Daniel Brownell & Preserved Shearman chosen Sealers of Leather
Jethro Howland and Zoeth Howland chosen Cullers of Fish
Zacheus Gifford, John Gifford, Sr. Phillip Davis, Jr., Levi Standish, Wilbur Gifford, Thomas Allen, tailor, Gilbert Macomber, Phillip Davis, Benjamin Wordell & Wanton Macomber chosen Hog Reeves
Lemuel Milk, Humphrey Howland & George Lawton chosen Overseers of Landing at the Head of the River
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Gideon Palmer, Daniel Gifford, Pardon Cornell, Samuel Wilcox and Perry Gifford chosen Overseers of Fishery
VOTED to adjourn this meeting unto Monday the 10th day of May next at one of the clock in the afternoon then to meet at this place.
Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk
TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the male inhabitants of said Town being twenty one years of age and resident in said Town for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within said Town of the annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds to meet at the Town House in said Town on Monday the 10th day of May next at one of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of choosing one or more representatives to represent them at the General Court appointed to be convened and holden at Boston on the last Wednesday of May. Given under our hands and seals at said Westport on the 26 day of April A.D. 1813. Abner B. Gifford, Ephraim Macomber, Bradford Richmond, Selectmen of Westport.
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[continuation of adjourned 1813 town meeting, on May 10, 1813]
VOTED that the manner of providing for the poor, belonging to the Town, be by venduing….
VOTED to raise $1200 by way of tax on the polls and estates … for the support of the poor, and schools and other expences of said Town for the year ensuing ….
VOTED that the sum of $120 of the aforesaid sum be appropriated for the support of schools, to be proportioned to each school kept in the Town in proportion to the number of days schooling the whole number of scholars shall receive in said school….
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VOTED that for repairing and amending of highways and town ways in the Town of Westport the year ensuing the sum of eight hundred dollars be assessed….
VOTED that seventy five cents be allowed the Surveyors of Highways for a day’s work of a man or a pair of oxen…and twenty five cents be allowed for a cart or a plow one day …. VOTED that one half the above sum be expended by July first and the other half by the first day of September next….
VOTED that when highways be blocked up or incumbered with snow the Surveyors of such ways shall assign [to each resident an amount to clean out or tramp down equal to his proportionate ownership]
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Abner B. Gifford chosen the Town’s agent in all cases the year ensuing
VOTED that Abner B. Gifford shall superintend the building of the bridge at the Head of the east branch.
VOTED to give Thomas Richmond thirty dollars to doctor all the poor that is now chargable to said Town for one year and also all that become chargeable to the Town during the year.
The Committee on Accounts made a report … allowing $943.49 in bills and it was thereupon VOTED to “except” the report and to direct the Treasurer to pay the several sums allowed. The Committee also report that … they made a settlement with the Town Treasurer and found that he had received in year past $1075.85 and has paid out $1379.57, leaving a ballance of $267.92 and that they made a settlement with him accordingly.
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VOTED to adjourn this meeting until the last Saturday of August next at two of the clock in the afternoon.