Town Records for 1789

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Gifford, Constable in said Town. Assembled on said day and place and proceeded agreeable to the direction in said writ.

1. Abner Brownell was chosen Moderator for said meeting for the purpose of chosing a grand juror.

2. Wesson Sowle was chosen Grand juror for the year ensuing.

3. Peleg Cornell Jr. was drawn out of the jury box for Petit juror for March Court at Taunton, 1789.

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from the Select Men of the Town of Westport dated March 21, 1789. Requiring either of the Constables of said Town to notify the inhabitants thereof qualified by law to vote in Town Meetings to meet at the Town House in said Town on Monday the sixth day of April 1789 at 10 o’clock a.m. then and there to act on the particulars hereafter mentioned.

1. To choose Town Officers as by law required.

2. To conclude by vote what sum of money shall be thought proper for the support of the poor and other necessary charges arising within said Town.

3. To receive returns of Highways laid out or altered and approve or disapprove of the same as shall be thought proper and if approved that the sum may be recorded.

4. To approve or disapprove of all demands that may be brought against said town for allowance and payment.

5. To conclude by vote in what way and manner the Highways within said Town shall be repaired for the year ensuing.

6. To act and do what shall be thought proper respecting the hiring a Town Schoolmaster.

7. To take into consideration the report of the Town’s Committee reporting the settlement with Dartmouth and New Bedford that the same be recorded if the Town thinks proper.

THE INHABITANTS of said Town of Westport upon said warning given by John Gifford, one of the Constables of said Town met together Monday, April 6, 1789 10 o’clock a.m. and proceeded agreeable to the direction of said warrant:

1. William Almy was chosen Moderator for said meeting.

2. Abner Brownell was chosen Town Clerk for the year ensuing and at the same time was sworn in.

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3. Voted to have three Selectmen for the year ensuing.

4. William Davis Esq., Thomas Tripp and Jonathan Tripp were chosen Selectmen for the year ensuing.

5. Voted to have three Assessors for the year ensuing.

6. Christopher Cornell, Thomas Tripp and Job Milk were chosen Assessors for the year ensuing. [all sworn in]

7. Abner Brownell was chosen Town Treasurer for the year ensuing upon the condition of one percent.


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9. Pardon Brownell, Wesson Sowle, Wessons Kirby and Thomas Tripp were chosen Fence Viewers for the year ensuing. [notice of swearing in]

10. Stephen Davis, carpenter, and Barjonas Devol were chosen Surveyors of Lumber for the year ensuing. [sworn in]

11. job Davis and William Kirby were chosen Field Drivers for the year ensuing.

12. Nathaniel Kirby was chosen Pound Keeper for the year ensuing [sworn in]

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13. Benjamin Brownell, Sr., was chosen Sealer of Weights and Measures for the year ensuing. [sworn in]

14. Benjamin Cory and Preserved Sherman were chosen Sealers of Leather for the year ensuing. [sworn in]

15. Ichabod Brownell and John Earl were chosen Wardens [sworn in]

16. Abiel Macomber 2nd and Ebenezer Baker were chosen Tythingmen for the year ensuing [sworn in]

17. Stephen Davis, Carpenter, and Barjonah Devol were chosen Measurers of Wood

18. Joseph Clossen, William Macomber, son of Timothy, Capt. Job Almy, Capt. Sylvester Brownell and Stephen Davis carp were chosen Hog Reves [sworn in]

19. Nicholas Underwood, Levy Sherman, Jonathan Taber Jr., Nathaniel Potter [cooperl, Isaac Sowle, Job Almy, Abraham Cornell, Lemuel Milk, Abner Potter, Joshua Devol, Stephen Crocker, Benjamin Devol (son of Reuben), Abiel Macomber Sr.,

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Abiel Davis, Jr. and Ebenezer Baker were chosen Surveyors of Highways [sworn in]

VOTED to allow the following accounts: viz, to Stokes Potter for board of ‘ Job Potter from may 16, 1789 to July 27, 6 weeks & 5 days a 5/6 1/16/ 1; to Wesson Sowle 1 /0/0 to the Town of Dartmouth; to William Almy 0/12/0. To Sufa Dick 0/12/0; to William Almy for bad taxes 2/8/0; to Robert Earl for bad taxes 10/1/3; to London Richmond 0/3/0. Total of the above L20.15.2

