Town records of 1815

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TO GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CONSTABLE, GREETING: [warrant, issued March 16,1815, to meet on April 3, 1815 to select state officials]

AT A LEGAL MEETING [held April 3, 18151 votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, & counted, and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed…

For Governor: Caleb Strong, had 277 votes; Samuel Dexter, had 13

For Lt. Gov: William Phillips, had 277 votes; William Gray, had 13

For Senators: Samuel Crocker, had 277 votes; James Ellis, had 277 votes;

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Thomas Hazard, had 13 votes; William Wood, had 13 votes

TO GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CONSTABLE, GREETING: [warrant, issued March 16,1815, for annual town meeting to be holden April 3, 1815; typical articles]

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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport assembled at the Town House in said Town on Monday, the third day of April A.D. 1815 at ten oclock. in the forenooon for the purposes contained in the foregoing warrant, viz.

Abner Brownell chosen moderator of said meeting, had 16 votes

Abner B. Gifford chosen Town Clerk, had 59 votes

Abner B. Gifford, Barnea Hicks & Christopher Cornell chosen Selectmen

James Cornell, Isaac R. Gifford & Wanton Macomber chosen Assessors, 13 votes

John Mosher, Lemuel Milk, Nathaniel Kirby, blacksmith, chosen Committee on Accounts

Nathaniel Kirby chosen Pound Keeper

Samuel Crocker had 190 votes for County Treasurer

VOTED to raise eight hundred dollars by way of tax for the repairs of highways and town ways in the Town of Westport the year ensuing and that it shall be laid out and expended in the same way & manner as was voted the last year

VOTED that the same measures be taken, and to be under the same regulations for treading down and making the road passable, when blocked up with snow, this year as was last year.

Abner B. Gifford chosen Treasurer and to have 1 1/4 %

VOTED to adjourn this meeting to 14th day of May next at one oclock Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

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TO GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CONSTABLE, GREETING: [ warrant to meet to select town

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representatives to the General Court on May 15, 18151

AT A LEGAL MEETING [held May 15, 1815 according to foregoing warrant] votes for the following persons were given in, sorted, counted and record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution directed, viz.

Abner Brownell Esq. had 17 votes

Abner B. Gifford, Esq. had 17 votes

Sylvester Brownell, Esq. had 17 votes

Peleg Sisson, Esq. had 2 votes Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

AGREEABLE TO ADJOURNMENT sfrom last April the inhabitants of Westport qualified to vote in town affiars met at the Town House on this 15th day of May A.D. 1815 and proceeded to finish the unfinished business of the Annual Meeting

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George C. Brownell chosen Constable & Collector of Taxes for the ensuing year and to have 2 1/4 %

Jethro Howland, Abner B. Gifford, Stephen Howland and Micah Dean chosen Surveyors of Lumber

Pardon Gifford, Daniel Boomer, Warren Dwelley, Joshua Pettey, Wanton Macomber, Ephraim Macomber chosen Tythingmen

George Gifford, Jonathan Davis, Abraham Cornell, Bradford Richmond, Christopher Cornell, Benjamin Brownell, John Dyer, Edmond Tripp, Wilbur Gifford chosen Fence Viewers

Humphrey Macomber, Isaiah Kirby, Garner White, Benjamin Wordell, Maxon Mosher, Peleg Chace, Ebenezer Baker, Jr., Jonathan Peckham, Henry Howland, Jr., Thomas Wordell, James Cornell, Nathaniel Kirby, Moses Case, Jonathan Records, John Howland, David Sanford, Ezekiel Brownell, Nathaniel Kirby, George White, William Davis, Adam Gifford, Ephraim Thompson, Thomas Shean-nan, Isaac Brownell, Jonathan Brownell, Zacheus Gifford chosen Surveyors of Highways

Phillip Davis, Jireth Brownell, Jerathmael White, Wilbur Gifford, Edward Manchester, Benjamin Cory, George C. Brownell, Zebedee Davis, Russell Gifford, Jonathan Sowle, Nathaniel Tripp, Peleg Gifford chosen Field Drivers

Jethro Howland & Zoeth Howland chosen Cullers of Hoops & Staves

Daniel Brownell & Preserved Shearman chosen Sealers of Leather

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Jethro Howland and Zoeth Howland chosen Cullers of Fish

Zacheus Gifford, John Gifford, Sr., Phillip Davis, Jr., Wilbur Gifford, Thomas Allen, tailor, Gilbert Macomber, Thomas Richmond, David Devol, Phillip Davis, Benjamin Wordell, Wanton Macomber chosen Hog Reeves

Lemuel Milk, Humphrey Howland & George Lawton chosen Overseers of Landing at Head of River

Abner Gifford, Gideon Palmer, Daniel Gifford, Pardon Cornell, Samuel Wilcox, Perry Gifford chosen Overseers of Fishery

VOTED that the manner of providing for the poor the ensuing year be by venduing….

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VOTED to raise one thousand dollars … for support of the poor and schools and other incidental charges….

VOTED that one hundred and twenty dollars of the aforesaid sum be appropriated for the support of schools and in the same manner as was last year….

VOTED to allow Bradford Richmond one of the Selectmen last year one hundred and forty dollars and one cent being the ballance of his bill for providing for the militia stationed at Westport Harbor over and above what the state allowed him.

VOTED to allow Abner B. Gifford twenty three dollars and fifty eight cents, and Ephraim Macomber four dollars and fifty cents and Christopher Cornell three dollars and the Treasurer is directed to pay the several sums above specified and charge the same to the Town.

Recorded by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

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The Committee on Accounts [allowed bills against the Town] amounting to $897.88, and the Town accepted their report and directed the Treasurer to pay the bills. The Comn-dttee also report that agreeable to their appointment they made a settlement with the Town Treasurer, and found that he had received for the Town in the year past the sum of $1591.22 and has paid as by his account the sum of $1409.61, leaving a ballance in favour of the Town of $181.61, and that they made a settlement with him accordingly.

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TO GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CONSTABLE, GREETING, You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to summon and notify the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Town, qualified according to law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Town House in said Town on Wednesday the 6th day of September at two oclock in the afternoon to act on the following articles contained in said warrant, viz.:

1. To take into consideration a petition to the next Circuit Court of Common Pleas, signed by a number of the inhabitants of said Town, to make and lay out a highway from David Sisson in said Westport to [?] in said Town, and from Stephen Cornell’s in said Town to the south side of Elijah Gffford’s Farm where there is now a drift way, and to act upon all matters relative to said petitions, as will be most beneficial to the Town.

2. To know the Town’s mind in respect to remunerating themselves (if anyway presents) for a certain amount of money the Town has had to pay for Perry Tripp, Humphrey Allen & Sylvia Tripp and take any measures thereon as shall be thought necessary and expedient….

Abner B. Gifford, Barnea Hicks, Christopher Cornell, Selectmen.

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AT A LEGAL MEETING of the inhabitants of the Town of Westport qualified according to the Constitution to vote in Town affairs, and to act on the several articles in the preceeding warrant did assemble at the Town House in said Town on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1815 at two oclock in the afternoon…

Abner B. Gifford was chosen moderator of said meeting.

On the first article, it was then and there unanimously voted that Abner Brownell, Esq., Nathaniel Kirby, and Barnea Hicks, be a committee in behalf of the Town of Westport whose

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Constitution to vote in Town affairs, and to act on the several articles in the preceeding warrant did assemble at the Town House in said Town on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1815 at two oclock in the afternoon…

Abner B. Gifford was chosen moderator of said meeting.

On the first article, it was then and there unanimously voted that Abner Brownell, Esq., Nathaniel Kirby, and Bamea Hicks, be a committee in behalf of the Town of Westport whose duty it shall be to attend with the Committee who shall be appointed by the Court of Session (if any there shall be) and then and there to act for the benefit of said Town in regard to the opening of said way.

On the 2nd article, it was VOTED that the Selectmen be the agents in behalf of the Town to do, and take such measures as to prosecuting or otherways trying to obtain the several sums of money that this Town has had to pay for Perry Tripp, Humphrey Allen and Sylvia Tripp, as they in their judgment think necessary & expedient….

At the same time the Selectment ordered William White, Esq. to cause to be laid out in labour, on the Highway between Thomas Gidley’s and Stephen Gifford’s, the sum of Ten Dollars.

Also ordered that Thirty Dollars, in labour be laid out on the Bread & Cheese Road, so called, in said Town.

Recorded September 20 A.D. 1815, by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk

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TO GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CONSTABLE, GREETING. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the freeholders…

[warrant for meeting November 27, 1815] to act on the following article…

that whereas the Circuit Court of Common Pleas and Court of Session for the County of Bristol at last September term, granted an order of notice to said Town of Westport, to appear at said Court, at December term next, to show cause if any they have why the prayer of a petition of sundry persons for laying out an open highway where there is now a drift way on the east side of the east river in said Westport, should not be granted, and to take the sence of the Town on that subject, and to do and act upon all matters, respecting said petitions, as shall be most expedient, and beneficial to the Town….

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AT A LEGAL TOWN MEETING [held November 27,18151 to act on the preceding warrant.

VOTED that whereas a number of persons, having petitioned the Honourable justices of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas and Court of Sessions for the County of Bristol at September term last, for a committee to lay out an open highway on the east side of the east river in Westport, where there is now a drift way, and whereas the attorney for said petitioners, having given information, that said Court did order, that the Town of Westport should be notified to appear and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted, therefore, VOTED as the opinion and request of this Town, that the remonstrance which has been signed by the Selectmen and many other inhabitants of said Town against the prayer of said petition being granted, should be exhibited to said Court at their next session as the remonstrance of the Town.

VOTED that Abner Brownell, Esq be chosen agent for said Town to prefer said remonstrance to said Court & earnestly request said Court not to grant the prayer of said

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And whereas said road prayed for to be made an open highway will not lead directly from this Town to any other Town, nor from one public place to another and cannot accomodate but a small part of the inhabitants even of this Town, and cannot be called with propriety anything more than a particular or private way of the Town (if made an open way) therefore VOTED that said Court be requested to direct said petitioners to regularly apply to the Selectmen of this Town before any other proceeding be had thereon, it being inexpedience to trouble said Court (in their first instance) with said petition.

VOTED that the Town Clerk be directed to examine the records of an the drift ways in this Town and transmit to all the Surveyors of Highways in whose districts those drift ways are included, as soon as may be, a copy of the returns of said drift ways, so far as relates to the licence given to erect gates, or gates and bars, on said drift ways.

VOTED that said Surveyors of Drift Ways be directed, as soon as they receive those abstract of returns from the Town Clerk, to notify those occupyers of land through wl-dch said drift ways go, who have got, wall, fence or bars erected across the same, more than the licence given by said Town.

VOTED that those occupyers of land through which said drift ways go, who do not erect gates, etc. conformable to the licence given them, by the first day of May next, that said Surveyors be directed, to cause whatever is erected across said drift ways, contrary to the licences given, to be pulled down and carryed off from being across said drift ways….

At the opening of the foregoing meeting on the 27th of this instance, Abner Brownell, Esq. was chosen moderator of said meeting by written ballot and had six votes.

Recorded September 29, A.D. 1815 by me, Abner B. Gifford, Town Clerk