Town Records for 1788

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THE INHABITANTS of said Town of Westport who are qualified by law to vote being legally notified and warned to meet on Monday, February 25, 1788 at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford, Innkeeper, at one of the clock P.M. by Wesson Tripp one of the Constables of this Town. Assembled on said day and place and proceeded agreeable to the direction of said Writ.

1. Wesson Sowle was chosen Moderator for said meeting for the purpose of the choice of a Grand juror.

2. William Almy was chosen Grand juror for the year ensuing.

3. Samuel Brownell was drawn out of the Jury Box for Petit Juror for the Court of Common Please to be holden at Taunton the second Tuesday of March next 1788s.

Agreeable to the Constitution of this Commonwealth requiring the Selectment of each Town in the several counties to call a meeting of the inhabitants thereof annually on the first Monday of April for ‘ the purpose of voting for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Counsellors and Senators.

The Selectmen of the Town of Westport did in March 1788 notify and warn the Freeholders and other inhabitants of said Town being twenty one years of age and upward having a freehold estate within this Commonwealth of the annual income of three pounds or any Estate of the Value of sixty pounds to meet at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford at the Bridge in said Town on Monday the 7th day of April 1788 at ten of the clock A.M. to vote for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and three Counsellors and Senators for the year ensuing agreeable to the Constitution of this Commonwealth.

IN COMPLIANCE with the aforesaid Notification and Warrant

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the Inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled on Monday the 7th of the April 1788 ten of the clock forenoon at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford, Innkeeper, and proceeded agreeable to the aforesaid Notification.

And the following gentlemen were voted for (viz)

His Excellency John Hancock, for Governour for the year ensuing had votes 75

Hon. Samuel Adams for Lieutenant Governour had votes 36

General Benjamin Lincoln for Lieutenant Governour had votes 30

Hon. Walter Spooner for Senator had votes 61

Hon. Thomas Durfee for Senator had votes 62

Hon. Elisha May for Senator had votes 61

Genl. David Cobb for Senators had votes 1

IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from the Selectmen of the Town of Westport requiring any or either of the Constables of said Town to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof to meet at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford, Innkeeper in said Town on Monday the 7th day of April 1788 at eleven of the clock A.M. then and there to act on the following particulars.

1. To choose all such Officers as Towns are required to choose at their annual meetings in the months of March or April.

2. To receive returns of highways that is laid out or altered by the Selectmen and

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conclude by vote whether they shall go on record or not.

3. To receive accounts that shall be brought against the Town to allow them or not.

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4. To conclude by vote what sum of money to raise by way of tax for the support of the poor and other necessary expenses of the said Town for the year ensuing.

5. To conclude in what method the poor shall be supported.

6. To act on a request of a number of the inhabitants of said Town to know the Town’s mind respecting regulating the fishery in the river and at the harbour in the said Town. And in petitioning the General Court to enable the Town to carry the regulations into execution or other way to act as they shall then be moved.

7. To act and do as they shall think proper respecting the Towns Landings and other of the Towns property.

8. To know the Town’s mind respecting the Town School and to act as they shall think proper upon it.

9. To know the Town’s mind respecting building a Townhouse and where to set it and further to act upon it as they shall think proper.

10. To conclude in what method to get the highways mended.

The inhabitants of said Town of Westport who are qualified by law to vote for the choice of Town Officers being legally notified and warned by Benjamin Cory one of the Constables of said Town … assembled on Monday, April 7, 1788 at 11 o’clock A.M. and proceeded agreeable to the Directions in said Warrant.

1. William Almy was chosen Moderator for said meeting.

2. Abner Brownell was chosen Town Clerk for the year ensuing. And was duly sworn to authorize him to officiate in said office by the Moderator there being no justices Pacis present.

3. Abner Brownell was chosen Town Treasurer for the year ensuing.

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4. William Davis Esq., Thomas Tripp and Wesson Tripp were chosen Selectmen for the year ensuing.

