Town records of 1812

AT A MEETING [at house of William White, Jr., held March 3,1812, to draw one man for Grand Jury at the Circuit Court of Common Pleas, the Court of Common Pleas, and Traverse jurors) Adam Gifford was drawn as Grand juror; Preserved Shearman and Edmond Mosher as Traverse jurors.

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TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for town meeting to be held April 6,1812; usual articles presented]

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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport assembled at the Town House in said Wesport on Monday, the sixth day of April A.D. 1812 at ten of the clock in the forenoon for the purposes contained in the foregoing warrant….

VOTES for the following persons were given in:

Abner Brownell, Esq., for moderator had 45 & was chosen

Samuel Crocker, Esq., for County Treasurer had 187

VOTED to adjourn this meeting until three of the clock in the afternoon, and it was accordingly adjourned.

AT THREE OCLOCK the business of the day was taken up agreeable to adjournment.

VOTES for the following persons were given in. For Town Clerk, Abner B. Gifford had 155 votes, William White, Jr., had 108 votes. For Selectmen, Abner Brownell, Christopher Cornell and Abner B. Gifford were chosen and duly engaged. For Assessors, Ephraim Macomber, Elijah Gifford, Jr., & Wesson Trip were chosen and engaged. TURN OVER TWO PAGES, SAYS TOWN CLERK, FOR MORE TOWN MEETING

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TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant to call voters to select state and county officials at meeting on April 6, 18121

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AT A LEGAL MEETING [pursuant to foregoing warrant]

VOTES for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted, and declaration thereof

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made as by the Constitution is directed, viz. For Governor, Elbridge Gerry, 55 votes, Caleb Strong, 235 votes; for Lt. Governor, William King, 55 votes & William Philips, 235 votes; for Senators, Thomas Hazard, Jr., 55 votes, Joseph Tisdale, 55 votes, Amasa Stetson, 55 votes, Joseph Bemis, 55 votes, Samuel Crocker, 235 votes, Sylvester Brownell, 235 votes, Elijah Crane, 235 votes, James Richardson, 235 votes.

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Abner B. Gifford chosen Treasurer and to have one & one fourth per cent for all the money he shall receive into the Treasury and pay out…

John Mosher, Lemuel Milk & Nathaniel Kirby, blacksmith, chosen a Committee on Accounts.

VOTED to adjourn this meeting until Monday the 20th of this instant at one oclock then to meet at this place.

AT A LEGAL MEETING [held April 20,1812 to continue Town Meeting]

VOTED the following Surveyors of Highways, viz., Peter Davis, Abraham Kirby, Nathaniel Kirby, David Sowle, John Dyer, George Lawton, Samuel Borden, Jonathan Tripp, Wilbur Gifford, Stephen Kirby, William Gifford, Lott Shearman, job Gifford, George Allen, Peter Devol, Nathaniel Brownell, Humphrey Macomber, John Macomber, Nathaniel Sowle, Isaac Pettey, Benjamin Wordell, Abraham Cornell, William Sisson, Ephraim Macomber.

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Nathaniel Kirby, blacksmith, chosen Pound Keeper

Fence Viewers are George Gifford, Thomas Wordell, Abraham Cornell, Bradford Richmond, Christopher Cornell, Benjamin Brownell, Benjamin Brownell, Jr., John Dyer, Jonathan Tripp, Edmond Tripp, Wilbur Gifford.

Field Drivers are Jerathmael White, Wilbur Gifford, Edward Manchester, Benjamin Cory, George C. Brownell, Jr., Zebedee Davis, Russell Gifford, Jonathan Sowle, Nathaniel Tripp, George Wordell.

Surveyors of Lumber, Corders & Measurers of Wood are Levi Standish, Jethro Howland, John Anthony, Daniel Howland, Abner B. Gifford and Pardon Gifford.

Cullers of Hoops & Staves are Jethro Howland & Zoeth Howland

Sealers of Leather are Daniel Brownell and Preserved Shearman.

Cullers of Dry Fish are Jethro Howland and Zoeth Howland.

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Tythingmen are Benjamin Cory, Ebenezer V. Sowle, Daniel Boomer, & John Snell

Hog Reeves are John Anthony, Pardon Gifford, Phillip Davis, Jr., Cornellius White, Barnea Potter, Jonathan Gifford, George C. Brownell, Joshua Potter, job Gifford, Benjamin Wordell, Wanton Macomber, Wilbur Gifford, Nathaniel Kirby, Joshua Potter, Phillip Davis, Phillip Davis, Jr.

Overseers of Fishery are Gideon Palmer, Daniel Gifford, Pardon Cornell, Samuel Wilcox, & Perry Gifford

Overseers of Landing at Head of the River are Lemuel Milk and Humphrey Howland & Abner B. Gifford

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Overseers of Landing at Head of the River are Lemuel Milk and Humphrey Howland & Abner B. Gifford

VOTED that for the repairing and amending Highways and Town ways in the Town of Westport for the year ensuing the sum of eight hundred dollars be assessed….