20. Sylvester Brownell, George Brownell (Cooper), Richard Kirby, Joseph Gifford, Lemuel Sowle, Barney Devol, Job Almy, Samuel Willcox, and John Kirby were chosen a committee to see that the Act for Regulating and Limiting the Catching of Fish in the Rivers and Streams in the town of Westport be duly observed [swom in]

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21 VOTED to receive and allow the report of the committee heretofore chosen to settle with the Towns of Dartmouth and New Bedford and that the settlement which they have made be ratified by this Town and that the same be recorded in this book, viz. “We the Committee of New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport legally chosen by the inhabitants at Legal Town Meeting in each Town for the purpose of settling and adjusting the accounts of Dartmouth that were before the incorporation of the town of New Bedford and Westport and also for settling the Public Lands, Workhouse in Bedford and Town house in Dartmouth and all other public property that each town have an interest in agreeable to this Acts for Incorporating said Town of New Bedford and Westport. Therefore we the same Committees of the aforesaid Town of New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport mutually agree that the

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settlement as adjusted in the accounts this day for each Town and signed by us the subscribers the committees aforesaid are approve and accepted to be a final settlement between the aforesaid Towns so far as the Accounts therein settled. Also securing to the inhabitants of the Towns: of New Bedford the workhouse and lot in Bedford for the Consideration of seventy five pounds being the value of said house and said lot as approved by us and placed to the credit of the town accounts and also securing to the inhabitants of the Town of Dartmouth the Townhouse and lot being in the town of Dartmouth for the consideration of the sum of twenty six pounds being the value of said town house and lot as approved by us and placed to the credit of the Town accounts. We the said committee further agree that all public lands and town lands that were formerly the property of the Town of

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Dartmouth shall be considered (that all the aforesaid lands and landings that are lying or being in either of the aforesaid Towns of New Bedford, Dartmouth or Westport) to be the property of the inhabitants of either of the afore said towns wherein any of the aforesaid land or landings may be.

Agreed that the following persons are settled and considered as the poor of each Town at the time of Incorporating New Bedford and Westport, viz New Bedford poor: Elizabeth Black, Widow Washburn, Widow Read and three children; Henry Wrightinton, Rhoda Hathaway and Child, Widow Norton and three children; john Bennett, Seth Taber Child, and Mary Greenway. Dartmouth poor: Mary Caswell, Thankful Demoranville, Elisabeth Cornell, Hanna Cornell, Rachel Crapo, Sarah Moses. Westport’s poor: Job Potter, Anna Worgin, Anna Merrihew, Ruth Earl and Hannah Simon.

Also agree that no remittances shall be allowed to the heads of any classes for bad taxes, or for time and expenses for classing of men, nor no accounts shall be allowed to any person for services done as Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, agreeing that each Town shall take the settlement of it to themselves. Also agree that each town settle with the Collectors of their own Town, respecting the consolidations of the taxes remitted to them if any difficulty should arise respecting the rates of consolidation; also settle and agree that each town shall bear the burden of the failure of their old collection if any therebe.

In testimony where of we the committees aforesaid, viz, William Tallman and Abraham Smith for New Bedford; Henry Smith and John Sn-dth for the Town of Dartmouth

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And William Davis and Wesson Kirby for the Town of Westport …. Done at Dartmouth the 19th day of February 1789.

22. Nicholas Underwood, Levy Sherman, Jonathan Taber, Jr, Job Almy, Abner Potter, Joshua Devol, Stephen Crocker, Abiel Davis, Jr were chosen Surveyors of Highways for the year ensuing [sworn in],

23. Voted this meeting adjourned to Wed., the 13th of May to meet at the Town House at 10 o’clock of said day.

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AGREEABLE TO THE CONSTITUTION of this Commonwealth requiring the Selectmen of

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each Town in the several counties to call a meeting of the inhabitants thereof annually on the first Monday of April for the purpose of voting for governor, lieutenant governor and counsellors and senators. In pursuance of which the Selectmen of the Town of Westport did on March 21st 1789 notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Town being twenty-one years of age and upward having a freehold estate within this Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any estate of the value of sixty pounds to meet at the Town house in said Westport on Monday, April 6, 1789 at 10 o’clock A.M. to vote for governor, lieutenant governor, and three counsellors and senators for the year ensuing, agreeable to the Constitution of this Commonwealth.

In compliance with the aforesaid notification and warrant the inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled on Monday the 6th of April 1789 at ten o’clock A.M. at the Town House and proceeded agreeable to the aforesaid notification and warrant. And the following gentlemen were vote for, viz. His Excellency John Hancock Esq for governor had votes: 64 His Honor Benjamin Lincoln for Lt. Governor had votes: 20

Honorable Samuel Adams had votes for It. governor 45

Hon Walter Spooner for senator had votes 40

Hon Elisha May for senator had votes 48

Hon Thomas Durfee for senator had votes 49

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Ebenezer Tisdale for senator had votes 4

Phanuel Bishop for senator had votes 4

Holder Slocum for senator had votes 4

May 13: agreeable to an adjournment of the meeting of the 6th of April last past”that was adjourned to the second Wednesday of May, 1789 at ten o’clock A.M. at the town house. The inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled and proceeded in the remain part of the business as directed in that warrant.

William Almy being Moderator of said meeting.

1. VOTED that the surveyors be directed to proceed in the mending and repairing highways as they think best.

2. A vote was called for County Treasurer and after collecting and counting the votes it appeared that George Godfrey Esq had 20.

3. and VOTED to allow the following accounts charged against the said Town of Westport for materials and labor in building the Town House:

To George Lawton for 162 feet of timber @ 42/m 6/9; for boards 17/; for 2 squares of

class @ 3p each 6p; for 191 feet of pitch pine @ 36/M 6/10; for 9 days service &

attendance in building the Town Hall @ 3/ per day L1.7 … total L2.18.1

To Wesson Kirby for 287 feet of timber @ 42/M, 12/; for, 8 1/2 days of service at 3 sh

per day of L1.18.6

To William Hicks for 266 feet of timber @ 42/M, 11/2, for 8 days service @ 3/ per

day .. total L1.15.2

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To William Kirby for 133 feet of timber @ 49/ per thous 5/7

To George Sisson for 98 feet of timber 3/10

To Samuel Milk for 45 feet of plank @ 42/ per thousand 2/1; for 201 feet of White

pine boards @ 45/ 9/

To Stephen Peckham for 101 feet of plank at 42M, 4/9

To Wesson Macomber for 200 feet of plank 9/6

To Wesson Tripp for 130 feet of plank 6/2

To Lemuel Manchester for 200 feet of plank 9/6

To John Gifford for 106 feet of plank 5/1

To Nathaniel Sowle for 42 feet of plank 2/

To William White for 353 feet of timber 15/ and 251 plank 11/10 Total L.1-6.10

To Joseph Closson for 170 feet of timber 7/1

To Stephen Davis for 377 feet of timber 15110

To Justice Kirby for 228 feet of timber 9/6

for 106 feet of plank 15/1 total 14/7

To Stephen Cornell for 212 feet of timber 8/10

To Nathaniel Potter for 182 feet of timber 17/7

To Robert Sherman for 136 feet of timber 5/8

To Benjamin Brownel for boards L1.2.9

To Stephen Potter for boards 10/

To Silvanus White for 366 feet of boards 12/

To Jeren-dah Wate for 259 pine boards 11/3

To Ebenezer Baker for 405 feet of pine boards 14/6

To John Tibbits for 234 pine boards 8/5

To Humphrey Howland for shingles 12/

To John Howland for shingles 16/6

To job Milk for 250 shingles 6/

To Phillip Sisson for 480 shingles 11/6

To Abiel Macomber for 482 shingles 11/6

To Peter Macomber for 250 shingles 6/

To Jonathan Peckham for 519 shingles 11/6

To Daniel Pettis & Joshua 11/

To John Davis for 465 shingles 11/

To Edmund Mosher for 275 shingles 5/6

To John Mosher for 2.5 days work at 4/ per day 10/

To Levy Shen-nan for 2 days work 8/

To Thomas Hicks for 1.5 days work 6/

To Joseph Gifford for 1 days work 4/

To Abraham Cornell for 1 days work 4/

To Daniel Allen for I days work 4/

To Humphrey Allen for 1 days work 4/

To Thomas Tripp for 1/2 days work & writing deed 3/

To Esek Tabor for 75 ft. ties for window frames 4/

To John Tripp for making window frames 3/

To Benjamin Davis for making window frames 7/

To Abner Brownell for window sash 5/

To Nathan Davis for 3 window sash 15/

To Barnea Devol for 18 squares of glass @ 3p 4/6

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To William Davis Esq. for 4 thous shingle nails @ 2/6 & other nails 1/ total 11/ To Nathaniel Kirby for 3 hundred plank nails 9/

To Jonathan Kirby for 60 plank nails 1/6

To George Mosher for 100 plank nails 3/

To Joseph Allen for 100 plank nails 3/

To Daniel Tripp for shingle nails 4/

To Ehhu Kirby for 21 window nails 1/1

To Jonathan Tripp for 2.5 days work 10/

To Nathan Tripp for 2.5 days work 10/

To Stephen Crocker for 2.5 days work 10/

Total for materials and labor as brought against the Town of Westport for building the town house so far as it is finished to May 13, 1789 and accounts allowed is L30 /1 / 5

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To Stokes Potter for boarding Job Potter one of the town poor from May 16, 1788 to May 16,1789 and clothing L16.11.0

To John Earl for remittance of bad taxes L8:0:8 1/2

To Christopher Cornell as assessor for the year 1788 L1:12:0

To Thomas Tripp as assessor for the year 1788 and for providing for the poor in the year 1788 L5:0:7 1/2

To Jonathan Tripp as assessor for 1788 L1.19-1

To George Lawton for boarding Ann Morgen one of this town’s poor one week and one day 10/ and for half of bushel of com 2/, total 12/

To William Davis Esq for service as committee for settling with Dartmouth and New Bedford and for providing for the poor in 1788 1-3.7.4 1/2

To Wesson Kirby for service as one of the comn-dttee for settling with Dartmouth and New Bedford L1.18.

To Nathaniel Kirby for hanging for the Pond gate 2/6

To Benjamin Cory Constable for remittance of taxes in the year 1787 and 1788 of Jeremiah Manchester and Nathaniel Cornell L0:11-0

To Lovat Tripp for remittance of a tax he paid for his brother Pardon Tripp for the year 1786 of the sum of 12/

To Robert Brownell for boarding Ann Worgin L1:9:6

To Abner Devol for houseroorn and firewood for Elisabeth Devol L2.14/

To Stephen Peckham for 14 yards of cloth for blankets and peticotes for Elizabeth Devol L1:15

To Peace Devol Widow for a bed for Elisabeth L1:6:9

Total of the above accout: is L48:0:1/2 and the total of all accts allowed from July 2,1787 to May 18,1789 is L137.19.9.’

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4. VOTED that sixty five pounds be raised by way of tax for the support of-the poor and other necessary expenses for the year ensuing and that the same be paid into the treasury of January 1790.

5. VOTED that the collector settle with the Town Treasurer by the middle of August

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next by paying in the Town taxes for 1787 and 1788 and if not payed in by that time or before that the Treasurer be hereby directed and ordered to issue his executing against such defiant Constable and collector.

6. Nathaniel Kirby, Isaac Sowle, Abraham Cornell, John Tibbets, Benjamin Devol, John Gifford, blacksmith and Ebenezer Baker were chosen surveyors of highways for the year ensuing. (swearing in)

7. Christopher Gifford was chosen Gauger for the year ensuing [swearing in]

Last VOTED that this meeting be adjourned to the first Saturday of August to meet at the Town House at 2o’clock P.M.

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT Issued from the Selectmen of the Town of Westport dated May 6, 1789 requiring either of the Constables of said town to notify and warn inhabitants thereof qualified by law to vote in Town meetings to meet at the Town House on Wednesday May 10, 1789 inst. at 11 o’clock A.M. of said day then and there to act on the following particular.

1. If thought proper for said town at said meeting to answer the petition of Henry Howland and others agreeable to a citation and order of the General Court thereon.

2. To petition the General Court to impower said town to call on all other town inhabitants living within the bounds of said Westport to do duty in repairing of highways.

THE INHABITANTS of said town being legally notified and warned by Benjan-dn Cory one of the constables of said town Assembled on Wednesday May 13,1789 at 11 o’clock A.M. and proceeded agreeable to said warrant.

1. William Almy was chosen Moderator of said meeting.

2. Voted that there be a Remonstrance and Petition preferred to the General Court in answer to the petition of Henry Howland and others and that the Representative take charge of it.

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AGREEABLE TO THE CONSTITUTION of this Commonwealth the Inhabitants of the Town of Westport being Notified by the Select men of said Town to meet at the Town house on Wednesday, May 13, 1789 at one o’clock P.M. for the purpose of choosing a Representative.

The inhabitants of said town assembled on said time & place & after collecting, sorting and counting the votes it appeared that Mr. William Almy was chosen representative for the Town of Westport for the year ensuing.

AGREEABLE TO AN ADJOURNMENT of the meetings from the 6th of April and 13 May last past, that was adjourned to Saturday the first day August inst: to meet at the Town house at 2 o’clock P.M.

The inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled at said time and place, and proceeded in the remaining part of the business as directed in the warrant. (William Almy being a moderator of said meeting)

1. Voted that one Constable be chosen for the year ensuing.

2. John Gifford was chosen Constable for the Town of Westport for the year ensuing and to have nine pence upon the Town for what he collects and pays into the Treasury.

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AGREEABLE TO A WARRANT issued from the Selectmen of the Town of Westport requiring John Gifford Constable of said Town to Notify and Warn the Inhabitants thereof to meet at the Town house on Saturday, December 26, 1789 at 12 o’clock of said day.

Preamble — Whereas there is one Dinah White, Alias- Burrinton, Negro Woman Late the Property of George White Deceased of Dartmouth, Now Residing in the Town of Westport: Not in a capacity to Support herself, and the Heirs of the said George White, tho’ Requested Refuseth to Support the said Dinah.

Therefore for the Town at said Meeting to act and do what may be tho’t Proper Respecting the said Dinah.

2nd. To act and do what shall be tho’t Proper Respecting those Persons Taxes that signed themselves to Dartmouth after the Incorporating said Town of Westport.

The Inhabitants of said town being legally notified and warned by said John Gifford, Constable Assembled on Saturday Decr 26, 1789 at 12o’clock and proceeded agreeable to said warrant.

1. William Davis Esq: was chosen Moderator-

2. Voted, that at Present, it was the Judgment & Opinion of Said Town, that the Select men have nothing to do in providing for the support of said Dinah, at the Town’s Expense, but that they be directed to inform the heirs of said George White Deceased, that it is their Duty to take care and provide for the support of said Dinah.

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3. With reference to doing what shall be thot proper respecting those persons taxes, that signed themselves to Dartmouth, after the incorporating said Town of Westport, that Whereas Foster Swift Esq: one of Dartmouth’s Committee for the purpose of settling said matter of Taxes, had proposed to our Selectmen to leave the subject viz. which Town it properly belonged for those persons to pay their taxes to (which was voted in this Town before those persons signed off from Westport to Dartmouth) to be left with the judges of the Court of Common Pleas for them to determine agreeable to the Incorporating Act of said Westport.

On motion voted to agree with the aforesaid proposition of submitting the subject to the judgment and determination of said judges of the Court of Common Pleas and that it be a final settlement of the matter, proviso.’that Dartmouth passes a vote or agrees to the same.

And that William Davis Esq: be appointed by this Town to prefer the said proposition and vote of this Town on the subject to the said judges, at their next Court to be holden at Taunton and in behalf of the Town to pray their assistance in settling the affair.