5. Christopher Cornell, Thomas Tripp and Abner Macomber were chosen Assessors for the year ensuing.

6. Jonathan Taber Jr., Israel Brightman, Jonathan Davis, William Gifford Jr., Jonathan Taber, Capt. Jeremiah Wait, Nathan Tripp, Stephen Crocker, Abiel Davis Jr., Job Gifford, job Almy, Peres Richmond, Peleg Cornell Jr., Lemuel Milk and Ebenezer Baker were chosen surveyors of Highways for the year ensuing.

7. Thomas Tripp, Stephen Cornell and Pardon Brownell were chosen Fence Viewers for the year ensuing. [swearing in noticed]

8. Stephen Davis, Carpenter, and Barjonah Devol were chosen Gen. Surveyors of Lumber for this year ensuing. [swearing in noticed]

9. Job Davis and William Kirby were chosen Field Drivers for the year ensuing.

10. Nathan Kirby was chosen Pound Keeper for the year ensuing.

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11. Benjamin Brownell Sr. was chosen Sealer of Weights and Measures for the year ensuing. [swearing in noticed]

12. Benjamin Cory was chosen Sealer of Leather for the year ensuing. Also Preserved Sherman was chosen Sealer of Leather for the year ensuing. [swearing in noticed]

13. Esek Taber and Lemuel Bailey were chosen Wardens for the year ensuing.

14. The article was taken up respecting the building of a Town House and a vote was called whether the Town would build a Town House or not and it passed in the affirmative. Nextly it was motioned to choose a Committee to look and enquire for the best accommodations for a place to set it and to make report thereof to the next Town Meeting. Also a vote was called how many the Committee would consist of and it was voted to have three upon the Committee. And William Almy, Wesson Kirby and Edward Borden were nominated to be of the Comn-dttee and they were chosen and were to make report of their doings to the next Town meeting.

15. The article was taken up requesting the regulating of the fishery and vote was called whether the Town would tolerate the inhabitants thereof to proceed in the method of seining fish, or not, & it passed in the affirmative.

Lastly the Meeting was adjourned to the Second Monday of May next following to meet at the same house at ten of the Clock A.M.

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AGREEABLE TO AN ADJOURNMENT of the meeting of the 7th of April last past that was adjourned to this day & house (viz.) to the 2nd Monday of May, 1788 at 10 o”clock A.M. at the house of Joseph Gifford.

The inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled and proceeded in the remaining part of the business as directed in that Warrant (William Almy being Moderator of said meeting).

I. A vote was called for County Treasurer and after collecting and counting it appeared that George Godfrey had votes … 36

2. Abraham Cornell and Ephraim Boomer were chosen Tithingmen for the year ensuing.

I Stephen Davis, carpenter, and Barjonas Devol were chosen Measurers of Wood for the year ensuing. [notice of swearing in]

4. William Almy and George Lawton were chosen Hog Reves for the ensuing year.

5. Benjamin Cory and John Gifford were chosen Constables and Collectors for the year ensuing or until others be chosen in their room & to have four per cent for what they collect and pay into the Treasury, Benjamin Cory in the first and second district and John Gifford in the third. [swearing in noticed]

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6. Voted that the returns or alterations of highways made by the Selectmen of this town dated October 25, 1787 and May 9, 1788 be recorded in this Town Book for the purposes.

7. Voted to allow those records brought against this Town viz, to Mr. Stokes Potter for keeping job Potter from the 2nd of July 1787 to May 16, 1788 forty five weeks and four days at 5/ per week twelve pounds ten shillings and 7. To Sasa Dick for keeping Hannah Simon a Black Woman, from July 2, 1787 to November 1, 1787 seventeen weeks and a half at 3 / per

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week and from November 1, 1787 to January 14, 1788 ten weeks and two day at 6/per week total five pounds fourteen shillings and six pence. To Abiel Macomber for keeping Ann Worgin when sick from January 28, 1788 four weeks 1 week at 12/ next at 9/ [illegible] total 1/8/0- To Edward Borden for some provisions for the use of Ann Worgin 6/. To William Almy for funeral cloths for Hannah Simon January 1788 (viz) to 1 sheet 1/6, one shirt 6/, one cape and one hankerchief 1/6, to cash paid Sam S. Farias Esq. for a Warrant and 1/ total 17s/. To Levy Sherman for a coffin for Hannah Simon 8/ the sum total of the above said accts as L21.4.1,

8. Voted that the Town Clerk certify upon the Accts allowed by the town when the allowance thereof is and record the same. And that the Town Treasurer be directed to issue to such possessors of Accts allowed as shall apply for the same a certificate or certificates in lieu of such accts which certificates shall be received in payment by the Town Treasurer for any Town Tax not all pay’d in at the time of the date of the certificate, equal to the same sum in Gold and Silver.

9. A further proceeding upon the Articles respecting the building of a Town House, and it was motioned that the Committee which was chosen for the purpose of enquiring for the best accommodations for a place to erect the Town House should be called upon to make a report The Committee being called upon reported that at Stephen Kirby’s northwest comer of the land adjoining the road was the best place.

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And the Town to receive of said Stephen Kirby four rods of land each way, that is, sixteen square rods upon the condition of his being exempted from paying his proportion of the expense of building said Town House.

10. Voted that the Town House be erected at the place above mentioned and on the said condition with Stephen Kirby.

11 – Motioned that a Committee be Chosen for the purpose of Building said house, & George Lawton, Wesson Kirby, & William Hicks were Chosen.

11 – Voted that this Committee be Impowered to Conduct as they think Proper in preparing Materials for said house and in the Method and Order of Erecting of it, having Regard to the Manner of doing of it. So that the inhabitants of said Town in things they reserve of them, may be as justly proportioned according to the circumstances of the Town and apprized by the said Committee in as near an equality as they can come at it. Also Voted that the Committee be Impowered if in case the aforesaid Quantity of Land should not be enough for the use of said Town for the purpose of a Town house Lot (in their opinion) that they purchase as much more as will be sufficient.

12. Voted that the sum of Sixty Pounds Be raised by way of Tax for the Support of the Poor & other Necessary Expenses of the said Town for the year Ensuing.

13. Voted that the Poor be Supported at the Discretion of the SelectMen for the year ensuing.

14. Voted that the Select Men be directed to Resurvey and open all the Town Landings which shall appear Necessary.

15. Voted that the Landing Resurveyed by the Select Men of this Town Dated May 10, 1788, and their Return of the same be allowed and Recorded in this Towns Book for that purpose.

16. The further proceeding upon the Article Respecting Regulating the fishery in this Town was taken up and Motioned that a Committee be Chosen to Consider and Report at

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this Meeting what is the Best Method for Limiting & Regulating the Seining of Fish in the River.

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17. Abraham Cornell, Pardon Brownell, Benjamin Davis, Wesson Kirby and Jeremiah Wait were chosen a Committee for the purpose of Limiting and Regulating the Seining of


And after they had attended to the Business they Reported as their opinion, that the Seining of Fish should be under these limitations, viz., that no Person or Persons whatsoever should draw a Sein at any time of the year in any place in the ]Rivers of Westport below the South end of the Island called Lakes Island striking a line of an East and West Course across the Town from & by the South end of said Lakes Island and that in the Months of October

and November there should be no Sein drawn anywhere in either of the Rivers in Said


18. A Vote was called whether the Town would accept of the Report of the said Committee or not. And it ruled unanimously in the affirmative.

19. It was voted that the Town Clerk be directed to prepare a petition respecting the

Limiting and Regulating the fishery in this Town setting forth the votes & proceedings of the Town upon the same and to report it to the General Court to be convened at Boston the last

Wednesday of this next May, to be sent and presented to the said Court, by our

Representative when chosen who is hereby instructed to Receive and Carry the same & use his influence when at the said Court that the said Petition should be answered.

20. Lastly, it was voted that this Meeting be Adjourned to the Last Monday of June next to meet at the same house two Oclock P.M


Inhabitants of the Town of Westport being Legally Notified by the Selectmen of said Town to meet at Joseph Giffords on the second monday of May, 1788, at 2 o’clock P.M., assembled on said day & proceeded agreeable to said Notification. And after Collecting and Counting the Votes for a Representative it appeared that William Davis, Esq. was chosen for the year


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AGREEABLE to an adjournment of this Meeting of the Second Monday of May last past that was adjourned to Monday, June 30, 1788 to meet at the Dwelling House said Joseph Gifford at 2 o’clock P.M. the inhabitants of said Town of Westport assembled on Monday,

June 10, 1788 and proceeding in the remaining part of the business of that meeting (William Almy being Moderator of said meeting).

1. Jonathan Tripp was chosen Selectman for the 3rd District in this Town (in the lieu of Wesson Tripp who declined serving.) [swearing in noticed)

2. Jonathan Tripp was chosen Assessor in the lieu of Abner Macomber who declined serving. [swearing in noticed]

3. Christopher Cornell and Benjamin Cory took the oath of allegiance.

4. Voted to allow the Assessors their Accounts for the year 1787 (viz) To Richard Kirby one pound fourteen shillings 1:14. To Matthew Boomer one pound twelve shillings 1:12.

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To Benjamin Brownell (Senior) one pound one shilling 1-1. Total L4:7.

5. Voted to allow Samuel Manchester nine shillings for making a gate for the Pound. To Lemuel Bailey four shillings for making a Jury Box 0:4:0.

6. Voted that the Select Men be directed to provide schools agreeable to the last law for the purpose.

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from the Select Men of the Town of Westport dated July 21, 1788 requiring any or either of the Constables of said Town to Notify and warn the inhabitants thereof qualified by law to vote in Town meetings to meet at the Dwelling House of William Gifford in said Town on Saturday, August 2,1788 at one o’clock P.M. then and there to act on the following particulars.

1. To take into consideration the expediency of reconsidering the former vote of said Town respecting the place for building a Town House and if thought proper by said Town to agree upon a more suitable place for the above said purpose; or otherwise for the Town to act and do what shall be thought proper respecting said building.

2. For said Town to act and do what shall be thought proper respecting a settlement with Dartmouth and New Bedford.

THE INHABITANTS of said Town who are qualified by law to vote being legally notified and warned by Benjamin Cory, Constable of said Town, Assembled on Saturday, August 2, 1788 at the Dwelling House of William Gifford at on o’clock P.M. and proceeded agreeable to the direction of said warrant.

1. Thomas Tripp was chosen Moderator for said meeting.

2. The matter respecting a place for building a Town House was taken up and a vote was called whether the Town would reconsider a former vote (which was for erecting said house at the northwest comer of Stephen Kirby’s land or not, and it passed- in the affirmative.

3. A vote was called whether said house should be erected at Stephen Kirby’s Southwest comer of this land or at the northwest com of William Gifford’s land and it passed to have it erected at William Gifford’s.

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4. Voted that the Committee first chosen for building said house, viz., Capt. William Hicks, Wesson Kirby and George Lawton be further impowered to proceed therein agreeable to the last vote for said house and according to the former instructions.

5. Voted that the Committee first chosen to settle with Dartmouth and New Bedford according to the Incorporation Act of this Town, viz., Stephen Peckham, Wesson Kirby, and William Davis Esq. be further empowered to proceed as they shall think best for the interest of this Town in accommodating a settlement.

6. Voted that John Gifford be excused from being Constable for the upper district in this town for the year 1788.

IN COMPLIANCE WITH A VENIRE FACIAS issued from the Clerk for the County of Bristol, viz., Samuel Fales, Clerk, the inhabitants of the Town of Westport being legally notified and warned by Benjamin Cory, Constable and assembled on Saturday, Aug. 2,1788

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and Nathan Tripp was drawn out of the Jury Box for Petit Juror for the court of Common Pleas to be holden at Taunton the second Tuesday of September Next 1788.

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from the Select Men of the Town of Westport dated August 19, 1788, requiring any or either of the Constables of said Town to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof qulified by law to vote in Town Meetings to meet at the house of Wesson Kirby in said Town on Saturday the sixth of September, 1788 at one o’clock P.M. then and there to act on the particulars hereafter mentioned.

1. If thought proper to reconsider a former vote of said Town for Building a Town house on the northwest comer of William Gifford’s land.

2. For said Town at said meeting further to act and do what shall be thought most proper respecting the building of said house.

THE INHABITANTS of said Town being legally notified and warned by Benjan-dn Cory, Constable assembled on Saturday one o’clock P.M. at said Wesson Kirby’s, September 6, 1788, and proceeded agreeable to said warrant,

1. William Almy was chosen Moderator of said meeting.

2. A vote was called whether the Town would reconsider the former vote passed for building a Town House at the northwest comer of William Gifford’s land or not, and it passed in the negative not to reconsider it. 53 voting for and 63 against reconsidering of it.

3. Voted that the Committee for Building said Town house, viz., Capt. William Hicks, Wesson Kirby and George Lawton, be further instructed to proceed in building said house so far as to enclose it Convenient and Sufficient for holding the next Annual Town Meeting in March or April, 1789, if possible.

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A WARRANT issued from the Select Men of the Town of Westport dated September 30, 1788 requiring the Constable of said Town to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified by law to vote in Town Meetings to meet at the dwelling house of Wesson Kirby on Monday, the 13th October, 1788 at one o’clock P.M. then and there to act on the particulars hereafter mentioned.

I. To reconsider the former vote of said Town for building a Town house on the northwest comer of William Gifford’s land and counted by the same vote to build it on the southeast comer of Ichabod Potter’s home fann.

2. To conclude by vote what shall be thought proper relative to those persons that have signed themselves over to Dartmouth.

THE INHABITANTS of said Town being legally notified and warned by Benjamin Cory, Constable, assembled on Monday, October 13, 1788 at one o’clock p.m. and proceeded agreeable to said warrant.

1. William Davis Esq. was chosen Moderator for said meeting.

2. Voted for the Town to purchase two rods each way of land of Ichabod Potter in the southeast comer of his home farm and give him six dollars for the same.

3. Voted to reconsider the former vote of said Town for building a Town house at the northeast comer of William Gifford’s and to building it at said southeast corner of Ichabod

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Potter’s land.

4. Voted that the Committee chosen for building said house be directed to build it at this place agreeable to the former instructions-

5. Voted that the Town Negative acting upon the second article of this Warrant at present.

6. Voted that Benjamin Cory be impowered to collect all taxes due in No: 3 district of this town for the year 1788.

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PURSUANT TO A RESOLVE OF THE GENERAL COURT of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of November 20, 1788, requiring the Selectmen of the Several Towns to call Town meetings in due course of Law on the 18th of Dec, 1788 for the purpose of Voting for Representatives to the Congress of the United States. Also for Candidates for Elector of President & Vice President of the United States.

AGREEABLE to the abovesaid the Select men of the Town of Westport notified and warned all the male persons therein being Twenty one years old & upward being qualified according to law to vote for State Representatives to meet at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford in said Town on Thursday, December 18, 1788 to give in their votes for a representative to the Congress of the United States for the District of the Counties of Bristol, Dukes and Nantucket; 2ndly to give in their votes for two persons as Candidates for Elector (for the District aforesaid) of President & Vice-President of the United States. 3rd: to choose a collector of taxes for the third district of said Town of Westport to collect the state tax No. 6 and the town tax for the year 1788.

THE INHABITANTS of said Town being thus notified and warned, assembled on Thursday, December 18, 1788 at the Dwelling House of Joseph Gifford and gave in their votes for a Representative to the Congress of the United States. After Collecting and Counting it appeared that George Leonard Esq of Norton had Votes 38; and secondly after collecting and counting the Votes for two persons as Candidates for Elector of President & Vice President it appeared that Hon. Walter Sponner had votes twenty nine and Hon. Elisha May had votes thirty one. 3. For the choice of Collector, Thomas Tripp was chosen Moderator. 4. Voted that John Gifford be rechosen Constable and Collector for the third District of this Town for state tax No: 6 & Town Tax 1788 and to have four percent for what he collect and pays into the treasury. [notice of swearing in].

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IN COMPLIANCE WITH A VENIRE FACIAS issued from the Clerk of the Session for the County of Bristol, viz., Saml. Fales, Clerk, requiring any or either of the Constables of the Town of Westport to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town to meet for the purpose of choosing one Man for Grand Juror for the year ensuing and also to draft one man for the Petit Juror for the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Taunton the second Tues of March, 1789.

THE INHABITANTS of said town of Westport being legally notified and warned to meet on Saturday, February 21, 1789 at the Dwelling House of Thomas Tripp in said Town by John