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VOTED that seventy five cents be allowed by the Surveyors of Highways for a day’s work of a man or pair of oxen and in proportion for parts of day’s work; and that twenty five cents be allowed for the use of a plow or cart one day.

VOTED that the above sum be expended on the highways and town ways one half by the first day of July and the other half by the first day of September next.

VOTED that when any highways or town ways.. are blocked up or incumbered with snow …. [usual plan]

VOTED to adjourn this meeting until Monday the eleventh day of May next.

George Lawton and Lemuel Milk were appointed a committee to receive the Town’s books and other property in the hands of William White, Jr., late Treasurer of the Town, and deliver the same to Abner B. Gifford, their present Treasurer, taking a receipt therefore in behalf of the Town.

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TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant for meeting on May 11, 1812 to elect town representatives to General Court]

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AT A LEGAL MEETING [held May 11, 1812, according to foregoing warrant] the following persons were chosen Representatives for said Town of Westport, viz, Abner Brownell had 73 votes, Sylvester Brownell had 73 votes, Abner B. Gifford had 73 votes, and declaration thereof was made by the Selectmen.

AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport, assembled at the Town House in said Westport, on Monday the sixth day of April A.D. 1812 and continued by adjournement unto Monday the eleventh day of May following, met according to adjournment …..

John Milk chosen Constable and Collector and to have three and one half per cent

Daniel Howland chosen Sealer of Weights & Measures

VOTED that for the providing for the poor that belongs to this town, be by vendueing, unless in instances where the Selectmen shall think it best to provide otherwise having regard to their comfortable support and maintenance

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VOTED that the sum of twelve hundred dollars be raised, by way of tax on the polls and estates of the inhabitants of the Town …. for the support of the poor and schools and expences of said Town the year ensuing….

VOTED that the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars of the aforesaid twelve hundred

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dollars be appropriated for the support of schools…

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The Committee on Accounts made a report in writing that they had attended the business assigned them, and that they had allowed to the several persons named in the list presented by them the several sums set against their respective names amounting to the sum of $1206.09. It was thereupon VOTED to accept the report of the Committee and the Treasurer is directed to pay the several sums thus allowed…. The Committee also reports that agreeable to their appointments they made a settlement with the Town Treasurer and found that he had received for the Town the year past the sum of $933.40 and has paid by his accounts the sum of $876.04, leaving a ballance in favour of the Town of $57.36, which ballance was by the said Treasurer, William White, paid to Abner B. Gifford the Town’s present Treasurer, which was an even ballance between the said White and the Town of Westport and we made a settlement with him accordingly.

The Committee further finds that there was by the report of the Committee the last year a ballance against the Town, between the sums which had been assessed on the Town, and the sums allowed against the Town, of $237.56. And that there had been assessed on the inhabitants of the Town the year past the sum of $1211.38. Deducting therefrom the last year’s deficiency, leaving the neat sum of $973.82. And the sums allowed for the expences the year past as by report presented. $1206.09, leaving a ballance against the Town of $232.27. Committee report dated May 11, 1812; by Lemuel Milk, John Mosher, Nathaniel Kirby.

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VOTED to adjourn this meeting until the last Saturday in August at two oclock, the afternoon, then to meet at this place’and it was accordingly adjourned….

TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant, issued November 3, 1812, for a town meeting on November 12,1812 to vote for electors for President and Vice President of the United States for the district, containing the counties of Plymouth, Bristol, Norfolk, Barnstable, Dukes County and Nantucket]

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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport, assembled at the Town House in said Town on Thursday the 12th day of November at one of the oclock in the afternoon A.D. 1812 for the purposes contained in the foregoing warrant the following persons were voted for … William Rotch, William Heath, Joshua Thomas and David Scudder had each 278 votes. Recorded by me Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

TO JOHN MILK, CONSTABLE, GREETING [warrant, issued October 19,1812, for town meeting “first Monday of November next” (no date given] to give in votes for a “representative to the Congress of the United States, for Bristol District, also to know the town~s mind in regard

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to remonstrating the Legislature of this Commonwealth, against the districting law for the choice

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AT A LEGAL MEETING [held “first Monday of November next” according to foregoing warrant] the following persons were voted for: Laban Wheaton had 243 votes and John Hawse had ten votes for representative to Congress of the United States.

Abner Brownell was chosen moderator of the meeting for remonstrating the Legislature of this Commonwealth against the districting law for Senators and Counsellors …..

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a remonstrance was prepared and read in Town Meeting and accepted (“excepted”) by the Town and ordered to be forwarded. Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

AT A MEETING legally warned and held at the house of Abner B. Gifford on Monday the fourteenth day of May A.D. 1812, for the purpose of drawing one man as a Traverse Juryman at the Circuit Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Taunton within and for the County of Bristol on the second monday of June next … Levi Standish was drawn to serve accordingly.. Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk