Town records for 1792
Posted on July 23, 2003 by Greg Stone
IN COMPLIANCE WITH A VENIRE to John Gifford, Constable of the Town of Westport in due form directed, the inhabitants of said town were notified and assembled at the Town House in said Town of Westport on the 25th day of February 1792 and George Lawton was chosen Moderator of said meeting. Joseph Gifford was drawn out of the Jury Box for Petit Jury man for the next court of ensigns session to be holden at Taunton
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Bristol SS to either of the Constables of the Town of Westport in said county, Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts forthwith to notify and warn all the freeholders and other inhabitants within the Town of Westport duly qualified by law to vote in Town meeting and also the other inhabitants in said Town qualified agreeable to the Constitution of said Commonwealth to give in their votes for Governor, Lt. Governor, the Senators and Counsellors and one suitable person being an inhabitant of the district of Bristol, Dukes County and Nantucket for a representative to represent said district in the Congress of the United States of America to meet at the Town House in said Town on Monday the 2nd day of April next at nine of the clock in the forenoon of said day then and there to act on the particular above and hereafter mentioned.
1. To choose town officers as by law required.
2. to give in votes for County Treasurer.
3. to conclude by vote what sum of money shall be thought proper to raise by way of tax for the support of the poor and other necessary charges arising within said Town.
4. to receive returns of Highway laid out or altered and approve or disapprove of the same as shall be thought proper if approve that the same may be of record.
5. to choose a committee to allow or disallow accounts brought against said town and also to settle with the Town Treasurer or Treasury.
6. to conclude by vote in what way and manner the Highways with said town shall be repaired for the year ensuing.
7. to act and do what shall be thought proper respecting the hiring a Town Schoolmaster.
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8. to act and do what shall be thought proper respecting Town Landings within said Town.
9. to act and do what shall be thought proper respecting a sum of bad continental paper money in the care of the Town Clerk Given under our hands and seals at Westport this nineteenth day of March Anno que Domine 1792. Wm. Davis, Wesson Kirby, George Lawton Selectmen
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APRIL THE 2ND 1792 BY WARNING GIVEN by John Gifford, Constable, the inhabitants of said Town of Westport meet at the Town House in said Town agreeable to the above warrant and proceed on the business of said warrant in the following manner.
1. William Almy was chosen moderator for said meeting.
2. Nathaniel Kirby was chosen Town Clerk for the year ensuing and at the same time
3. Captain William Hick was chosen Town Treasurer for the year ensuing at the rate of 2 1/2 percent for-what money he shall receive in and pay out.
4. William Davis Esq., Charles Devol, Thomas Wodle were chosen selectmen for the year ensuing upon the same terms that the selectmen served the town last year.
5. Voted to have three assessors, Benjamin Brownell, Wesson Tripp, Nathaniel Kirby were chosen for the year ensuing [swom in] VOTED TO ADJOURN this meeting till two of the clock this afternoon to meet at this place.
BY VIRTUE OFWARRANT the selectmen did proceed to collect, sort and count the votes for Governor, Lt. Governor and Senator, also for a federal representative. The following gentlemen were voted for His Excellency John Hancock, Esq. for Governor had 56; His Honor Samuel Adams, Esq. for Lt. Governor had 55;
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The Honorable Walter Spooner Esq. for Senator had votes 31; Thomas Durfee Esq for senator had votes 33; Elisha May Esq for senator had votes 33; the Honorable George Leonard Esq. had 105 votes for a federal representative to represent Bristol, Dukes County and Nantuck in the Congress of the United States.
AGREEABLE TO ADJOURNMENT at two of the clock the Town proceeded on business as follows.
1. Upon collecting and sorting and counting the votes for County Treasurer, George Godfrey Esq. had 45.
2. Voted to choose a committee of three to examine and allow accounts brought against the Town. George Lawton, Sylvester Brownell and Lemuel Milk were chosen and make a return of their doings at the adjournment of this meeting.
3. Voted a committee of three to settle with the back treasuries and report their doing to this meeting: George Lawton , Sylvester Brownell, Lemuel Milk were chosen.
4. Voted that William Hicks, Town Treasurer take the continental Money now in the hands of the Town Clerk and dispose of it to the best advantage and account with the Town thereto.
5. Voted that the return of a resurvey of the highway leading from the Country Road cross Red Oak Hill through the land formerly William Tripps northerly to William Briggs
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N.W. Comer be recorded.
6. Upon a vote taken whether they would raise a sum of money to amend the highways for the year ensuing, voted not to raise the money.
7. Jonathan Tabor, William Almy, Abraham Comell, Justice Kirby, Nathaniel Tripp, Edward Burden, Barjonas Devol, William Wood Jr., Joshua Devol, William Records, Joseph Gifford, Capt. Job Almy, Robert Kirby, Joshua Pettis, Henry Tibbits, were chosen surveyors of Highways for the year ensuing.
8. Voted to adjourn this meeting to the second monday of May at 10 of the clock ‘fore noon then to meet at this place.
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APRIL 2, 1792. Agreeable to the adjourm-nent of the meeting from 26th December 1791 the committee then chosen to enquire and consider whether people shall have liberty to ketch oysters in the river to sell, do at this meeting report that the inhabitants of this town have liberty to ketch as many as they please above the rock that lyeth against Lake Island so called in the east branch of Acoakset River and no others and all below the said rock be kept for the use of the inhabitants of this town. Voted that the report of said Committee be received and be recorded. Voted that there be a Committee of three for overseers of the oyster fishery and Daniel Allen, Wanton Case, William Gifford, Jr., were chosen-
Monday, May 14th 1792. AGREEABLE to an adjournment of the Annual Meeting from the first Monday of April last to this day at ten of the clock forenoon the town met and did proceed on business as follows. William Almy being Moderator, Nathaniel Kirby desired to resign the office of Town Clerk. Ist Voted that he may resign and another be chosen in his stead. 2nd William Almy was chosen Town Clerk 3rd The Committee on accounts report that they had met and examined accounts brought against the Town and allowed the sum of sixty pounds three shillings and ten pence 3/4 –as appears by their record. Voted to accept of their report and that their record be kept in the Town Clerk’s office. 4th The Committee appointed to settle with the Treasurers of this Town report that they had attended that business and made their report.
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Voted to receive the report of the committee appointed to settle with the Treasurers and that the same be recorded in this town’s book and is as follows:
The Report of the committee chosen to settle with the back treasurers for the town of Westport. We find the state of said Treasurer as follows –Abner Brownell Treasurer for the year 1787:1788 and 1789. had to receive from the several collectors – L 183.19.1; the above treasurer receivd and paid out L 77.0.2; ballance due in the hands of the collectors for sd years: L 106.18.11. Robert Earl Treasurer for the year 1790 had to receive sum of L 97.18.21/2; we find the said treasurer received in and paid out- L 41-5.8; balance due in the hands of Constable for said year – L 56.12.61/2. Capt. William Hicks Treasurer for 1791 had to receive L 80.2.43/4; also in the hands of the Collectors as above stated L 162.6.51/2; making L 242.8.101/2. Capt Wm Hicks treasurer received of the above
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sum L 102.17.4: [leaving] L140.11.61/2. We find upon settlement with the above said treasurers that there is now in the hands of the several collectors and the present treasurer the sum of L 140.11.61/2 to be the ballance due to the town of Westport. Signed: Sylvester Brownell; Lemuel Milk; George Lawton> Committee. Westport; May 11, 1792. 5th Voted that the Treasurer issue his Executions against the several collectors for the ballance due of the above tax for 1791 that shall be in their hands on the 1st day October next. 6th Voted the sum of Sixty pounds by way of tax for the support of poor and other necessary expenses for the year ensuing to be paid into the Treasury by the first day of March next and that the Treasurer do issue his execution for the sum that shall be due at that time if any.
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7th Voted a Committee to hire out such part of town’s landing as is not wanted for town use provided it can be done without expence to the town. George Lawton was chosen accordingly. 8th Voted a Committee to put seats in the Town House to be under the direction of the Selectmen and to say his accounts before the Town’s Committee for allowance and Jonathan Tripp was chosen accordingly. 9th Nathaniel Kirby was sworn as Assessor of Rates by William Almy, Town Clerk. Jonathan Tabour (not present) George Lawton, Jonathan Tripp, Barjona Devol, John Tripp, Joshua Devol, Abraham Cornell, Joseph Gifford, John Tibbits, Aron Davis were chosen Surveyors of Highways and at the same time duly sworn by William Almy, Town Clerk. Also Joshua Petty, Edward Boomer, Henry Tibbits, William Records, Capt. Job Almy were chosen surveyors of highways. 10th Wesson Sowle, Thomas Tripp, Peris Richmond, Pardon Brownell, Wesson ‘ Kirby, Thomas Woodle and Stephen Crocker were chosen Fence Viewers and [duly sworn]. 11 th Barjona Devol and Stephen Davis chosen surveyors of Lumber and Corders of Wood and BD [swoml. 12th John Davis & Joseph Gifford chosen Field Drivers and sworn. 13th Nathaniel Kirby chosen Pound Keeper and sworn. 14th Benj. Brownell chosen Sealer of Weights and Measures. 15th Voted to adjourn this meeting till 3 of the clock in the afternoon then to meet again at this place adjourned accordingly.
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IN COMPLIANCE with a Warrant issued from the Selectmen of WEstport required John
Gifford, Constable of said Town of Westport, to notify and warn all the freeholders and other
inhabitants qualified agreeable to the Constitution of this Commonwealth to vote for a
Representative to meet at the town house in said town on Monday the 14th day of May next
at one of the clock in the afternoon of said day. Then and there if thought proper to choose
a person to represent said town in the General Court of said Commonwealth of
Massachausetts to be conveened at the state house in Boston the the last Wednesday of May
next, for Government service for the year ensuing.
— To act and do what shall be thought proper relative to those Dartmouth inhabitants
now living within the Bounds of said Town of Westport.
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The inhabitants of Westport … did meet and proceed to act on warrants…. 1st Charles Devol chosen Moderator of said meeting. 2nd The Select men did collect, sort and count the votes for representative and William Almy was chosen—-3rd Voted that the town clerk be directed to issue certificates certifying that the town is willing to receive such people as have annexed themselves to the town of Dartmouth on account of the incorporation of said town of Westport and shall pet[iflion to be annexed to the town of Westport or the whole of them if the General Court shall think proper.
AGREEABLE TO ADJOURNMENT at two of the clock the town met and did proceed upon business as follows. 1st Benjamin Cory and Preserved Shearman was chosen sealers of Leather and sworn. 2nd Jonathan Tabor & Barney Devol Chosen cullers of Hoops and staves and Barney Devol was sworn 3rd Capt. Sylvester Brownell, George Brownell, Joseph Gifford, Lemuel Sowle, Barney Devol, Job Almy, Samuel Willcocks, and John Kirby were chosen overseers of the fishery in Westport.
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4th Voted to have three Wardeens and Thomas Woodle, Prince Brownell & Benjamin Cory were chosen. Woodle and Brownell sworn. 5th Voted to have two Tythingmen [and] JQnathan Tabour and Barney Devol were chosen. 6th John Gifford was chosen Constable and Collector of Rates for the year ensuing, he to procure Bondsmen for the faithful performance of his office, and to Collect and pay in the money that shall be assessed and committed to him to collect without any pay, and was sworn accordingly. 7th Benjamin Cory, Jonathan Tabour, Philip Cornell, Sylvester Brownell, Benjamin Gifford, George Tripp and Jonathan Kirby were chosen Hog Reeves for the year ensuing and Benj. Cory, Sylvester Brownell, George Tripp and Jonathan Kirby were sworn. 8th Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Saturday of July three of the clock afternoon then to meet at this place and it is adjourned accordingly.
Saturday, July 28th, 1792 at a town meeting held by an adjournment from the 14th of May last to this day, the Town met there being no business to act upon, the town adjourned without day.
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AGREEABLE TO A WARRANT from the Selectmen to John Gifford, Constable, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants to meet at the Town House on Friday, the 2nd of November, A.D. 1792 to give in their votes for two persons to represent the third district of the Commonwealth in the Congress of the U.S. also to give in their votes for one other person to represent the first, second and third of this Commonwealth. Also to vote for three electors for said third district of President and Vice President of the United States- The inhabitants met agreeable to said warrant and gave in their votes as follows:
The Honourable George Leonard had 13 votes for the 1st 2nd and 3rd district;
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Walter Spooner Esq had 13 votes>
Thomas Durfee Esq had 13 votes> for electors
John Davis Esq had 13 votes>